Pokemon: Animus

Chapter 77 - Showstopper


-Dirt and sand erupt from every pool, shards of crystal scatter creating a blinding, prismatic display of pure elemental power. Roxanne has still yet to give a command, when the dust settles, a castle has been raised on my side of the field.

Eight feet of dark sand, shimmering with crystal fractals, round walls, towers, a single stone cliff jutting from the center, and a bonsai style tree growing from the top.

Roxanne quirks a brow, "I'll readily admit I underestimated your Sandygast… No, this should push it to being considered a Palossand in all but name."

Okay, "Thank you?"

She smiles, "However this isn't a beach competition, aren't you supposed to defeat me, Challenger Kurt?"

Ah, mind games is it?

"We'll get to that," I can't stop grinning, "Why don't you take those baby dragons and try to conquer the castle?"

Her eyes, smile all she wants, it's those stone cold eyes that intimidate kids into obedience, "Very well, we can play fairytale. Tyrunt, use Dragon Dance, Larvitar, kick up a Sandstorm..."

Half the crowd must have felt the shivers while Roxanne points forward into the rising dust cloud approaching my sand castle, "Crush it, Dragon Rush and High Horsepower."

Both of the bulky raptors charge forward from two angles. The sandy colored Larvitar, with it's bird-like tail, is kicking up all kinds of dust that follows in its wake. Meanwhile, Tyrunt is visibly radiating energy like a heat mirage.

A couple yards is more than enough to gauge their path, "Let's go, Grass Knot and Spikes first."

Tyrunt and Larvitar have to dodge as stalagmites begin to pierce up from the ground beneath them at the same time as slime covered roots strike from the pools like water snakes.

Roxanne just nods, "Well done, Rock Polish boys."

As they reach half point we start the next phase of pokemon tower defence, "Earth power and Leech Seeds. Keep it up you two!"

Dozens of seeds launch from the castle walls like arrows across a battlefield while the very ground beneath Roxanne's pokemon begins to soften. Minefield eruptions of dirt and small stones disrupt Tyrunt and Larvitar attempts to dodge.

Roxanne's twin terrors are getting battered left and right and they haven't even crossed into my side just yet, and she knows it. If this goes on it would more likely feel like an insult to her. Fortunately for her pride, she's more than earned her title.

"Enough," she's removing the kid gloves eh? "Tyrunt, blast it away with Ancient Power, Larvitar, lead the charge with Bulldoze."

A bone shaking, primordial roar echoes throughout the whole cavern. All of the dust and debris in the air gets blasted across the field, scraping the walls of our castle. Larvitar lines up in front of Tyrunt, together they surge forward. With its head down, the sandy reptile plows through all of my pokemons' field attacks.

"Well," I watch the pair nearly reaching the 'gates', "A little more time boys, Iron defense and Growth."

Both reptiles slam into the front of the castle in a spray of black sand. Roxanne's brows raise in seeing that what little they managed to break reveals a layer of roots reinforcing the entire structure. "Bring it down, Trop kick and Iron Head."

Tyrunt leaps onto the side of the castle and starts to kick appart what it can while Larvitar backs up and rams into the front again sending off another spray of sand.

"Rude," Time for the real showstopper, "Kona use Tectonic Rage, Blue, Bloom Doom."

Even from here I can see Roxanne's stoney expression falter in recognition of the Alolan special moves, "Get Away!"

Poor Tyrunt and Larvitar don't have a chance.

The entire eight foot sand castle explodes along with all of the surrounding cave floor in a burst of sand, stone and moss covered roots that surge towards the stunned reptiles.

Amazingly, even after being blasted into the air Tyrunt does it's best to kick or tail swipe away the roots while falling back to the ground. Larvitar isn't nearly as lucky, having taken the full brunt of the attacks at ground level.

Now a swirling pool of black quicksand slowly envelops the struggling bark-skinned raptor, Tyrunt, as it chomps at the roots which continue to harass it from every side. Maybe at a higher level or as a Tyrantrum it could force it's way out. But as it stands....

"That's enough." Flashes from the Gym Leader's side of the field return both of Roxanne's pokemon.

My Palossand rises from the Sand Tomb and spits out the previously Ingrained Phantump. Both of my pokemon look exhausted as Kona sags slightly in place and Blue leans on his glowing druid staff.

Roxanne pauses a second at the staff before looking at me, "Well done, that was some extraordinary teamwork."

I finally hear the announcer in the stands, "Challenger Kurt wins! What a powerful pair of ghosts!"

Walking over to my noticeably larger sandcastle pokemon, "Looks like you made a big impression Kona, well done. Blue, great as always, get some rest lads."

Roxanne meets me in the center of the field with my new Stone Badge, "That was quite the display, clever combinations, tactics, and in truth, total overkill."

Ah, "Ha, my bad. I guess going all out was on a completely different scale than practicing at the beach."

She nods, "It might have been better to keep that hidden until finals, just maintaining the solid defence and gradual damage would have won you the match." we turn to the flashing cameras, "Still it was quite impressive. What was your Phantump holding? It's not against the rules mind you, I'm just not used to seeing pokemon holding weapons."

"I imagine it wasn't so strange an age ago," I honestly can't see any harm in telling this particular gym leader, "It's a Miracle seed and a piece of an ancient Totem Trevnant."

Or at least part of the truth.

"I see," she mulls it over for a second, "That's practically how mega stones work in a more roundabout manner. I look forward to seeing just how impressive your little tree becomes in a few years. Especially since I'm told you'll be my neighbor soon."

"Thank you," I guess I hadn't thought of that last part, "So neighbor, any advice for my Palossand?"

Her smile for the first time seems a touch more personal, "Don't keep the poor thing cooped up in a ball as much as possible. Like many special oriented pokemon, they benefit from being out in their element. Especially ghosts, the happier they are the more they'll give their all for their trainer."

Seems I'll just have to make sure the neighborhood kids don't get in the sand pit back home. I saw my little monster eat a Tailow yesterday.

Lacy gives me a kiss on the cheek, "Congratulations Mr. Creepy."

"Please no," I absolutely don't want that reputation. "Y'all are convincing me to stop using my ghosts for gym battles."

Naomi scoffs, "Please, your Palossand will crush the mosh at this rate."

Maybe, I was personally hoping to take a more proactive approach on the second time around.

Citro gives me a fist bump, "Nice win Kurt!"

"Thanks Bud!"

Jane is all fired up still, "I can't wait for Crooky to bust out big moves!"

Naomi counters, "He's been making big moves since Dewford!"

"But did you see that explosion!" the red head has lost it.

Lacy pats her head, "Alright let's go get some food to celebrate."

While Naomi's mood dips, Roxanne speaks up, "Well done all of you." looking to the Wattson heiress, "Naomi, you will be held to a high standard for the entire season. You represent the future of Hoenn like few can possibly dream of. Work hard. I, for one, am rooting for your success, even if the road seems rocky."

That spark of determination fills Naomi's eyes, "Then I hope you won't mind me crushing you next time we battle."

A peal of laughter escapes the gym leader as she turns to walk away, "You can certainly try."

Notes for how to sound like a badass gym leader.

Dinner is take-out back at the house, we even let out all of our pokemon. My Joltik is down for any excuse to get some cuddle time in. Although with her approaching the size of a medium breed dog while being a spider, it's getting a little daunting to let her chill in my ŀȧp.

While it's kind of fun running around the yard and house making sure twenty plus pokemon behave, it's abundantly clear why people don't do this. I think it's time to push for getting that land sooner. For both me and Naomi, Jane has told us that any of her pokemon are more then welcome at the Larousse Battle Tower park or Mr. Stone's property on Dewford.

Speaking of, both girls get calls from family. Jane gets a vid call of congratulations from The Pike and Steven. Naomi is surprised when her father and his 'secretary' call her to commend her sound judgement and encourage her she'll wipe the floor at the Petalburg Gym in a week.

It'll be a week because several of our pokemon are finally hitting their evolution points and it's simpler just to wait it out. Jane's Venipede entered it's cocoon-ish stage a few days ago and is expected to finish reaching Scolipede form by the end of the week along with her Wimpod. Same for my Tesla, Zilla the Tirtouga who's been battling Jane's Water Types at the beach, even Rusty is starting to grow sharper scales.

For Naomi, her Swablu, Nimbus, is gaining size fast. She plans on using him and her Kirlia at the next gym if it starts its final bloom type evolution to Gardevoir. It's a lot, and it's hard to keep track of it all. Thankfully Naomi is a freaking genius at this whole team management/leadership stuff.

While planning a trip to my prospective property and finding time to catch the still missing Sawsbuck bounty, I spot Citro calling his mother. Instead of cheerful smiles I can tell it's forced.

His voice cracks a bit as he says his goodbye, "Yup I'll be safe, I guess I'll talk to you… When I win my next badge. Bye mom…"

He just drops the phone to the floor, I can see the call ended without him having hit anything. He buries his head in his hands.

"I take it that didn't go as planned?"

Without looking at me, "She promised to catch the rerun later. Said the Cafe was finally looking busy again with the curse lifted from the village… I don't think she expected me to call."


"Hey bud," he's still not looking, "Citro!"

His red, tear streaked eyes peek out of his hands, "What?"

"Let's step out back."

In the furthest back part of the garden we find my Golbat, Shak, and Citro's smaller Noibat screeching at each other. The big guy is showing how to best slash with his wing without breaking the hollow bones within.

"Shak." The big purple bear-bat face looks at me with a head tilt.

"Did I tell you Lacy is going to have a baby? That means you are on permanent guard duty of this house whenever you're not with me. Understand?"

After his eyes widen in surprise, the big lug sits up on his hindlegs much like a bear and gives me a salute. Best flying, guard bat-bear ever.

Citro mumbles, "I think you'll be a good dad."

"Thanks," I watch the Noibat have stars in it's eyes for how cool the bigger bat acts, "I'm told it's gonna be a girl."

Thinking too hard on what to say, "I just want them to be happy. I think that's all any decent parent should want, well, that and how to behave properly… and not to waste money… or that they make good friends… My point is," Turning towards the green haired boy who's tears won't stop falling to the grass no matter how much he rubs his eyes, I grab the kid and give the poor brat a hug.

"You're a good lad, and you did Really great today."


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