Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 483 Meet the First Alliance Leader!

Although the Pokémon League a hundred years later has not encountered a major crisis that cannot be dealt with, the problem Esdeath is considering may indeed exist.

It is necessary to avoid future troubles.

If you can kill the dark atmosphere now, there is no need to leave it until later to avoid accidents along the way.

After much deliberation, Dark decided to go to the future with Esdeath.

This was a secret trip, and except for Robin and Madara's explanation, Dark didn't tell anyone else.

If Dark is unable to return due to an accident, Madara will temporarily take over as the leader of the alliance, and Robin will assist Madara in management until the second generation leader is selected.

Of course, the probability of this happening is extremely slim.

After all, there are so many strong humans from the Pokémon Alliance following them, and the dark aura is no match for them in the first place.

This journey to the future.

Only Dark and Darkrai will make it through.

Even Dialga, who has opened the time channel, will not pass through to avoid more unpredictable changes.

If Dialga at this point in time meets those legendary Pokémon a hundred years from now, he still doesn't know what will happen.

As for Dialga meeting at two points in time, that is impossible.

Creatures that are deeply connected to time, such as Celebi and Dialga, exist in a world's timeline, and only one exists.

Because of Dak, Dialga basically stayed at the same time as Dak.

Only Pokémon such as Ho-oh and Mew may meet another version of themselves in the future, but it’s hard to say what will happen after the two meet.

A similar situation has not occurred in many Pokémon series, and it has always followed the rule that there is only one powerful beast in a time and space.

"Let's go."

Before the blue time and space vortex opened by Dialga, Dark looked at Esdeath beside him.

At this time, Dak was also wearing a pure white cape behind him, and his iconic black and white baseball cap was also placed on his head.

Esdeath forced Dak to do this, saying it was for a sense of ceremony.

It also made Dak a little confused.

What's the ritual of traveling through time?


Esdeath stood behind Dark, smiling and nodding, with a strange meaning in his smile.

Step into the vortex of time.

Scenes from a hundred years came towards him like light and shadow, then penetrated Dak and went behind him.

Dak could slow down his perception so that he could see clearly some of the things that had happened in the past hundred years, but he did not do so.

Originally, he had an extremely long lifespan. If he could even predict the future, then living would be a kind of torture.

Unlike Duck.

Esdeath, who was behind him, was feeling all this seriously and watching this scene.

These are the times she has experienced, and to her they are memories that have passed.

She saw her 14-year-old self being chased and beaten by Dak with a stick. No matter how she moved instantly, Dak could always reach her destination one step ahead of her and wait to hit her.

She saw her 24-year-old self being surpassed by her two junior brothers, and she couldn't sleep at night unwillingly.

She saw her 32-year-old self and Naruto in the audience watching Luffy become the second-generation leader under Dark's testimony, and she also comforted the somewhat lonely Naruto that night.

She saw the 38-year-old Naruto, who had just become the leader of the Sandaime Alliance, fought with Luffy against the incoming dark aura and the army of dark creatures until he fainted; she also saw that at the end of the same year, she was ordered to become the fourth generation in danger.

She saw her 50-year-old self going to the world of New Link alone to create a new era of peace.

Too many memories awakened little by little in Esdeath's mind.

She was suddenly shocked to realize that she had experienced so much and her personality had changed so much.

'well. ’

I sighed secretly in my heart.

Esdeath suddenly felt a little tired and waited until this incident was resolved.

She was ready to abdicate.

. . .

When Dak walked out of the time vortex, he squinted his eyes in discomfort at first.

Then he opened his eyes and was shocked when he saw the scene in front of him clearly.

This is an open space, somewhat similar to a martial arts arena. There is a fifty-meter-high pavilion to the east of the martial arts arena.

Duck was standing on the balcony on the top floor of the pavilion.

In the square in front of the pavilion, there were at least 100,000 people standing densely packed.

Countless creatures with similar human appearances from humans, elves, giants, dwarfs, furs, half-humans, dragons, and fish-men gathered together and set their sights on Dak.

He could feel that the life energy of these people was very full, and anyone who picked up Blue Star was a full-level human.

These people should be the upper class and top experts in each world, but their strength is suppressed in this Pokémon Island, so they are still in the category of ordinary humans.

The number of combat members in the alliance is definitely not limited to this.

Because in the third year of the Dark Alliance, the number of combatants in the alliance has far exceeded 100,000.

Those who can gather here should all be the captains and relatively powerful figures in the alliance who have human forms. They are unlikely to be ordinary people anyway.

You must know that in the league, even a small captain can lead at least 10 people in the league.

Assuming that all the people gathered here are team leaders, there are at least 1 million combatants in the Pokémon League.

Of course, the real number must far exceed this number.

After all, there are still those non-human members who are not included.

"See the first generation leader!!!" xN

Before Dak could say anything, more than 100,000 people knelt down on one knee and clasped their right fists on their hearts.

At the front of the 100,000 people, there were about a hundred people who did not kneel down, but walked with their feet together and made a fist salute.

"How about it? Master, you couldn't see such a scene in your time."

Esdeath, who had been standing silently behind Dark, grinned.

"Hmph, I don't have time to do all that fancy stuff."

Dak tilted his mouth and said something disdainfully, but he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

I have to say that although what Esdeath did shocked Dak, it was indeed a surprise and made him feel very happy.

"Tch, you still behave well when you get a bargain."

Esdeath smiled and turned her head, then looked at the opening below.

"This war between the Alliance and the Dark Breath must completely disintegrate it. I don't want to see the fourth war again."

“With the help of ‘Creation God’, this is easy for us.”


Esdeath raised her hand to signal Dak beside her.


This troop gathering is mainly to boost morale and is also a welcome ceremony for Dak.

The team quickly disbanded, but the people did not disperse far. It seemed that they would be preparing here before the big battle.

And the hundred or so people who were obviously similar to various generals were walking towards the pavilion.

Dak could guess that he would have to deal with these people next.

He just saw a lot of faces among them.

Many of them are just familiar, but of course there are also many that you can recognize at a glance.

For example.

The Sinnoh Champion of the Pokémon world, Sirona.

The King of Knights in the Fate series, Artoria Pendragon, the Lancer-class ‘gun idiot’.

Tushan Honghong, the King of Tushan and the ‘Leader of the Demon Alliance’ in The Little Matchmaker of the Fox Demon.

A contemporary swordsman in a different world from scratch, the ‘World’s Strongest’ Reinhardt.

King, the 7th S-class player in One Punch Man and the ‘Strongest Man on Earth’.

Looking at the existence of this group of people, Dark really didn't think there was a possibility of the Pokémon League failing.

If nothing else, Dak was confused when he saw King.

If the bald man was there, would he still need to take action?

But it's impossible to say for sure, because Saitama's settings are different in different versions.

In the first generation, Saitama broke the limiter and became invincible.

That's right, it's 'invincible'.

From the setting to the concept of true invincibility, the author stated in the original design that Saitama would not encounter a character who could make him fight hard.

But in the reset version, Saitama was greatly weakened and lost his "invincible" characteristic.

In the reset version, Saitama fought against the Wolf in the Terror Mode of the Universe. At one point, he was even surpassed by the Wolf who copied Saitama's moves and power.

However, Saitama, who had not felt the passion for a long time, entered a state of rapid growth, and overtook the hungry wolf again and killed him.

If it were this version of Saitama, then it would be understandable.

In the reset version, even at the end of the timeline, Saitama's combat effectiveness is not very strong and he only has Taijutsu as a fighting method.

Its physical strength may have reached the level of a champion-level quasi-god Pokémon, and its true combat power may be able to fight against some lower-level second-level gods.

But a first-level god is absolutely impossible.

Because these gods fight no longer use their bodies to fight head-on, and basically use their own exclusive abilities.

Just like Ho-oh's sacred fire, which will burn Saitama's body until it is burned to death; or Darkrai's dark hole, which can swallow Saitama into sleep; or the time god Garu The card can directly drain Saitama's remaining lifespan and cause him to die of old age.

But even so, Saitama is still a very powerful human being.

At least among the group of people that Dak recognized just now, the only one who can compare with him is Reinhardt, the strongest swordsman with the same perfect setting.

These two people are not only powerful, but also have a strong sense of justice.

In terms of strength, Saitama may be a little stronger, but his personality is not perfect. Instead, he is just an ordinary person with weak emotions most of the time.

But Reinhardt is an absolutely perfect character.

There is nothing he is not good at, he has a deep sense of justice, a full sense of responsibility, he is kind and humble towards others, and he has more than 40 kinds of world blessings. He is an absolutely fantasy-level character set by the author. He is simply an excellent candidate for alliance leader.

Esdeath led Duck into a conference hall on the top floor.

Then she invited Dak to sit in the obviously main seat, and she sat next to him.

There was nothing to be polite about when facing his apprentice Dark. Instead, he looked at Esdeath.

"Our alliance is really full of talents, so we don't have to worry about the candidate for alliance leader in the future."

"Oh? Master can tell this at a glance? Then you have to explain it to me later."

Esdeath grinned.

She thought that Dak was joking. After all, he was a person who lived a hundred years ago. How much could he know about the people in the current alliance?

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