Pokemon: Animus

Chapter 76 - Emphasis on Challenge


Jane joins us in the stadium seating looking both excited over the new badge and too embarrassed over Onix's behavior to make eye contact with anyone.

I flick her head to make her look up, "Good job kid. What did the gym leader have to say afterwards?"

"She congratulated me on how strong my pokemon have become," Sighing, "She also cautioned me against continuing to use only those two in gym battles. And that I should work on having my pokemon work together instead of as individuals."

Lacy smirks, "Did Marble get the Regi to move?"

While Jane turns red in the face again, the announcer lad calls out, "Please welcome to the field, Naomi from Mauville!"

Naomi enters the field with a practiced smile and wave.

Roxanne smirks and releases two pokemon.

An Aerodactyl and a floating black geode, a Shiny Carbink, appear in the air.

Naomi's smile falters while Roxanne lectures, "This is a gym 'Challenge.' Never expect things to go according to your plan or that we Gym Leaders are not informed of our opponents previous battles."

Exactly, the Pokedex app, while vitally important, absolutely tracks every pokemon related event we are involved in. The league receives all of that information, and therefore the gym leaders have everything they need to know to crush us if they wanted.

Thankfully, unless you're a total shit, this is just a test, not a beating.

Despite the complete curveball, Watts elects to stick to her plan. Florges and Whimsicott appear.

"Battle Start!"

Naomi quickly shouts, "Set the field!"

Roxanne's smirk falls to a sigh, "Aerodactyl, use Ancient Power and Tailwind. Carbink, Earth Power, Stealth Rock, and Light Screen."

Mist rises from the pools of the cave and swirls with motes of green glowing little cotton tufts like dandelion seeds. At the same time, from the geodes scattered up the cave walls, thousands of gleaming shards descend to the field, casting prismatic light in a dazzling display.

Naomi hesitates on what to do next as Carbink and Aerodactyl practically disappear amongst the dancing prisms floating in the mist.

Roxanne isn't going to wait for Naomi to figure this out, "Aerodactyl, Defog via Flamethrower."

A bullet of air smashes through the obscured air, the way cleared by a swirling gout of purple flames being spit by the flying dinosaur. Whimsicott is revealed only to dive away from the flames receiving only minor burns to his cotton afro.

The gym leader doesn't relent, "Fire Fang."

Naomi shouts, "Flower Shield!"

A burst of blue flower petals bȧrėly disrupts the angry Aerodactyl's burning maw from chomping down on Whimsicott. But Noami's pokemon are both revealed from the continuing gust of wind surrounding Aerodactyl.

"Carbink, Dazzling Gleam the Florges."

A laser show of prismatic light bounces from one floating crystal to the next and focuses on Naomi's flower fairy from dozens of angles.

Panic creeps into Watt's commands, "Flower Shield again and Petal Blizzard! Argo use growth on your Leech seeds!"

Not every laser gets blocked and none of the roots sprouting from the seeds floating in the windy terrain reach the Aerodactyl. Carbink is still completely hidden amongst the crystal cloud.

Roxanne's cold voice isn't helping Naomi's nerves, "Flamethrower again."

Another gout of purple fire pours over both Florges and Whimsicott. None of Naomi's status or wide area moves are reaching the only visible opponent. Almost all of the spores, seeds, and petals have been blown away by the wind, the crystal shards unaffected.

Neither of Watt's pokemon have a direct attack capable of piercing that wind. Rather than letting her pokemon suffer a barrage of prismatic lasers and flyby flamethrowers, Naomi does what I feel is the right thing.

Raising her hand in the air, "I concede."

The crowd cheers for Naomi in respect as Aerodactyl returns to Roxanne's side for head pats. The prism field scatters into glittering dust revealing the Carbink never moved from right in front of the gym leader.

Jane looks ready to complain but I get it, "Naomi has used essentially the same tactic in every important battle. Roxanne deployed a counter, our girl had no response. Just like your battle, Roxanne presented a challenge to your normal plan of attack, you overcame it with the sheer amount of training you've put into those two. Hence her warning for your next battle."

Roxanne's voice fills the stands, "Another cheer for the challenger for making the right call for her pokemon!"

Well that's a backhanded compliment, and Naomi's bitter expression tells me she agrees.

Citro looks frozen in his seat staring at a notification on his phone.

Smacking his back, "Get in there kid. Do your best, we'll all be tested today. Spine straight, chin up, your pokemon will feel it if you're scared."

He glances at me, "Sure, cause it's just that easy."

"Of course it isn't," Should I be hard on him or not?

Gripping his shoulder I do my best to get what I'm saying past his nerves, "Look, you've got seven more gyms after this one bud. Are you going to quit before you even tried one?"

He actually looks offended, "No!"

Jane laughs, "Then why are you still sitting here?!"

The green haired brat scowls at Jane for laughing but then register's what she said, "Shit!" He scrambles out of his seat and jogs down to the field, avoiding eye contact with the passing Naomi.

When Watts arrives, Jane grumbles, "Did she tell you to find new strategies too?"

"I think that message was loud and clear." Naomi scoffs before sighing, "No, she commended my decision to withdraw and told me to come back for another challenge later in the season. She also had a thing or two to say about rushing stone evolutions."

Now that she's up here, "So what was with the fire moves from that Aerodactyl anyway? The lab said the Charizard stuff failed horribly."

Pulling out her tablet, Naomi shows me an article from several months back, 'Kanto Fossil Lab almost succeeds where Hoenn fails. Azure Charizard proves volatile yet functional for Aerodactyl gene reconstruction.' Further down, 'Select League Gym Leaders receive second generation eggs.' Last, 'Officials rule a repeat revival process prohibited, the first generation has all passed away from various complications.'

The blonde slumps into her seat, "I knew she had it, I just expected it to be used against your Phantump."

I see, "So it's a ridiculously rare specimen, that hardly seems fair."

"No," Naomi leans back in her seat, "It's perfectly normal for Gym leaders to throw unexpected twists. Besides, I'm sure it costs a small fortune in medical costs to keep it healthy. Definitely not a pokemon a traveling trainer could care for."

"Now let's hear it for Citro all the way from Melemele!"

His back isn't quite straight, but Citro is standing out there, acting relaxed at least. Waving to the crowd with a soft smile. I'll pretend I don't notice his other hand shaking. "Go Citro!"

Jane quirks a brow at my cheer only to get elbowed by Lacy, "Be supportive, he's alone in a new region, we're his only support."

Roxanne pulls out two more pokemon, the small knock off baby triceratops, Shieldon, and a strange statue, Nosepass, take the field.

Citro frowns, I don't think he's very familiar with these pokemon. Still, he sends out his green ape, Thwackey and Whiscash the catfish.

Whiscash bounces into the closest pool, bȧrėly deep enough to submerge half of the big fish's body. Thwackey seems distracted by all the pretty crystals.

"Battle Start!"

Roxanne calls out, "Shieldon Iron Defence, Wide Guard, and then Metal sound. Nosepass use Sandstorm, Power Gem, and Discharge."

Naomi practically growls as the gym leader uses a similar strategy to the very one she just lost with. But then she smirks, "Nosepass is well known here, Roxanne has it use electric attacks in the sand storm. Fortunately Whiscash's ground typing will negate that, the pools aren't deep enough to cancel it's grounding."

Sure enough, Citro finally gains some confidence despite the glittering crystalline powder filling the field, "Whisca, use Mud Slap all over the field and never let up, get rid of the Sand Storm. Boomer, follow right behind and knock out that Shieldon!"

Sparks flash through the dust creating small concussive bursts of crystal shards and electricity but it all gets blocked by the bouncing catfish as she flops forward across the field, one pool to the next. The whole way, Thwakey holds onto the fish tail, laughing like a maniac. Each leap sends a big splash of mud and water into the air that lessens the sand.

Soon enough hardly any sand obscures the Shieldon defending the Nosepass while scraping the metallic crest on its head against the ground to create a grinding noise.

Roxanne nods, "Well done, Shieldon use Flash Cannon!"

Citro smirks, "Waaay too late, Hammer Arm!"

While prismatic light from all the crystal dust starts to be absorbed into Shieldon's head crest, Thwakey isn't waiting. He uses the catfish as a trampoline and superman punches Sheldon in the face so hard the little dinosaur gets sent flying onto its back.

The ape pounces to the top of Nosepass to begin beating the crap out of it with a stick while Whiscash starts spraying it in the face with water, I think most of it goes right up it's giant nose.

Roxanne returns both of her pokemon with a soft giggle, "Well done, great teamwork!"

"Trainer Citro from Melemele Wins!"

Naomi claps while still bitterly sighing, "At least that woman lost in the same way I did. I feel bad doubting how strong that fish is."

Jane is laughing, "Did you see that punch! It was a One Hit KO!"

"His fish definitely made the difference, ah," my phone buzzed, "Looks like I'm up."

Lacy gives me a peck on the cheek for luck while the other two girls roll their eyes.

I pass Citro on my way down, "Awesome battle bud!"

He chuckles while shaking out his hands, "It felt awesome, I'm glad my Pokémon trusted my call."

Geez, this kid.

Ruffling his hair, "Like I said, you did great. Make sure to reward them later."

"Roxanne said the same thing," his hazel eyes meet mine, "Good luck Kurt."

Heh, "I just hope more kids don't call me a creep after today."

Reaching the field I find Roxanne still looking over a case of pokeballs held by a gym trainer.

From the stands, "Finally let's welcome Kurt, from our own Rustboro! Don't be stingy with the applause folks, our lovely Doc Cutter might decide we need more shots!"

She glances my way, "Contrary to the girls, I highly doubt you'll use your starter today. Which means while your little ghost is an easy bet, I've no clue what your second pokemon will be."

Please, I don't buy that at all, "I'm sure you have a decent guess."

Something shines in her eyes, "You traded the Clauncher, the Joltik is out, same for your Skrelp, most would guess the big Golbat. Type advantage would have you using the Tirtouga. No, you like being clever, I think you'll show us something new today. Something from Alola."

She knows I'm picking my Sandygast.

Her hand stops over an olive green ball. With a flash, two large reptiles appear. First is the waist tall Tyrunt with scales like tree bark. Second is a greyish, rock turkey… Tyranitar Jr, um, Larvitar!

I glance up to the stands and see Naomi in a panic raising her hands in a big cross. Common girl, don't be a hypocrite.

Chuckling I pull out my pokeballs, Blue and Kona take the field. Both start gazing about the field in awe before spotting the opponent lizards.

"Brilliant deduction dear Roxanne," I give my best smile, "However nothing will help you now."

The announcer whistles, "Big talk from our challenger! Battle Start!"

Before Roxanne can take initiative I yell out like a general, "Change of plans boys! For Gondor!"


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