Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 491 Nine Ultimate Beasts

Dak said too much about the two minutes, and estimated the number because he was worried about something happening.

In fact, his solution was very simple and crude, and it would not take that long at all, but the price was that he had to get rid of the dark aura, otherwise one of his abilities would be scrapped.

Dak raised both hands.

His left hand concentrated enough mental power to forcibly fix the two small planes.

It was still a bit difficult for Dak to fix two second-level middle-level gods at once. After all, the two small planes had superpower attributes, and the effect of superpowers on them was halved.

However, Dak's full-level superpowers were not covered after all. Even if the total amount of mental power was not strong enough, the quality was there after all, and it was no problem to limit the two small planes for two or three seconds.

And two or three seconds was enough for Dak to complete his plan.

His right hand opened an air door on both sides of the two small planes.

Then, he instantly moved to the center of the two small planes and kicked with a split horse.

The two small planes were immobilized and unable to dodge, and were easily kicked into the gate space by Dark with great force.

After being kicked into the gray gate space, Latios and Latias could move, but it was too late.

Dark quickly dispersed the two doors, and the gate space was closed.

"As long as it is not a space-type Pokémon and a first-level god, it should be sealed."

Dark stood there and waited quietly for ten seconds to observe the situation.

He had tried it before, and the superpower of teleportation could not jump out of the gate space instantly.

Teleportation can only teleport to places visible to the naked eye, such as the holy land under the elf kingdom in the world of Zero.

Dark stood outside the space cut by Palkia and could see the scene inside the holy land, so he could teleport there.


The space inside the gate is different. What you see in the space inside the gate is still the gray world inside the gate space, so even if you teleport, you will teleport in the space inside the gate.

Only those second-level gods who have some knowledge of space and first-level gods who are powerful enough to distort space can escape from it.

However, the two small planes obviously do not belong to this category.

Dak used the Door Door Fruit to temporarily seal the two dark small planes inside.

However, the ability of the Door Door Fruit was also sealed.

Once Dak used the Door Door Fruit, the two small planes would also run out of it during this gap.

Therefore, before the dark aura was resolved, the energy of the Door Door Fruit was considered to be useless and could not be used again, otherwise it would be troublesome.

Whether it is worthwhile to seal two second-level middle-level gods with an uncommon full-level ability is up to everyone to judge.

"You can move on."

After confirming that the two small planes would not suddenly run out of it, Dak used instant movement again to chase forward.

It was less than thirty seconds since everyone left, so they must not have gone far.

As expected by Dak, he caught up with the people of the alliance after moving a distance of 500 meters.

However, some accidents also occurred here.

"Ultimate Beast?"

Dark suddenly appeared, frowning at the nine Pokémon standing opposite him with a strange style.

'Except for the Four-Jawed Needle Dragon and Pokémon, they are all alive. '

He just remembered now that the previous intelligence mentioned that there are some Ultra Beasts among the Pokémon "infected" by the dark aura.

These guys are not easy to deal with.

From head to toe, from inside to outside.

Ultra Beasts are creatures from another world that came to this world from the Ultra Cave in the Alola region.

They are very common creatures in their original world, but they are dangerous and out of place in the Pokémon world.

Most Ultra Beasts will inadvertently cause damage to other humans and Pokémon because of their biological instincts. After coming to the Pokémon world, some Ultra Beasts will attack humans and Pokémon, and will also destroy many buildings and environments.

Unfortunately, these guys can easily become stronger.

Take the nine Ultra Beasts in front of them for example.

The racial value of each Ultimate Beast is 570, which is only a little bit away from the passing line of 580 for the second-level God, and is much higher than the three major beasts in each region.

Moreover, the Ultimate Beast is a relatively extreme creature.

There is no such thing as "balance" in the distribution of their racial values. They are all extremely developed in one, or two or three aspects.

For example, Paper Sword has shockingly low values ​​for health, special attack and special defense, and almost no talent.

However, it is very outstanding in attack, defense and speed, especially the attack has reached 181, and almost one-third of the racial value is pointed at this point.

Therefore, under the same level, Paper Sword's attack may be stronger than some lower-level second-level Gods.

Other Ultimate Beasts are in a similar situation.

This situation also makes the Ultimate Beast a creature that is both easy to deal with and difficult to deal with.

It is easy to defeat the opponent by finding the opponent's weakness, but when humans first did not understand the Ultimate Beast, they suffered a lot.

Many humans and Pokémon were killed by individual Ultra Beasts.

Because of this, even if the Ultra Beasts have their own consciousness, the Alliance does not recognize them as 'Pokémon', but lists them separately as 'Ultimate Beasts'.

Whenever an Ultra Beast appears, the "Aether Foundation", the Pokémon protection organization in the Alola region, will immediately send out the "Ultimate Defense Team" to investigate.

If it is determined that this ultimate beast is a bad guy, then they will immediately find a way to send them back to the ultimate cave, or kill them.

If it is determined that this ultimate beast has no malicious intent and can communicate, then negotiations will be carried out to help those ultimate beasts that stray into the Alola area return to the ultimate cave.

"Nine Championship Levels"

Dak probably felt the intensity of the life energy in these nine ultimate beasts, and his face suddenly became unhappy.

Generally, the average level of the ultimate beasts that appear in this world is between the gym level and the king level.

The nine champions in front of them are really surprising.

When a Pokémon with a race value of 570 reaches the championship level, it can briefly compete with the lower level two gods for a period of time, let alone the ultimate beast that takes an extreme route.

The only thing to be thankful for is that they have not reached the master level. Otherwise, they would basically have stable mid-level second-level god strength, just like the Lizard King, Lapras and Bankelas.

The few ultimate beasts blocking the way are equivalent to nine low-level second-level gods blocking the way.

Now he is the only one on Dak's side.

There are only three people who have the ability to compete with the lower level two gods alone, namely Esdeath, Ichiryu and Saitama. The others are still a little bit behind, at best they are at the level of a champion.

Champion-level humans may be able to compete with champion-level ultimate beasts in the middle and later stages of the battle by relying on their own abilities, but the early battles are very painful and destined to be severely suppressed and even life-threatening. .

“A bit troublesome”

Esdeath muttered.

She was considering whether to leave these people behind her, but there was still some distance ahead.

She couldn't guarantee that there was something blocking the front, and whether a strong person was needed to hold it back, so that Dak could continue to go deeper without worrying about being disturbed when the dark atmosphere was finally removed.

But if we don't leave more people behind, then the individual people left behind are bound to face great danger to their lives.

Especially these ultimate beasts, no matter whether they are controlled by the dark aura or not, they will kill humans at every turn, regardless of whether they are controlled by the dark atmosphere.


Just at this time.

A pair of blue eyes lit up in Dark's shadow, and Darkrai emerged from them.

"Darkrai? You can't come out."

Dark frowned.

He didn't want Darkrai to be infected by the dark aura. With Darkrai's low-level combat power, it would definitely be a disaster if he joined the opposite camp.

There are no more manpower here to allocate to Darkrai.


'It doesn't matter, the stone will protect me. ’

Darkrai tried to poke half of his head out, and after confirming his guess, he completely escaped.

Others in the alliance looked at Darkrai who was safe and sound in the dark atmosphere, and they all looked surprised.

‘Nightmare God’, this first god has basically not left many rumors since the creation of the alliance. The dragon is even more mysterious than the creator god Dak.

Even Saitama and Ichiryu have never seen Darkrai's true form.

I didn't expect to see the nightmare god from a hundred years ago now.

"Does the stone slab still have this effect?"


‘Leave these nine to me and you move on. ’

Darkrai waved his hand.

"Okay, if you feel something is wrong, leave the island immediately and wait for me outside."

Dark has no ink, and the tacit understanding between him and Darkrai does not need to be elaborated.

Since Darkrai said he had no problem, Dark must have completely trusted him.

What's more, the Evil Face Slate is one of the eighteen core powers of Arceus, so it's not surprising that it has the effect of protecting Darkrai's will from the invasion of darkness.

"Let's go, give these nine to Darkrai."

"no problem?"

A member who didn't know Darkrai asked.

Because Darkrai in the Pokémon world is only at the level of a mid-level second-level god, and if the level is high enough, it can only reach the level of a second-level god, so the members will be a little worried about Darkrai's strength.

"Just take a look for yourselves."

Duck pointed forward casually.

In just a few words, Darkrai had already grabbed an ultimate beast in one hand and smashed their heads together.

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