"What? Let me see.

In the end, Celebi was really confused and could only find Dak to find a solution.

Dark looked in the direction that Celebi pointed. One of them was Otohime, and he was familiar with this one.

And the other one wasn't a complete stranger either.

A 9-year-old girl named Marianu.

This name may be a bit unfamiliar, but in the original trajectory of the sailing world, she would join the Baroque Works at the age of 16 and become Mr. 3's partner Miss. Golden Week.

A very powerful little girl.

The reason why she is said to be powerful is because this little girl does not have the so-called devil fruit ability.

The reason why she can control others through the paint on the color palette is purely a kind of psychological induction and hypnotic suggestion. She is somewhat like a 'hypnotist'. This ability is not considered 'extraordinary'.

This means that even in this Pokémon Island, Mariano's ability to use color to control others can still be used.

Such special abilities are even eligible to be given a special ability name, similar to [Power of Waveguide] and [Super Power].

However, this ability is not effective for everyone. The simpler the mind, the easier it is to be controlled.

For example, Monkey D. Lu.

Luffy: Who?

If Marianu was allowed to use this ability on the group of people in the ninja world, except for people like Kai, the probability of success would be low, and the effect would not be very strong if it succeeded.

"Hmm, do you think Mariano would get along better with you?"

Dark frowned and thought about it for a moment, and probably understood Celebi's mentality.

Celebi had misunderstood his feelings for Marianu.


Celebi nodded confidently.

This is equivalent to the attraction between children of the same age. Otohime is too old and looks like an aunt to Celebi.

"Then choose Otohime as the guardian of the World Tree. As for Marianu, it doesn't mean that you can't interact with her if she is not the guardian of the World Tree."

Dark smiled and rubbed Celebi's chin, and then encouraged him, "You can make friends with her."

Celebi thought that he had a better impression of Marianu, so the latter might also be suitable to become the guardian of the World Tree.

But that's not the case, the latter is just more suitable to be Celebi's friend.

It is best to choose someone more responsible and responsible as the guardian of the World Tree.


Celebi nodded and floated away quietly.

"Is it really okay?"

Dark watched Celebi leave with some concern.

The personality of each Pokémon is very obvious. Mew is an optimistic and open-minded Pokémon, and the whole Pokémon is full of energy.

Celebi has the exact opposite personality, timid, cautious, shy, and reserved.

Dark didn't think that Celebi like this could take the initiative to make friends with Marianu.

As for Otohime,

Dark felt it, and Celebi did not dare to mention this matter to Otohime.

Just talking to strangers is a big challenge for Celebi.

But Dak was not prepared to help. After all, Celebi couldn't always be like this. When he died or Mew was not around in the future, Celebi's character would be easily bullied.

Moreover, Celebi will select the guardians of the World Tree for many years to come. This is something that must be done.

He believed Celebi could do it.


As a legendary Pokémon with super powers, Celebi can feel the encouragement of Dark.

The little guy squeezed his little fist to cheer himself up, and then floated towards Otohime.

Now Neptune and Otohime were hugging each other and looking at the stage intently.

Because the one performing at the moment was their beloved White Star, and the latter's partner was one of the first Pokémon born in this world, Menas.

The ugly fish that once stayed in the small pond in the breeding house has now grown into a charming and aloof Pokémon with a body length of more than ten meters.

"Meinas, use the wave of water~"

The seven-year-old little mermaid stands on the stage with a solemn look, which is really cute.

Following the command of Little White Star, a slowly rotating water ball condensed in front of Menus's mouth, and water flow continued to pour into it.

"Spit at your feet."

Bai Xing kept an eye on the water ball and immediately gave the order when the water ball was about the same size.

As a mermaid and Poseidon, the King of the Sea in the seafaring world, Shirahoshi's use and control of water must not be any lower than that of ordinary Pokémon.

Even she knows better than Menas when is the most appropriate time.

The relatively huge amount of water vapor fell to the floor, and suddenly turned into water waves and spread in all directions.

Looking at the momentum of the water wave, the audience and even the three judges thought they were about to be submerged.

A restricted level barrier is set up around the stage, and skills that would cause harm to ordinary people cannot escape the scope of the stage.

However, water waves like this that are so soft that they have almost no impact can flow out of the stage.

There have been similar mistakes in previous performances. Some trainers and Pokémon did not control their skills well enough, causing their skills to wander randomly.

"Now, use the freezing wind!"

At the critical moment, Bai Xing's voice sounded.

Menas opened his mouth and spit out snow-white cold wind towards the water waves.

Click click click.

Layer after layer of water waves gradually condensed into ice, and even the splashing water and derailed water flow were clearly visible after they turned into ice.

As the colorful lights on the stage fell, the shiny ice also reflected the lights, intertwining into a rainbow-like halo in mid-air.

Under the halo, Menas stood in the middle of the ice waves, shining like a princess of the sea.


"It's so beautiful."

"That's right, this kid has the talent to be a coordinator."

"The same goes for Menas. It's such a beautiful Pokémon. This is the first time I've seen it."

Shirahoshi and Minas' performance was obviously a success because they received applause and cheers from the audience.

However, from a professional perspective, it is somewhat flawed.

"Well, it's a very good performance, but I can only give it 9.5 points."

Stella raised the scoreboard in her hand, with only one number [9] on it.

"I also score 9 points. Although Menas's charm has been fully demonstrated, as a coordinator, apart from conducting, you did not participate well in this performance. This can be regarded as imperfect coordination. A performance."

As the referee, Perona is of course the one to point out the shortcomings of the players.

"very nice."

The dean of the elf center did not want to say more.

Because he knew that Bai Xing was the daughter of the mayor of Fishman City.

Although the dean of the elf center and the mayor of a city have the same status in the alliance, and Yuktra Hill and Murloc City are thousands of miles apart, this kind of convenient face still has to be given.

What's more, in his opinion, for a seven-year-old girl named Bai Xing to be able to achieve this level in her first appearance, it was already considered perfect, so giving him a high score was just an encouragement.

"So, the final score of the White Star player is 28.5! This is the highest score so far!"

Tezzolo pointed to the numbers on the big screen behind him and praised without hesitation, "It seems that our White Star player is very talented in becoming a coordinator."

"I want to become a great coordination master!"

Bai Xing excitedly waved his little hand to the audience, his pink tail waving behind him.


"Wow! My daughter is so cute!"

Otohime looked at Shirahoshi and stretched her arms upwards in excitement.


Otohime's body itself is very sensitive and fragile, so she can clearly feel the contact between her limbs and other things.

His fist seemed to have knocked something down just now.


Otohime looked up and saw nothing. She thought she was too excited and hallucinating.

But the next moment, she suddenly felt a weight on her leg.


Celebi's aggrieved voice came, and his face turned red.

"Ah. Isn't this the child who was following the leader just now?"

Otohime looked at Celebi who was sitting on her lap and flapping a pair of small wings. She opened her mouth in surprise and then poked her husband.

"What? Oh ho!"

Neptune turned his head and glanced, but saw nothing, and then continued to cheer for his little cotton-padded jacket.

If Celebi didn't want others to see him, others wouldn't be able to see him either.

"Really, I remember, your name is Celebi, right? The little guy who is called the forest god."

Otohime stretched out a hand and gently rubbed Celebi's rosy little face, and then realized something, "Oh, was it you who I hit just now? I'm sorry, I'll blow it for you."



Otohime gently caressed Celebi's face while gently opening her lips and blowing air.


Celebi was treated gently, and his aggrieved heart suddenly calmed down.

He looked at Otohime in front of him with his big eyes open, and the word "Mom" appeared in his mind.

He didn't understand this concept, but he did feel a very comfortable feeling from Otohime.

"Does it still hurt?"

Otohime picked up Celebi and looked at her own, as if looking at a doll.


Celebi shook his head and hugged Otohime's arm.

"Emmmm, do you want me to go with you?"

Otohime's Haki of Knowledge is very special, so special that it can sense and even secretly distort a person's inner thoughts.

Although she couldn't be so exaggerated in this Pokémon Island, she still had a keen intuition about the thoughts of other people and Pokémon, and she immediately sensed Celebi's intentions.

Celebi nodded.

"Okay, then I'll go with you, but I want to tell my family."

Otohime is different from Kena who just leaves at the drop of a hat. After all, she has her own family.

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