Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 337 Coordination Competition Winner

Although Neptune wanted to go with Otohime to see it, he was worried that Shirahoshi would cry if he and Otohime both left and couldn't see his family after the competition.

After all, Bai Xing is still a seven-year-old child.

Otohime was also concerned about this, so she let Neptune stay.

Considering the safety of Pokémon Island, Neptune did not fight with Otohime, not to mention that Otohime also has her own Pokémon.

That is a western lion harem.

West Lion, a water and fairy Pokémon, is known as the "Songstress of the Sea" and is a water-type Pokémon from the Alola region of the Pokémon world.

This is a somewhat special race among Pokémon.

Because Saishi Hairen relies on her "singing" to fight, fighting is also the stage for her to sing. She can even sing and dance to defeat her opponents in battle. It is a Pokémon born for coordination competitions.

Once the throat or vocal cords used by the Western Lion and Hairen to sing are damaged, it will be very fatal to the Western Lion and Hairen. It will not only cause severe psychological trauma, but also significantly reduce the Western Lion and Hairen's combat effectiveness.

"It seems that it was successful. It was not easy."

Dark watched Otohime and Celebi leave and breathed a sigh of relief.

When he saw Celebi being punched by Otohime just now, he was stunned on the spot.

Otohime doesn't look like someone who would beat up people for no reason. Moreover, Otohime's constitution is so fragile that beating others will break her own bones.

Generally speaking, if Otohime beats others up, they will pay her compensation.

But with Otohime's fear of pain, it is unlikely that she would take the initiative to hit others and hurt herself.

So he quickly guessed that it was a misunderstanding, but he was a little worried about whether the fragile little rabbi could withstand it.

Fortunately, Otohime later relied on her motherly tenderness to comfort Celebi, otherwise Dark would have had to work hard to enlighten Celebi to prevent the little guy from becoming autistic.

"In other words, the quality of the first round of exhibition matches was higher than I expected."

Duck's attention returned to the stage and he couldn't help but sigh.

He didn't expect that so many masters would appear after him.

Regardless of the extent to which the bond between the coordinator and Pokémon is shown, the performance of these people is really amazing just from the visual effect.

For example, the person standing on the stage at this moment.

"Magic Wall Doll, use the Shadow Clone Technique!"

Standing on the stage was a yellow-haired royal sister from the mountain clan, and her partner was a magic wall doll.

The magic wall puppet puts its hands together and makes a seal.

He is a five-fingered humanoid Pokémon with the ability to form ninjutsu using seals.

So at a time when many Pokémon are still unable to use ninjutsu, this Magic Wall Doll is considered a very special Pokémon in the ninja world.

Within two seconds, five magic wall puppets appeared on the field and spread out.

"Magic shines!"

Five magic wall dolls release magic and shine together.

Because the intensity of each release is different, some magic shines far away and some shines close.

The effect of this is that the entire opera house, which is mainly dark, is filled with colorful halos.

Everyone seemed to have entered the vast universe at this moment.


Many spectators made a sound of exclamation.

And this player finally got a high score of [29], setting a new record again and surpassing Shirahoshi's score.

After that, four or five players from [27] to [29] appeared one after another. The coordination of skills of these people made Dak feel wonderful.

Because each performance in the first round of exhibition matches lasted less than five minutes, the first round was over quickly.

There were twenty players who advanced to the second round of the competition, and the ones with the lowest scores all got [25] points in the first round.

This score is already considered a high score in the Pokémon World Coordination Competition.

The second round is called the Gorgeous Battle.

The battle methods are not static. Each city has its own competition system.

3v3 arena matches, 2v2 doubles matches. These are all possible.

However, this Yggdrasil Coordination Competition is an ordinary 1v1 duel, and players are only allowed to send Pokémon that appeared in the first round of exhibition matches.

The score obtained by the player in the first round is the starting score for the second round.

Points will be deducted for every attack suffered, or for every invalid attack issued in a less than "glorious" way.

If either side loses the ability to fight first or loses no points, it will be considered a defeat.

When it's time to play against the next player, the score will return to the starting score at the beginning.

The setting of this starting score is a rule reset by Perona's referee department, which is a rule that does not exist in the Pokémon world.

The purpose of this is to give the top players in the first round a slight advantage, to make the two rounds more relevant, and to inspire the coordinators to create more creative flourishes in the first round in the future. Conception.

But compared to the first round, this second round was nothing special.

After Dak's observation, the main reasons lie in two points.

The first point is that the players participating in this coordination competition are not very powerful players, and the intensity of the battle will definitely not be as high as in the battle competition.

The second point is also the key reason why the game is not interesting.

These new coordinators have not yet escaped from the thinking of 'traditional battles'.

They themselves are not used to this novel form of battle, so they are very cautious in every move, for fear of deducting points.

He almost didn't dare to make any moves. He had neither the passion for the competition nor the "gorgeousness" that he should have.

Dak almost felt sleepy watching the second round. Even the spectators around him felt that this second round was not as interesting as they imagined.

The two contestants who came to the end were Shirahoshi and the blond lady of the Yamanaka clan.

The final winner was almost no surprise, the blonde lady won.

No one would think that a seven-year-old girl could defeat an adult in a fight.

More importantly, Dark knew very well that it was impossible for a simple Shirahoshi to match the ninjas of the Yamanaka clan in terms of combat and methods.

Who are those guys from the mountain clan?

Those who perform mental illusions and torture prisoners

Let Menas fight based on his own intuition, and he might be able to exert more powerful combat effectiveness than Commander Shirahoshi.

Shirahoshi is indeed outstanding in terms of performance, but he still needs more practice in battle.

"Congratulations to the winner of our coordination competition, Miss Yamanaka Mikichi!"

Amid cheers from the audience, Tezzolo announced the final winner of this battle, "Then, please ask our chief referee, Miss Perona, to award the winning ribbon to the winner."

"As long as you collect five ribbons, you can participate in the global coordination competition one year later."

At the same time as Tezzolo's voice fell, Perona also walked onto the stage holding an exquisite gift box and stood in front of Yamanaka Miju.

"I hope to see more outstanding performances in future coordination competitions."

Perona opened the gift box in her hand, and inside was a ribbon with urban characteristics.

The main color of the ribbon is green, which represents nature, and in the center is a tree emblem, which looks exquisitely crafted.

"Thank you, I'll try my best."

Yamanaka Yuju bowed, but he didn't seem too excited.

In other words, this person is very confident and is not surprised at all that he can win.

. . .

After the coordination competition ended, Dak released all his power of seeing and hearing Haki for perception.

The auras of Mew and Celebi were no longer within the range of perception, so they must have taken Kai and Otohime to the first assessment.

He estimated that it would take a month after all the assessments were completed and he returned here.

"Store manager."

The only ones who would call him that were a few friends from the breeding house.

Duck turned around and saw Perona walking towards him holding a red umbrella.

"What's wrong?"

"It's almost here. Brother Tezoluo and Sister Stella's wedding. How are you preparing for it?"

".Do not worry."

‘Hey, you’re sweating profusely! ’

When Duck heard Perona mention this, he felt bad.

Speaking of which, he learned that the two were getting married during the battle competition. He was thinking of having a grand wedding after the battle competition.

Who would have thought that something big had happened in the ninja world? It had been three months since he left, and there would be a lot of things waiting for him when he came back, so Dak was so busy that he forgot about it.

But fortunately, it’s not too late to prepare now, it’s completely in time.

"That's good. Don't forget it. I've already prepared a gift."

Perona glanced at Duck suspiciously, but finally nodded and chose to believe it.

"Yeah, don't worry, I'll give them a surprise."

Dak scratched the back of his head, but he was thinking about what kind of gift he should prepare.

Tezzolo's favorite is undoubtedly Stella, and secondly, he likes the feeling of being in the spotlight. The latter is very easy to solve.

It was enough for him to ask Morgans to publish a newspaper in his name. Not to mention the entire maritime world, even the ninja world could receive the news.

The wedding venue was Mariejoia in the Red Earth Continent. The place was definitely big enough to accommodate millions of people.

However, there will definitely not be that many people coming back to attend the wedding. The main way to achieve the "eye-catching" effect is through [global live broadcast].

Those who come to the scene will have to see who Tezzolo and Stella want to invite, and then the partners in the training house will invite some relatives and friends. It is impossible for everyone to come to this place.

But what makes Duck scratch his head is Stella.

Stella is a woman with almost no desires. What Stella once wanted most was freedom and the company of Tezzolo.

Now that you have both, what kind of surprises can you prepare?

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