Pokemon: Animus

Chapter 70 - Twists and Turns


Alright now we're in some daytime television nonsense, "Hold on…"


Lacy pokes me, "What?"

Indeed Wattson Sr. has his brow raised and Ursula looks ready to snap.

"I wanna guess," My fiance just sighs while I push ahead, "She said daughter, that I saved, so has to be May's team. Milly is out obviously, which just leaves Patricia or Juanita. Pats' father seemed like a tool so that just leaves the orphan… Did you ditch your kid? What about the father?"

Ursula visibly flinches, "Master Juan,"

"Seriously? Dude's name was Juan, and the girl is named Juanita?"

Naomi actually punches my shoulder, "Shut it Kurt!" Facing her mother, "Gym Leader Juan was at least twenty years older than you mother! Also, Juanita is a year younger than me!"

The woman scowls, "Well it's not like your father ever left his lab to notice I was pregnant again. Yes, I was charmed by an older gentleman of great renown in my profession…"

Lacy cuts back to my point, "Gym Leader Juan died just over eleven years ago, that would have been right around when you were due. You actually just ditched the kid!"

"How did he die?" Seems relevant right?

"Well, I suppose I'll not balance ȧduŀtery against his sacrifice. But that still doesn't explain why you left the girl, I understand Juan's eldest daughter is the current Sootopolis Gymleader. Does she know?"

The old man nods, "She found out when she was promoted, keeping up the image of our bravest heroes is considered League business. We couldn't have her making a scene. So she put forward her new found sister into the Lab Sponsorship Program."

Lacy nods but keeps her glare on Ursula, "So someone is at least taking steps for the child."

"Was Juan aware of the child before his death?"

"No," Mrs Wattson finally replies, "I was afraid he'd stop mentoring me when he found out. I was going to claim it was just another Wattson girl."

Ah, "But she has ink black hair. I ȧssume you at least picked a nice orphanage?"

Senior grunts, "For the daughter of a hero? Of course, the best Mauville has," the old timer actually has a soft smile, "I visit the Wingul's Roost once a month. Little Nita always gives me little clay pokemon sculptures, she's quite talented."

I don't think Ursula's head could get any lower.

Naomi growls, "Did father know?"

Realisation dawns in Naomi's eyes, "The Mega Manectric sculpture on father's desk!"

As her grandfather nods, the young woman lashes out, "Why am I feeling jealous of a girl who grew up alone?"

Lacy reaches over and grabs Naomi's hand, "Because they just cared the girl was happy," then again, glares at Ursula, "To ease their guilt. While they pile expectations on you knowing their farce of a marriage wouldn't see any more children."

Naomi stands up and storms out the back to the yard.

Ursula watches her go with almost glazed over eyes, completely lost over what to do.

My girl, however, knows exactly what to do. Standing up, she steps forward and slaps Ursula across the face, "Get out of my house."

While Naomi's mother nearly falls from her seat and sits there in shock, I notice Wattson Senior merely raised a brow and smirked in my direction, "Solid gal you got there Kurt."

As Ursula scrambles out the front door I can only frown at the display of complete spinelessness.

Lacy walks back out to the yard to check on Naomi.

He sits back and closes his eyes, "If I recall your file, the power pokemon of your team on record are what some folks would call… intimidating. Ghosts, a behemoth bat, dangerous water types, an oddball spider, and you picked up some crows in Alola."

I can't help but chuckle, "I bet the tropical birds threw off your analysts. Those are for Naomi."

That gets me a laugh, "Sure did. Well, you need the land rights and league approval. We can work something out with Devon who has the first claim on anything around Rustboro."

"I'm fairly sure I'll be fine with the League, I got Ketchum as a reference."

"Good lad Ash," he shakes his head, "But that boy isn't enough to let you open what amounts to a ranch for dangerous pokemon. I've been informed you'll see no objections from the pokemon side. What you really need is a Gym Leadership Permit."

I'm going to let that middle insinuation slide for the more pertinent issue, "Only gyms outside of towns are World's Gyms."

He nods, "Which means you need a top spot in the Ultra Class of the Coronation Series before you can even be considered."

"That's in 3 years, I joked with my team but I really don't have a clue how to get enough points to enter."

From behind his back the old man magic tricks a tablet pc into existence, catching my raised brow, "Ha, Silph Co. and our R&D are collaborating on expanding pokeball tech to spatial folding bags. Anyway, when was the last time you checked your trainer profile?"

Right beside a rather decent profile pic of me in my aviator jacket, under the section labeled Worlds Points: 17.

My mouth feels dry, "Can I see that?"

He laughs and passes it over.

I tap the section and it expands to break down my points: Record breaking Zubat, Lab experiment participation with my Sandshrew, Historical discovery of Blade Beard's hideout, rescue of ship under pirate attack, participation in the opening Mauville Mosh, Rescue of children on board flight to Alola, Dangerous pokemon suppression on Melemele Island. Last, +10 for capture of international top ten most wanted criminal, Alain of Team Ultra.

"Seems to me you're already almost halfway there." Wattson Senior chortles, "It's been, what, two months since you washed up here?"

Huh, "Well shit."

Standing up the old man takes back his tablet, "Train hard Kurt, I'd be more shocked if you didn't find enough points in time for the big show."

His big mitts engulf my hand, "Take care of my Naomi. I know she's got some issues to work through, I'm not blind to the fact she's only 13. I've seen that fire in her eyes Kurt, she can handle the pressure and come out a diamond. She's going to absolutely dazzle the world one day."

After showing the old man out and spotting Ursula with her head buried in her hands in their car, I take a seat back in the living room to settle my thoughts.

I want a place that's my own. If I'm going to live in a world based on a video game, I want to be a boss level character. That's what it comes down to right? A secluded lair on the coast, dangerous pokemon roaming the property, challengers to come face me. That just screams badass to me.

Lacy walks back in with the kids, "Kurt, we need to get going."

And a boss can definitely take care of his family, "Yup, let me just get my shit together."

In more ways than one.


It's a short drive to the school, I consider talking about the whole world's thing again but one look at the gloomy faces in the car and I reconsider.

"Alright Watts, blunt as pokeball, what ya thinking?"

I see Citro sink in his seat. Why is he nervous?

Naomi blows out a breath of air, "Screw that stupid sŀut! She cheats on Father to get a career bump, and then just hides from her problems for over a decade?! What a gold digging, coward!"

Her eyes light up, "I bet that's why father usually sleeps at the lab! Oh! He's had that same ȧssistant woman for like seven years too!"

Suddenly she's digging her phone out of her bag.

"Um, Naomi," I pull over real quick, "Who are you calling?"

The girl twists in her seat to look away from us and out the window.

I can actually hear the voice on the phone pick up, "Miss Wattson! Do you need your Father for anything?"

"Are you sleeping with my father?"

Dead silence.

Naomi smirks, "Hollie, Grandfather just told me about Nita."

"Yes, um well, yes… Naomi,"

"It's fine," Watts cuts off the woman, "You've always been supportive of my father… I'm sorry I thought less of you for hanging at his side for so many years. I didn't know…"

It's soft, but I can hear what I'm pretty sure is crying on the other side of the line.

Watts looks close to tearing up herself, "I'm sorry I was a biiiiit, no," she sighs, "I've been very cruel to you at times… just to be sure, it's just You he's spending all his time with right? Not half the office gals or,"

"Naomi!" Lacy reaches back and flicks her in the ear.

Jane swats Lacy's arm away with a "Shh!"

This Hollie gal answers, "I'm sure it's just me, if we're going to be honest," she sniffles, "He's been staying at the apartment he bought me a few years ago… Um, Naomi, he's divorcing Ursula,"

The princess gives a fake laugh, "Perfect!"

I really don't think the car is the place for this.

Hollie isn't finished dropping bombs, "It's because I'm pregnant. I, I found out last month. I don't know when Joe was going to tell you but, if you and me are talking then, I want you to know I'm due just before the finals. We'll know the gender by the end of the month, maybe that's when he was going to tell you."

Naomi is frozen stiff.

"Um, Naomi," her father's mistress calls, "are you okay?"

She slumps in her seat, Lacy holds her hand, "No, I'm not okay… But I'm really happy too, is that weird? For the first time in years everything makes sense, and I'm not actually alone." her hand grips Lacy's tighter, "I have a younger sister, and another sibling on the way… and people actually give a shit about me outside of Mauville."

Jane grabs hold of Naomi in a bear hug, poor Citro is getting squished.

We can hear Hollie sniffle, "I'll be rooting for you, ya know. Your father and I watch your matches on TV. We haven't missed one yet."

Shit, now I'm gonna tear up.

"Thanks Hollie," Watts laughs, "So I get to help plan two weddings this year?"

It sounds like Miss Secretary just dropped her phone.

Naomi hangs up and looks at the watery eyed Jane before flicking her in the nose.

Alright, "You still wanna do this gym thing today Watts?"

"Hmf," she wipes her eyes a bit and then glares at me through the rear view mirror, her narrowed green eyes showing hints of red, "Who do you think I am? Let's get moving, we're going to be late."

Before pulling back out onto the road, I text back a the local gym leader who seemed quite excited about my proposal.

'On our way, be ther in a minute.'

'Great! My Onix and Golem are super excited to play with the kids!'


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