Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 492 ‘Nightmare God’

[Venom Shock]

Xuwuid spit out a purple poisonous mucus with white mist on Darkrai's back.

Darkrai didn't even turn his head and threw the electric beam wood in his left hand to the back. The purple poisonous mucus immediately covered the waist of the electric beam wood and caused a lot of damage.

Darkrai's strength is definitely not something that can be summarized by the panel strength.

Because of the teaching of Dark, the top breeder, he has learned all the knowledge about two-color domineering and various Pokémon attributes, characteristics, skills, etc.

General Pokémon don't even have the most basic concept of attribute restraint, so trainers are needed to assist in command.

But Darkrai is different.

Dark has taught all these things.

So Darkrai knows that [Venom Shock] is a poison-type special attack skill, and the special defense of the electric beam wood is relatively low, and it will suffer more damage if it is hit by this move.

And in his right hand is the grass-steel attribute, which can be immune to poison-type damage.

Therefore, he chose to throw the electric beam wood in his left hand as a shield instead of the paper sword in his right hand.

These things that are not engraved on the panel are all factors that can make Darkrai's strength stronger than the panel.

And the dark breath will never know these things.

According to the previous analysis and everything so far, the dark breath should be something with its own will.

I think if the dark breath "saw" this scene just now, it would be very confused.


The clown twisted left and right, approaching Darkrai quickly with a pace like a weird species, and then reached out with one hand.


The attack hit, but there was no effect.

Darkrai threw the remaining Explosive Muscle Mosquito in his hand to the side of the Iron Fire Kaguya who used [Rocket Headbutt] to hit him, and then stared at the clown with one hand on his waist with a pair of dark blue eyes.

Any [evil] energy is ineffective against Darkrai who has absorbed the evil face slate.

[Evil Wave]

When Darkrai raised his left hand, a black-gray wave ball had already condensed in his palm.


The wave ball was violently slammed on Boom's head by Darkrai and exploded.

Boom, who has the ghost system, has to bear double the damage when facing Darkrai's evil skills!

This one move is enough to make Boom lose at least 1/3 of his HP.

[Flying Knee Kick]

At the same time, the nearby Pherome was already flying in the air, rushing towards Darkrai at a speed as if it was using a flash of lightning and high-speed movement.

On the other side, the Evil Eater was burning with blue-purple dragon energy all over his body, and he hit him with all his strength with [Dragon Dive].

Darkrai glanced at it, and shot a mental power in one hand and a freezing beam in the other to both sides.

Superpowers and ice skills also restrain Pherome and Evil Eater.

Moreover, these two skills are special skills, and Darkrai's talent happens to focus on special attack and speed.

As expected, the attacks of the two Ultimate Beasts were destroyed.

Eight of the nine Ultimate Beasts suffered losses.

The remaining Lei Shi had almost no ability to move, and was completely crawling on the ground. It was several meters away from Darkrai, so it was spared.

The nine Ultimate Beasts stood there stupidly, stretching and dazed, not knowing whether they were doubting their lives or the dark aura was doubting their lives.

After all, an ordinary Darkrai would never suppress nine champion-level Ultimate Beasts at the beginning, and he might even have to fight hard.

Darkrai looked down at the nine Ultimate Beasts from a high position, exuding a gray-black aura all over his body, and even those dark auras had to avoid him.

At this moment, he was the "Nightmare God".

. . .

"Darkrai has absorbed the power of the Slate of Evil Face, and his strength has been enhanced. His overall strength is lower than the first level, but at the beginning he can even play the level of the middle level of the first level, and he is not affected by the dark aura. These ultimate beasts will not be his opponents."

Dark followed the rest of the people and continued to teleport forward.

He found that these people had almost no knowledge of the 'Nightmare God'. The long introduction they knew was the version that the engineering department had revised and updated thousands of times.

'These guys are really idle all day long. I'll find something for them to do when I go back. '

Dark thought to himself.

How idle does it take to revise the introduction of Darkrai's first god statue tens of thousands of times in a hundred years, not to mention the other first gods with higher presence.

"I see, I didn't expect the Nightmare God to be so strong a hundred years ago."

Even Esdeath was a little surprised.

She knew a little more than others, after all, she was Dark's first disciple.

But she didn't know much. She thought Darkrai became so strong later. She didn't expect that Darkrai was strong enough to fight against a first-level god after three years in the league.

If that's the case, then there's no need to worry about the situation on the Ultra Beast side.

Maybe Darkrai can finish the battle in ten minutes and then quickly go to support Darkrai.

"Slate. I remember that the first generation master seemed to have talked about this in the previous video class."

Saitama felt a little familiar when he heard the slate.

Most of the time, he is just an ordinary working man. When he has nothing to do, he watches TV at home with his Pokémon.

He has watched videos of past battle competitions, coordination competitions, various Pokémon TV series and movies, and even the lessons recorded by alliance leaders in Pokémon Academy.

In his impression, Dark once took a class about [Arceus] at Pokémon Academy.

The Pokémon God who created some Pokémon, Arceus.

I remember that a certain period of time in the past suddenly emerged a cult called the 'Human Race Supreme Religion'.

People in this cult were not convinced that Arceus was so awesome, so they made up all kinds of history, wildly exaggerated the strongest among humans, and gave many people the title of 'god'.

There is even a setting that "Arceus is just a toy made by the creator god Dark".

Although the cult was eliminated in less than a year.

But some of the impact remains.

For example, all people agree on one point of view, [The God of Creation must be above the God of Pokémon].

Those eighteen stone slabs are the core power of Pokémon God Arceus. Saitama remembers that there are still some mysterious guys in the dark side of the world who are searching for such 'slates' everywhere.

"I remember"

Yilong raised his eyebrows and thought about it for a moment, as if he was planning to say something.

"Don't tell me the rest of it, I don't want to know it."

Dak stopped Yilong's next words.

He could also guess what Yilong wanted to say.

It is nothing more than knowing which stone tablet is in a certain place, or on the body of a certain first god.

Dak doesn't want to know these things, but intends to let them develop naturally. Knowing this now will affect his future judgment after getting the tablet.

"What's that in front?"

Suddenly, a Hyuga clan superpower behind him stared at the sky in front of him with a pair of white eyes.

Everyone followed his gaze.

In the dark mist ahead, there was a figure so tall that it was almost impossible to see the end.

Everyone even had to doubt that such a huge guy really wouldn't step this small island into the sea?

"I didn't expect that even this guy was hit. He must have been too sleepy. When he woke up, it was too late to run away."

Duck could almost imagine the scene at that time.

Regichicas has a feature called [Slow Start].

It is different from the effect in the game [the damage and speed of physical moves in the first five turns of a Pokémon with this characteristic are halved].

Regichicas in the real world is really just a 'slow start'.

Regichicas is in a deep sleep state most of the time. It takes a while for him to wake up, just like it takes time to turn on a computer.

This time is not fixed. The longer Rejichikas sleeps, the longer it takes for him to wake up.

Like Reggie Kas in the Pokémon world, it takes at least several thousand or tens of thousands of years to start sleeping. This 'start-up time' is definitely more than five seconds or even ten seconds.

By the time he woke up, the dark atmosphere had already invaded Rejichicas's brain.

"Did He exist in the first two wars?"

"No, maybe the dark aura didn't find Him. After all, Regichicas is usually buried deep underground."

"Then my guess is correct."

Duck crossed his arms over his chest and nodded confidently.

If Regichicas was also controlled by darkness the previous two times, it means that he had already activated it once in the previous two times.

There was a gap of several decades in between.

So this time it shouldn't start so slowly.

Regiskas is not Groudon, he can fly.

Even if Regichicas doesn't fly and just walks on the ground, with his long legs, he can cover thousands of meters or tens of thousands of meters in one step, and the dark aura can't catch up.

It must have been entangled in the dark aura before it started.

"No, is this the time for us to discuss this?"

Yilong swallowed, his eyes gradually became sharp and serious.

"He's coming."

Saitama next to him also gritted his teeth and clenched his fists in an instant, and his decadent workman aura instantly dissipated.

"Reggie Chikas is a god in one episode"

Esdeath took a deep breath and made a decision after hesitating for three seconds.

"Master, I may have to leave the rest to you alone."

Esdeath said as he took off the white beret on his head and threw it casually on the ground next to him.

Except for the three of them, the other alliance strongmen behind Dak all stepped forward.

"It's time to fight hard."

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