December 7th, Year 3 of the Alliance Calendar.

Today is a day worth celebrating for Dak.

Because the sleeping Darkrai is already showing signs of waking up.

Dark could feel that Darkrai's originally dormant fluctuations were gradually becoming active.

Judging from this change in activity level, perhaps today, Darkrai will completely wake up.

Darkrai's absorption of the Evil Face Slate began on December 31 last year, and it has been almost a full year now.

Dark hasn't met or spoken to Darkrai for a year.

Even if Dark can always feel the presence of Darkrai in his shadow, he will still feel a little uneasy.

Only when Darkrai is always awake in his shadow can Dark feel completely at ease.

Because of this incident, Dak was in a particularly good mood all day today, and felt that everything today became more interesting.

In fact, today's daily life is no different from the past.

To say something special happened.

Perhaps there is only one incident where Shalasa's Ring of Andor Paris was found in the treasury of the Goliath Palace.

After so many years of going around and around, this ring finally returned to its owner, Sarasa.

What is a little pity is that the power originally contained in this ring has been consumed.

But Salazar didn't care about this.

The original power of the ring can hypnotize a person, but such power is of little use to Sarasa.

What's important about this ring to her is the symbolism and meaning of the ring.

The person who owns this ring is equivalent to the second king of the water element family, and can give orders to the water element family.

Of course, Sarasa didn't want such an important thing to fall into the hands of someone she didn't trust, so she had to take it back to prevent the water element family from being used by bad guys because of this ring in the future.

time flies.

The movement of clouds in the sky is visible to the naked eye, and the setting of the sun seems to have happened just a few blinks ago.

When the sun completely disappears below the horizon, night officially falls.

Darkrai's fluctuations also became completely active.

A faint blue one-eye gradually lit up from Dark's shadow.

"Why don't you come out yet?"

Duck looked at that eye angrily.


Darkrai snickered strangely, and then gradually stood up from Dark's shadow.

When Dark saw Darkrai's new form, he opened his mouth in shock.

In the new form, Darkrai became more slender and looked more mysterious and fierce, while strands of ice-blue flowing lines appeared on the edges of his originally pitch-black hands and black body.

"Much more handsome than before, and I feel a lot more powerful than before."

Duck held his chin with one hand and commented with a smile.


Darkrai seemed a little embarrassed, scratched his head with one hand, and then looked at Dark seriously.

"Nothing unexpected happened, but a lot of things would be inconvenient if you weren't around."

"A lot of things have happened in this year. Your memory is still stuck in SAO."

"I have to tell you slowly, there are new companions in the new world."

Because there were so many things that couldn't be covered in a short while, Dak just gave a brief summary.

In the following time, he will slowly tell Darkrai various details.

Now, what Dak is more concerned about is what level of strength Darkrai has reached after absorbing the [Evil Face Slate].

At the beginning, Darkrai was just a mediocre second-level battle god, barely able to temporarily compete with other first-level gods in ordinary forms.

The first and second levels here refer to the strength of all legendary Pokémon, not just the strength of the mythical beasts.

Darkrai should be more accurately positioned as a 'phantom beast' rather than a mythical beast, but it is also a 'legendary' Pokémon.

Being able to collide with a first-level god with the power of a fantasy beast is already considered very powerful.

The increase in [Evil Face Slate] must be extremely huge for Darkrai.

First, the two most obvious points.

One point, from now on Darkrai will no longer suffer any evil damage.

Another point is that the damage of Darkrai's evil skills is permanently enhanced to 120%.

This alone has increased Darkrai's combat effectiveness by at least one level. In terms of panel strength, even if he does not reach the ranks of first-level gods, it is definitely the ceiling among second-level gods.

It is a nearly invincible existence under the first-level gods.

But because of the existence of Pokémon such as Yveltal, Martial Bear Master, and Bad Eater King.

Even if Darkrai cannot be harmed by evil-type skills, he cannot be called the strongest evil-type Pokémon.

Because when it comes to the damage of evil skills, Yveltal's damage at the same level is definitely higher than that of Darkrai. Even if Darkrai's skill damage is increased by 20%, it cannot surpass the former.

On the other hand, it is more idealistic and needs to be explored.

Each slate has its own unique introduction, and the introduction of the evil slate is as follows:

[The two are matter, and the third is soul, from which prayer is born, and the world is formed from this. 】

Just looking at the content is really a bit nonsensical.

However, the changes in Darkrai's appearance are really big, and it is impossible that it has only the simple effect of immunity to evil damage and enhancement of evil damage.

"Let's go, let's go find the King of Phoenix and try it."

Dark turned his head and looked at Darkrai, who nodded.

The King of Phoenix is ​​a standard first-level god, and is neither strong nor weak among the first-level gods.

Although judging from the little resume in the animation and the movie, the King of Phoenix is ​​simply the bottom of the first-level gods.

However, as a cover god, it must be at least the level of a first-level god.

Looking at the result of the battle between Darkrai and the King of Phoenix, you can most intuitively feel what level Darkrai's current strength has reached.

. . .

The edge of the continent.

The King of Phoenix was very unhappy about being called by Darkrai to fight with Darkrai, and he was very angry.

He hated fighting with others the most.

Tired and painful.

However, he was more or less curious about Darkrai who had absorbed the Slate of Evil Face, so he was willing to give it a try.

The two were fighting freely, without Darkrai's command.

Darkrai's main purpose was to use various special abilities to observe and analyze the battle and judge Darkrai's current combat power level.

He was the only one who had the ability to evaluate the battle between the legendary beasts.

Vegapunk and Monet had previously developed instruments to collect Pokémon battle data, which were technological products similar to glasses and cameras.

However, Darkrai knew it didn't work after just trying it.

Although Monet's instrument was quite accurate in collecting various data, it only worked for Pokémon below the King level, and above that it was a mess of codes.

Although Vegapunk could observe the range of Champion-level Pokémon, the data belonged to a relatively vague range.

In terms of level, Ho-Oh and Darkrai were not out of the level of "Champion".

But they are legendary Pokémon, with special status and exclusive power of law, so their fighting level must be higher than the champion level, and naturally the specific data cannot be detected by the instrument.

The battle of the Phoenix King is simple and rough.

Various winds and flames flew around in the entire space, attacking Darkrai from all directions.

In the past, Darkrai could only hide himself in the dark space to avoid such attacks.

But now it is different.

Darkrai opened his hands, and [Dark Hole] opened a layer of dark curtain to absorb all fire skills and flying skills into it.

From the outside, the black vortex of the Dark Hole now still has ice-blue lightning patterns from time to time.

However, Darkrai still chose to avoid the "Holy Fire" of the Phoenix King.

"The Dark Hole is even more powerful, and it has a bit of "absolute defense" meaning."

Dark looked at the dark vortex in Darkrai's hand, as if he saw the barrier fruit ability of Bartolomeo.

In the past, the [Dark Hole] could not withstand the attack of the first-level god level, and there was a great probability that it would be shattered from the inside, and Darkrai would have a hard time.

But now it can.

From this point of view, Darkrai has at least reached the level of the first-level god in terms of exclusive ability.

Next is a multi-faceted test.

There is also a special point that Darkrai's evil skills seem to have reached a critical point, so there have been some changes.

All of his evil skills will emit ice-blue light from time to time when they are used.

This situation also appeared in the body of the 'God of Destruction' Yveltal.

Yveltal's evil skills are not pure black, but mixed with his own red.

This may also be a proof that Darkrai's evil energy has broken through to the first-level god.

In addition, Darkrai also found that Darkrai's abilities have also changed significantly.

To put it more clearly, the two racial values ​​of 'attack' and 'special attack' have become more powerful.

Originally, Darkrai's advantages were special attack and speed, and the other four aspects were mediocre.

Now the attack has become "relatively advantageous", and the special attack has become "extremely advantageous", and almost every item has increased by 40 points of racial value.

Darkrai's original total racial value was 600, and now it has reached 680.

The standard racial value of a first-level god is 680.

When the battle reached a certain point, Dark called it off.

There was no need to continue, as he had already seen Darkrai's current level.

In the early stage of the battle, Darkrai could still be on par with the Phoenix King, but as the battle time continued, Darkrai was a little overwhelmed.

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