Pokemon: Animus

Chapter 71 - Rustboro Academy


Big thanks for the review! So I woke up early and busted a chap out. Here is an image thread for the chap.


Sitting at the intersection just before the school, I find myself missing the radio and catch myself muttering, "Load up on guns, and bring your friends, it's fun to lose and to pretend."

"What are you singing," Naomi pokes the back of my seat with her foot.

Remembering this punk trying to mosh dive back in Dewford, I chuckle, "You guys have no idea what music to bang your head to sounds like."

I catch her rolling her eyes in the rear view before driving ahead.

"You know," she smirks, "I bet a strong psychic could pull some of those tunes out."

"Kid," I pull into the parking lot, "Nothing your family has to offer will change my job title to lab rat."

Rustboro Trainer Academy is absolutely comparable to an old British University in size and style. The same red brick that the whole town is built of forms the old world feeling dormitories for the 75 would be trainers. From ages 10 to 13 the top 25 kids of the region every year get a chance to enroll. They get the best resources, even a starter pokemon. Lacy got her Archen here.

While I'm shutting off the jeep, Jane spots our welcome party chatting near the gate, "Um, they're not here for us right?"

Gym Leader Roxane is laughing in conversation with the newly minted Elite Four member Brendon, Steven Stone, and Lucy the Pike Queen.

Looks like everyone was able to make it, "I sent out some texts to amp up our talks a bit."

I can't help but scoff, "We're not taking a test…"

Looking back at the mixed emotions of the kids, Citro is actually turning even more green with nervousness.

"Look," I turn in the seat a bit to look them in the face, "Today isn't about you three... Well, now it isn't. This event is for the student's benefit, that's why you can just pay to skip it, either way the school benefits."

Rustboro gym is actually one of the three mandatory gyms for the regional invitational circuit. International level trainers are expected to donate an egg for the third year students to hatch as their starters. Any extra go to the lab for next season's sponsored trainers, then back to the school for battle classes.

"Now, hurry up Citro, you're keeping Mr. Stone waiting."

The green haired lad practically trips over himself stumbling out of the car to go meet the original world champ.

As the rest of us hop out, Naomi fixes her appearance in the window reflection quickly, "I take it I'm working with Mr. Brendon?"

"Yup, I'm sure he'll be a great help in talking about managing your money as a competitive pokemon trainer."

Watts manages a smile, I know she was actually very excited for today.

Brendon shakes my hand, "Nice to meet my old man's favorite new helper, and thanks for not letting my wife crash into the ocean. I know she doesn't make a big deal of things but we're both super thankful."

Lacy smirks, "I heard she's finally convinced you to seriously consider starting a family."

While Brendon gets embarrassed, the man with silver hair that doesn't look a day over 40 grins, "I'm actually thrilled to be included, this is a much better use of my time than wrangling Devon corp board directors." Steven looks over to Jane and Lucy, "Miss Pike, I saw the events in Alola, I think it's fine if we give the young lady her inheritance today, what do you think?"

This is a surprise.

"That was my plan too," Lucy sighs and walks over to a car in the parking lot. I spot my helper walking up from the street, Cindy from the pokemon center.

While she greets the doc Cutter I nudge Citro forward, "I'm leaving this lad in your hands today Steven."

He nods, "Of course, I'm quite pleased to help speak on this topic, we lose far too many youths each year."

Roxane finally cuts in, "Exactly! That's why I told the students to ȧssemble in the field for Kurt's topic first. Plus they'll burn away all their extra energy."

Brendon puts his phone away from exchanging numbers with Naomi, "So let's not keep them waiting!"

As our little group moves through the quad I let out Rusty to see Steven who picks up the heavy little guy, "He's growing quite well isn't he! The coloration alone has had Birch's lab busy for weeks."

The little bug eater licks one of the most powerful men in the world on the face.

Steven just chuckles, "Alright little guy, I can't stand in front of a bunch of students covered in spit." After setting Rusty down and wiping his face with a handkerchief, "Kurt I heard you'll be negotiating with the company for land rights south of town?"

"Right, Wattson Senior moves fast doesn't he? Well, I'm apparently on track to open a gym and a pokemon preserve."

This being news to the rest of the group, Jane seems excited, "No way! Really?"

"That's right Number 2, you're going to help me run the place."

Lucy nudges her niece, "So you better be ready for Ranger Training after this season."

Nervously she dodgers the topic, "Why am I Number 2?"

My fiance takes my arm and winks at the girl, "Because position Number 1 is taken."

Roxane skips ahead, really this gal could claim to be younger than Jane and not many would question it.

While she rounds up the school I glance at Steven's hair, it legit looks like silver needles.

The retired champ smirks at catching my eyeline, he turns to Lacy, "In your medical school, did they cover the long term effects of monotype specialization?"

Lacy seems confused but The Pike speaks up, "That was deemed classified once it fell out of practice among most gyms."

His gaze studies Lucy's lanky figure, "And yet, we realise more every year about how our pokemon affect us." He looks back to me, "Kurt, are you sure you've never trained a team before. I read the report on what happened in the Alola Tower, and I can sense the energy around you."

My fiance grips my arm tighter, maybe some part of her still fears I'll remember everything and leave her.

"Beats me Steve, but I'm certain I've never trained pokemon before this year."

Jane buŧŧs in, "So you mentioned something from mom?"

He smiles and takes out a card, "This is an access ID for an account with the Bank of Mauville. You'll find some Poke in there, but mostly you'll find your mother's pokemon training supplies. I added some to the stock… She was a wonderful apprentice and a good friend."

"Holy shit."

Jane, however, just looks at her aunt, "What is this?"

Tears escape the woman's eyes as she quickly wipes them.

Mr. Stone keeps his steely tone, "Raw Steelixite, from your mother's Mega Steelix."

Her hands on the stone freeze in place, "Aunty said you had to put it down."

"He was rampaging for a week and heading towards Mt Pyre… I want you to understand, I was there when your mother hatched him from an egg."

Citro nudges me, "Um, Kurt, Miss Roxane seems to be waiting on us."

Right, "Alright, Jane, dry those eyes, Lucy, take her out tonight maybe ask Steven to join you."

Steven smirks, "Ah, now I haven't been on a date in nearly a decade."

Jane slowly closes the Steelixite case and brings out her Onix.

Marble catches the sunlight in a dazzling golden glitter.

Steven brings out a ball and releases a Lairon, the middle stage of the Aggron line.

Lucy brings out an Arbok while Brendan joins the fun with a Doduo. I give it a quick check with my dex app to see that its actually classified as ground/flying.

My gall points at a chair set in the middle of the field, "Well, stop stalling handsome, this was your idea."

The 75 students are seated on their buŧŧs on the dirt field, they watch as I step in front of them next to Roxane.

"Hello kids, My name is Kurt." I can see plenty of them seem more concerned about rocks under their gym class uniforms than whatever I have to say.

Motioning for my ȧssistants, "I'm actually going to leave most of the early talking to my lovely ȧssistants, Doctor Cutter and Nurse Cindy, whom I'm sure most of you have met."

The kids all seem to recognise the faces from the local pokemon center.

Lacy brings the chair over, "alright, ditch the shirt."

I swear I see an evil smirk on her face before I turn the chair so my back is facing the students and proceed to remove my shirt and sit down. Yes I can hear noises from the kids, but that is probably less about me being shirtless and more to do with the 32 staples lining my left shoulder blade and ribs that get to come out today.

Cindy brings out a tray with pliers and a dish, along with medical wipes.

Doctor Cutter takes out the first staple and you can hear it drop in the dish over the dead silence of the students.

Cindy turns to the kids, "Does anyone know which pokemon in the Hoenn region kills the most trainers every year?"

I can't see the kids but I don't hear an answer.

The nurse goes on, "Exactly, we don't know, trainers just go missing most of the time. Kurt here," I'm guessing shes pointing at my back, "Got in a scrap with a Skarmory, which roost in the Valley of Steel here in Hoenn. Thousands migrate here from other regions each year, that's why the area is restricted in the spring. What other Pokemon have you had close calls with Kurt?"

Remembering the list, "Nincada swarms, Zubats, an angry Trevenant, a feisty Tentacool, Sharpedo and Carvanha, Dhelmise, Aron swarm, that Onix over there, Dusknoir…" If I told the league they'd probably give me another Worlds point for that one, "Mega Charizard, then a very pissed Decidueye, the Emboar was actually reasonable, the Skarmory, lastly a rather insistent Mega Alakazam. I think I got most of it."

Kids are still quiet, Cindy wipes some of the blood running down my back as Lacy continues to pull staples, "And what would you say you did in most of those encounters?"

I chuckle but wince as I make Lacy twist a staple. She swats the back of my head.

"Going back through the list: Hide, Run, Run Faster, Um, I might have used my knife to scare off the Tentacool, next I swam really fast, ran some more, dodged rocks, used my charming personality on the ghost, can't exactly outrun those. Punched the Charizard, that was really close, don't recommend, it just made him even more angry. I actually impaled the Decidueye with a wooden lance while riding my Golbat but no one believes me,"

Lacy swats my head again.

"Anyway, the Emboar respected that I held my ground and was willing to listen so that was a nice change of pace. I grabbed the Skarmory by the neck, again, I don't recommend that. Last, was Alakazam, you need an iron will."

I can hear the good doctor sigh in annoyance at that last bit of nonsense.

Cindy wipes away more blood, "So there you have it kids, Pokemon can be cute, they can be reasonable even, but they can just as often be aggressive or outright violent. Kurt, you're clearly in good shape, what do you think would happen if you were not?"

Lacy pats my back and whispers, "You're all done, nice scar hot stuff."

I stand back up and face the class, "I'd be dead. Even if the Trevenant hadn't killed me, which is unlikely for a Ghost type, I'd have been left bleeding out in the woods."

Sweeping my gaze across all 75 kids, I definitely have their attention, although some of the girls are just staring at my ċhėst which makes me wish I put my shirt on before turning around.

"So," I can't help but give a toothy grin, "Who's ready to run?!"

The Pokemon off to the side of the field roar loudly on cue and charge towards the kids still sitting on the dirt.


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