Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 481 A request for help from the future

Perhaps he is not familiar with the power of the Slate of Evil Face, or perhaps it is some other problem.

Today, Darkrai has entered the level of a first-level god, but he is not very strong, and belongs to the lower level of a first-level god.

Probably the same level as the black and white dragons Zekrom and Leshiram.

"Darkrai, you are much stronger than before."

After absorbing the power of the Slate of Evil Face, Darkrai entered the level of a first-level god from a second-level god.

Although it seems to be only a small class of progress, it is actually a qualitative leap.

Even a first-level lower god can at least beat three or five second-level gods of the same level.


Darkrai clenched his fists.

"Of course, we will all become stronger."

Darkrai grinned and raised his chin.

It can be seen that Darkrai is a little bit bothered by the fact that he cannot beat the Phoenix King.

For Darkrai, who has always regarded secretly protecting Darkrai as his greatest responsibility, he does not allow any creature to be stronger than him, even his companions.

Darkrai is not a newly born child like Ho-Oh and Giratina.

He has seen too many accidents in the Pokémon world, so even if those first gods who are stronger than himself are his companions, Darkrai cannot be completely at ease.

Because Darkrai is worried that these companions will be inadvertently controlled one day in the future and then cause harm to Darkrai.

If Darkrai can't beat them at that time, then won't Darkrai be in danger?

As for Darkrai himself, he is not worried about such a thing happening at all.

It's not that he trusts his own ability.

But he trusts Darkrai.

He has been with Darkrai all the time, and he doesn't think Darkrai will let them fall into that situation.

After that.

Darkrai returned to Darkrai's shadow.

Darkrai also used the Door-Door Fruit to return to his office in an instant.

"Who are you?"

After Darkrai came out of the Door-Door Fruit, he saw a woman sitting on his seat with her back to him.

The woman wore a pure white suit on her upper body, a pure white short skirt on her lower body, and pure white long boots on her feet.

‘How much does this woman like white?’

Dark glanced at her and then stopped his gaze at the woman’s hair.

Ice blue.

In all these years, Dark had only seen hair of this color on one person’s head.


But Esdeath is only twelve years old now, and should be preparing for the final exams in the Pokémon Academy.


Even if Esdeath is her, she won’t sit anywhere else.

There is only one person in the entire Pokémon League who dares to sit in his seat, and that is his internal secretary Robin.

Usually, Robin needs to help with many things, so Dark simply lets Robin sit in his seat and do the work.

“Master, it’s been a long time since we last met.”

The woman turned around, crossed her legs, and smiled at Dark.

“It’s really you.”

Dark looked at the mature face and sighed in distress.

When he saw the adult Esdeath appear here, Dark almost instantly figured out what was going on.

Something must have happened in the era of Esdeath, to the extent that the entire Pokémon League may not be able to solve it.

However, this matter is something that Dark in this period can solve.

‘Why don’t you look for me in other periods? Is there something wrong with me, or can’t I solve it? ’

Dark’s expression became a little gloomy, but he felt strange.

According to Charlotte, the girl from the future, he would have to sit in the position of the first generation leader for at least a few years or more than ten years without worry, and then he would disappear and become a legend.

‘Then why don’t you look for me ten years later? Could I be weaker than I am now? ’

Another possibility popped up in Dark’s mind.

“Don’t think about it, Master. I will explain the situation to you.”

Esdeath stood up from her seat, walked in front of Dark, and then hugged Dark all of a sudden, “I’m so tired, Master. It’s really hard to be the leader.”

After complaining, Esdeath took another step back.

"Hmm, which generation of leader are you?"

It was only then that Dark noticed that there was a necklace hidden in the other party's amazing ravine.

The necklace that represented the status of the leader of the alliance was the necklace that he had decided to pass down from generation to generation.

Dark looked down at the necklace in front of his chest and confirmed that it was the same one.

Both necklaces had a black mini Pokémon ball [Origin Ball].

"Fourth generation."

"Fourth generation. Isn't that a hundred years later?"

Dark frowned and pinched his chin.

"Although I did come from a hundred years later, it was only 25 years later that I became the leader of the alliance."

"How old are you?"

Dark was shocked and looked at the appearance of Esdeath in front of him. She looked at most 30 years old.

Esdeath now looked like a married young woman, full of mature and gentle aura, belonging to the most charming and seductive stage of a woman's life.

"112, I say, Master, how can a guy like you who hasn't changed for hundreds of years have the right to sigh at other people's appearance."

Esdeath shook her head speechlessly.

In her field of vision, there was no change in appearance between the current Dak and the Dak in her memory in those years.

Only the temperament of the body has changed.

The current master's temperament is still a bit immature, and there is still a big gap between the demeanor that he had more than 20 years ago, who was always confused no matter what he faced.


Not a hundred years from now, but just ten or twenty years from now, a potion that will keep people young forever will appear in the research institutes of several doctors from the alliance.

Although it will not change the life span, it can make a person's appearance stay at the age when he took the medicine until he dies.

Of course, you have to keep drinking this medicine. If you stop, your body will continue to age, and at a faster rate until it reaches what your bone age should be.

Esdeath didn't take that kind of medicine, and she didn't care much about her appearance.

The reason why she looks ageless is simply because the lifespan of people with special abilities is generally much longer than that of ordinary people.

The average life span of ordinary superpowers is twenty to thirty years longer than that of humans.

The lifespan of a superpower of Esdeath's level is more than three times that of an ordinary person, so Esdeath doesn't look too old.

"Stop talking about this, why are you here? I should have told you when you were very young that traveling through time is taboo."

Dark was not going to talk to Esdeath about these useless things.

He pushed Esdeath away, then returned to his seat and sat down, ready to listen to what Esdeath was going to say.

"Yeah, I was still very young then."

Esdeath looked at this office and sighed.

In a hundred years, a lot of changes have taken place in this office, but for Esdeath, what he sees is still the most familiar.

"Master, in a certain world in the future, a 'dark breath' appears, which is very dangerous."

Esdeath came to sit in front of Dark and put on a serious expression.

Now she is more like the fourth generation alliance leader, rather than Dak's great disciple Esdeath.

"Black breath."

Dark frowned and pursed his lips, but said nothing, signaling Esdeath to continue.

"That black aura will affect all non-human creatures, corrode their minds, and make them become puppets of the dark aura, constantly killing humans. It feels like the human race is being wiped out, even if it is the legendary treasure Kemen is not immune."

Esdeath briefly introduced his understanding of the dark atmosphere.

"Which world is the source of?"

"Pokémon World."

Esdeath thought for two seconds before speaking directly.

After all, if the current Dak is to go to the future, then the other party will know all this sooner or later, and there is no need to hide it.

Before she came to this era, the league's top brass had already discussed all possible consequences.

Even [the first-generation alliance leader had the idea to no longer be connected to the Pokémon world, causing the Pokémon world to disappear directly from us, and we will not even have any memory of it].

".I see."


"I probably know what's going on."

Dark's brows widened.

He originally had such a guess, but he didn't expect that it turned out to be the case.

Among the many Pokémon games, there is a version called Dark Whirlwind, Dark Lugia, and in this game there is talk of dark power and dark Pokémon.

The stage for the entire event is the Orei region of the Pokémon world.

In this place, an evil force called the Shadow Team artificially created 83 dark Pokémon, among which the most powerful No. 001 is Dark Lugia.

However, this time should have nothing to do with the Shadow Team. Instead, it may have happened before the Shadow Team was born.

The Shadow Team was just a force formed by humans after that to use the dark aura to control Pokémon to accomplish unknown purposes.

Trash evil forces like the Shadow Team are not taken seriously by Dak at all.

There are many evil forces that are more powerful than this in other Pokémon regions, and each one is related to the legendary Pokémon. This Shadow Team can barely squeeze into the forefront.

The real puzzle is the origin of the Shadow Squad, the Dark Breath.

‘It turns out that this game version of the Pokémon world will be linked in the future. ’

The Pokémon world is a composite universe with many parallel time and spaces, and the world where Dark Lugia is located is one of them.

The dark aura is the final ‘Boss’ in this world.

How did this thing come about? Even legendary Pokémon can be affected.

"So, the only ones who can fight the dark aura are strong humans, but you are helpless against the dark aura, so you have no choice but to come here to ask for help?"

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