Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 334 The first appearance of Mew and Celebi

The fifth day back in Alliance City.

Izuna got a pair of copied eyes from Vegapunk. According to Izuna's feelings, they were no different from his own eyes. They just needed to reopen their eyes to improve their pupil power. For this reason, he returned to the ninja world. .

Hanzo and Kakuzu also brought a group of people back from the ninja world on the same day.

Then Dak is going to settle the affairs of the agricultural department and the legal department before leaving for Yuketra Hill.

"As the Minister of Agriculture, my recommended candidate is Dawn Uzumaki. He has successfully fused Hashirama cells to be able to use Wood Release, and the Wood Release he uses with his huge amount of chakra is still very powerful."

Hanzo and Kakuzu were each followed by a young man. It seemed that they wanted to recommend department heads. "Of course, the most important reason is because Uzumaki Aiyo is Uzumaki Aoki's biological son. He grew up in Akatsuki and can be trusted."

"Let the director of the legal department use Blood Pond Dusk. He is the child of Blood Pond Yuzhao and the Nara clan. He also grew up in Akatsuki."

Kakuzu pointed at the red-eyed man next to him.

Although everyone in the Blood Pond clan looks crazy because of their red eyes, Blood Pond Xizhao is an exception.

The genes of the Nara clan are really strong. Even with a pair of red eyes, Blood Pond Dusk's temperament still seems to be mainly lazy and calm.

Hanzo and Kakuzu were both very thoughtful.

Rather than using people sent from other villages to serve as ministers, it is better to use your own people. Even if you have no talent, as long as you work hard, it will definitely be better than using other people.

Who knows if those people sent by the famous names and village chiefs came with any other purpose.

As ordinary employees in a department, they can't do much; but if they become ministers, they will have many opportunities to abuse their power for personal gain.

"Well, no problem. You can help them allocate candidates to the two departments."

After Dak confirmed that there was no problem, he said again, "After you are sure, make a list and give it to Robin. She will handle the next thing."

However, Hanzo and Kakuzu did not leave in a hurry after this incident, but waved their hands to let the two young people behind them leave first.

"Also, this time we brought back a group of medical ninjas."

"Well, although the medical level of doctors in Voyage World is not bad, they basically rely on various cutting-edge technologies and special medicinal materials for treatment. In terms of clinical operations, they are much worse than medical ninjas. Get some medical ninjas in the medical department. Going in will definitely make a breakthrough in Pokémon Island’s medical level.”

Dak once mentioned to Hanzo and Kakuzu that he wanted to reform the medical department, and these two people took it to heart.

"But the key to those medical ninjas' strong medical skills is their ability to use chakra, right? You can't use this thing on Pokémon Island."

"So this is what you, the leader, have to consider. Our mission is completed and we are going to retire to the mountains to retire."

Kakuzu walked freely and freely.

He had long wanted to take a look around the nautical world, but he didn't want to stay here for a moment.

"Then, I will go to Fishman City to live permanently. Thousand Needle Fish prefers the environment there."

Hanzo left decisively after saying hello.

It seems that these two people have been tired of working during the past thirty-eight years, and now they are unwilling to work at all.

"Oh, this"

Duck sat at his desk and took out a piece of paper and began to think about how to solve this problem.

If a medical ninja wants to display his superb medical skills, the key lies in the use of chakra.

Using palm magic while performing an operation is a huge factor in making the operation successful. If there is no way to use chakra, then these medical ninjas are not as good as the doctors in Pokémon Island today.

Because of Vegapunk's research and Vegapunk's technology, the level of scientific research on Pokémon Island, especially in the biological field, far exceeds that of the ninja world.

Moreover, the nautical world has a messy environment, which has also given birth to many animals and plants that can be used as medicine. After a series of studies, rich medicinal materials can always produce special medicines for various conditions.

Because of these two huge advantages, the doctors on Pokémon Island can demonstrate strong medical skills.

But if the medical ninjas in the ninja world also receive the support of these technologies and materials, plus the permission to use chakra, then they will soon be able to catch up with or even surpass the doctors in the sailing world.

【Medical certificate】

Duck slowly wrote four words on the paper in front of him.

"Medical ninjas who want to use chakra must obtain a doctor's certificate. After obtaining the doctor's certificate and dripping blood, they can obtain permission to use chakra."

The method used by Dak to use special abilities on the Chosen One is similar.

But there are more restrictions on this side.

【Scope of use】

"In the operating room of the hospital, the use of chakra will not be restricted. In other places in the hospital, only half of the chakra can be used. When leaving the hospital, only a trace amount of chakra can be used."

In order to prevent this group of medical ninjas from wandering or doing bad things after gaining strength, Dak must be limited in the scope of use.

The reason why the license for use outside the hospital is not completely banned is because in the future, doctors will encounter situations where they need to maintain their condition urgently.

"Okay, that's almost it."

Dark nodded, wrote these contents on the paper, and waited to hand it over to the Minister of Medical Department Reiju.

"Then, it's time to head to Yggdrasil."

. . .

March 25, Year 2 of the Alliance Calendar.

The first day of official selection for the ‘Bond Heroes’ and ‘World Tree Guardians’ was also the first day of the first lower-level coordination competition.

The reason why Dak held the first coordination competition here was to make it easier for Mew and Celebi to choose the chosen one.

After all, if everyone is scattered in every corner of Yggdrasil, it will take a long time for Mew and Celebi to pick out a suitable target.

But there is a coordination competition show just around the corner.

Then most people will be curious to see what kind of competition this coordination competition is and gather here, which will help Mew and Celebi observe many people at once.

The venue for the coordination competition is located near the Elf Center under the World Tree.

This is a large and empty opera house, and it is now used to hold coordination competitions.

The entire Uggdrasil seems to have a lot more people than before, and people can be seen in the streets and alleys, but this is not its true appearance, because most of the people who come to Uggdrasil are Inside the Opera House.

"Welcome to this World Tree City to watch this first coordination competition."

Tezzolo was in high spirits today, after all, he was back on the stage after a long absence.

He stood on the stage with a golden microphone in his hand and gave a passionate speech and explained the format and rules of the coordination competition.

"Since you have come to this city, you must have heard some legends about the 'Ancestral God' and the 'Forest God'."

"And today, you can see them on this stage."

"Next, let's invite our alliance leader Dak to join hands with the two first gods to give you a coordination performance!"

As Tezzolo put down the microphone, the entire opera house went dark.

Before anyone could express doubts, the spotlight on the stage suddenly illuminated.

At this time, the person standing on the stage was no longer Tezzolo, but Dak, who was wearing a pure white dress and a vine wreath on his head as usual.


Wherever Dak appears, there are cheers.

In terms of popularity, Dak's popularity in Pokémon is even higher than Hoenn champion and coordination master Mikri's popularity in Hoenn.

"what is that?"

"New Pokémon?"

"That's the legendary 'Ancestral God' Mew and the 'Forest God' Celebi, right?"

"I thought he would be as intimidating as the other first gods, but I didn't expect him to be so cute."

"Are these two little guys really that powerful?"

The two little guys, Mew and Celebi, sat on either side of Dak's shoulders.

Their unique appearance and cute demeanor immediately caught the eyes of all viewers.

Mew obviously liked this kind of occasion, waving her little hands excitedly to greet the people in the audience.

Celebi held Dak's hair tightly with both hands, and his frightened expression made people feel like he was about to break.

"Let's show it to everyone."

Duck stretched out his finger and tapped the heads of the two little guys, and whispered softly, "Green grass field."

Since we are in this world tree city, let’s do some nature-themed performances.

Immediately, the intersection of Mew and Celebi flew into the sky, and as they flew, little bits of dust fell and sprinkled on the stage.

When the dust fell on the stage, the stage, which was originally a wooden floor, grew various flowers and plants at a speed visible to the naked eye, with pink flowers as the main component.

After a while, the entire opera house was filled with the scent of flowers.

The grass field can only make a lot of grass grow on the ground, and the reason why so many flowers bloom is due to the special abilities of Mew and Celebi.

"Dream, use superpowers to achieve the effect of the Oath of Grass."

"Celebi, use superpowers to achieve the effect of magic leaves."

Duck walked to the center of the stage while conducting the command.

As a facilitator, proper participation in exhibition matches can increase the points earned.

The reason why we need to use super powers to achieve similar skill forms is just because we want to change the green color of the skill itself to make it more suitable for this pink garden.

The dreamy dance circled around Duck, and suddenly a huge pink grass pillar rose up from the ground under Duck's feet, lifting Duck high into the air.

At the same time, Celebi released countless pink fluorescent leaves from a high place in all directions. The leaves gathered around the grass pillars and Duck, as if forming a canopy.

Combining the skills of the two, it was like a glowing pink fluorescent tree growing in a pink garden on the stage of the Opera House.

The fragrant leaves spread from the 'canopy' towards the audience, so that in the end everyone held a leaf in their hands.

As Duck at the top of the tree and the two little ones around him bowed together, the performance ended here.

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