Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 333 Pokémon Coordination Contest

Regarding the Pokémon Coordination Contest, this is a project that has existed for a long time.

I remember that the Alliance City Coordination Competition venue was built almost the same as the Battle Competition venue.

However, a year has passed and the battle venue has been used once, but the coordination competition venue has not been used yet.

There are many reasons why the Pokémon Coordination Contest has been delayed.

The most important point is that most of them have no concept or positioning of what the Pokémon Coordination Contest is.

As the name of the battle competition suggests, no matter how many battle modes there are, it cannot be separated from the core of 'battle'.

And is the core of the coordination competition ‘coordination’?

It really is.

At first, when Dak, Perona and a group of other judges explained the rules of the coordination competition, they thought that the core of the coordination competition was 'performance'.

However, performance is only the main way to demonstrate the abilities of a coordination trainer.

The key to coordinating the tournament is to showcase the charm of Pokémon through two different formats of the schedule.

A qualified coordination trainer.

He needs to coordinate the relationship between himself and Pokémon, Pokémon and skills, and use suitable skills to express them in different forms, so as to amplify the charm of Pokémon and show the tacit understanding between Pokémon and the coordinator.

This is also the difference from the battle competition.

Although the battle competition also requires tacit cooperation between trainers and Pokémon, the real protagonist is only the Pokémon.

The key to the battle is to show the power of Pokémon. The release of skills pays more attention to the effect rather than the form. The whole process is full of enthusiasm and passion.

The protagonists of the coordination competition are Pokémon and coordinators. The key to showing the charm of Pokémon is through the coordination of coordinators and skills.

Compared with the battle competition, the coordination competition contains more artistic elements and appreciation meanings. You need to calm down and feel the charm. It is a stage for trainers who are not very interested in battles but also love Pokémon. .

Now, one year has passed.

Perona and other judges also roughly understood how to score in the coordination competition.

The matching effect of skills, the tacit understanding between Pokémon and the coordinator, and the coordinator's participation in the performance are all criteria for scoring, but they are more troublesome than the battle competition.

At this moment, a small meeting is being held at the alliance base.

Mainly the secretary Robin, the referee department minister Perona, the finance department minister Tezzolo, and the president of the big news newspaper Morgans.

Morgans is sitting here as a spectator and has no right to express his opinion.

It's just that Dak wanted to use the power of the newspaper to speed up the promotion and coordination of the competition, so he called him over.

"Now that we have decided to hold a coordination competition, what is the process for registering for the competition? Is it the same as the battle competition?"

As Duck's secretary, Robin must keep all this in mind before arranging it for the people below.

If she has any confusion, she must raise it immediately, otherwise it will be difficult to continue working.

"Similar, but different."

Duck shook his head, and then took out a box from his pocket.

Open the box and inside are five exquisite ribbons of different styles.

Everyone stretched their heads to look at the five ribbons in the box, and Dark even asked Morgans to come closer and take a photo.

"You need to collect five ribbons to register for the Pokémon Coordination Contest, but there is no fixed place to get the ribbon, only a fixed way."

"In the future, any city in any world with a suitable stage and elf center may hold a coordination competition. Your department in Tezolo will announce this news one week in advance."

Because holding a coordination competition requires some money and arrangements, there is no problem leaving this matter to Tezzolo.

"Don't worry, leave it to me. Can I be the host?"

Tezzolo patted his chest, but then looked at Duck expectantly.

As a former singer, he naturally likes the feeling of performing on the stage. Although he no longer has the singing skills, he still likes the feeling of standing on the stage and attracting everyone's attention.

"Of course, if you have time, just go ahead and do it. Normally, this matter is left to Perona and their referee department."

Of course, Dak would not refuse this small request from his partner.

"The only requirement to get a ribbon is excellence?"

As the chief referee, Perona needs to know the exact conditions for determining victory or defeat before she can tell the members of the referee department.

"That's right, only the winner will get a ribbon."

Dak nodded and continued to explain, "Although the requirements are a bit harsh, the final applicants for the Pokémon Glam Dash can only be the best group of coordinators."

The value of the battle competition and the coordination competition are different from beginning to end.

The threshold for participating in the Battle Competition is much lower than that for participating in the Coordination Competition. All you need to do is obtain the approval of eight gym leaders.

Even if you are not strong enough as a trainer, you may still be given a gym badge because you show enough quality and potential.

Although only five ribbons are required for the coordination competition.

However, each one has to be competed with other coordinators in the same period to obtain it, and it is very difficult to obtain. Therefore, although the number of coordinators who can participate in the coordination competition is small, all of them are top-notch coordinators.

The gold content of successfully signing up for the coordination competition is equivalent to the gold content of entering the knockout round of the battle competition now.

"I see."

"Okay, then the coordination competition has officially begun. The first coordination competition is scheduled to be held in Uggdrasil a week later, and I will also perform on stage at that time."

Duck stood up, pressing his hands on the table in the conference room, with a little light in his eyes.

A week later.

It also happened to be the time when Mew and Celebi started to select the ‘Wave Guide Hero’ and ‘Yggdrasil Guardian’.

Then it will be fun.

. . .

The next day.

A poster advertising the Pokémon Coordination Contest has been posted on a notice board near the staff family area in Alliance City.

"Eh?! This looks so interesting, Minato, how about we go participate in this?"

Kushina sent her son to the Pokémon Academy, not to mention how happy she was. She took Minato Namikaze shopping and dating every day.

"I'm too busy. Kushina, just participate. Naruto and I will support you."

As the Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato had no time to be a coordinator.

"Eh~ But if I'm the only one, then forget it."

Kushina said without interest.

She mainly wants to participate in this kind of activity with her husband, and is actually not particularly interested in coordinating the competition.

"It looks quite interesting. Even if we don't participate, we can still take the time to watch these coordination competitions. They should be very interesting."

As a warm-hearted man, Minato naturally didn't want to displease his wife.

But as the Hokage of the village, he is really busy on weekdays. It is impossible to participate in competitions and so on, so he can only make up for it in other ways.

The rules of the coordination competition are also posted on the notice board.

The first round is an exhibition match.

Trainer after trainer performs on stage. There is no limit to the form of performance. Singing, dancing and displaying skills are optional. As long as they can show the charm of Pokémon, they are considered qualified.

Then three judges will score, and finally the total score will be ranked, and the top 20 will advance to the second round.

The second round is a head-to-head match.

Although it sounds similar to Pokémon battle, this round is actually quite troublesome.

Because the referee will also score during the battle, hitting the enemy and hitting the enemy in a gorgeous way are different scores.

Finally, the competition continues based on the scores of the ten winners until the final winner emerges.

The reward for the final winner is a trophy and the title of 'Coordination Master'.

In the world of Pokémon.

The coordination master can be said to be more famous than the regional champion.

Because coordination competitions generally have a wider spread, coordination competitions in this region may even be staged on TV in other regions.

The coordination competition will also be broadcast as a permanent program on TV here. Even if you don't go to watch it live, you can still see coordination competitions in other places, which is another level of reward for the contestants.

If you want to become famous, then participating in the coordination competition is definitely easier than participating in the battle competition.

After all, you have to reach the knockout rounds of the battle competition to see a surge in popularity.

"It feels like a lot of people are eager to try it."

Kushina looked at the people around her who seemed to be interested.

The threshold for signing up for a coordination competition is very high, but if you can sign up for a lower-level coordination competition with ribbons as rewards, it can be said that the threshold is almost non-existent.

As long as you have a Pokémon, you can perform on the stage, but there is almost no chance of getting a winning ribbon.

Even if you pass the first round of exhibition matches, you will be brushed off in the second round of competitions.

However, being able to perform on stage is an attractive point for many people, so many people are interested in the coordination competition.

"Well, yes, after all, many people want to be famous."

As the Hokage, Namikaze Minato knows very well what people want to pursue most in this world.

It's nothing more than wealth, power, and fame, and few people can completely leave these behind.

"The first lower-level coordination competition. Yggdrasil in one week? Minato, let's go and have a look?"

Kushina's eyes lit up when she saw the venue.

She had long wanted to visit this new city. She heard that it was a peaceful place that was very suitable for traveling, especially since there seemed to be interesting rumors spreading there in the past two days.

"emmm this."

Minato was a little hesitant, but seeing Kushina's expectant eyes, he could only sigh,

"Okay, then I'll ask the Sandaime-sama to help me manage the village for the next two days."

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