Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 475 Shadow's Conspiracy

Chapter 508 Shadow's Conspiracy

After the battle, Dark checked the dark Pokémon.

After confirming that these dark Pokémon were all irrational creatures as Leo said, Dark directly destroyed them all humanely.

After that, Dark used the Door-Door Fruit to teleport according to the location and direction given by Leo, and came to Silicon Beryllium City, the largest central city in the Orei region.

This city is located in the central and southern part of the Orei region, next to a large inland lake, and it depends on this lake to survive.

If someone poisons this lake, then perhaps the city will be in crisis in a few days.

Because there are no wild Pokémon in the Orei region, and most Pokémon props are imported from outside, even if there are places like Pokémon Center and Friendly Store, they are very small.

After all, the number of trainers in the Orei region is very small. In other regions, the number of trainers may account for at least 4/5 of the total population, but here it is even less than 1/5.

And even trainers have very few Pokémon, basically only one or two.

Like now.

A trainer like Dark, who has six shrunken Pokémon balls hanging around his waist, is quite conspicuous even in the central city of Silicon Beryllium City, giving people a feeling of being either rich or noble.

There is only one Poké Center in Silicon Beryllium City, and it is not large.

In other areas, it may be the size of a town or village, but Miss Joy standing guard at the Poké Center looks fine.

In the corner of the Poké Center.

Dark drank coffee while scanning the empty room. There were no more than five people in the entire Poké Center, including them and Joy.

He didn't even need to find a private room to talk in such a place.

"You said the next target of the Shadow Team is Ho-Oh?"

Dark couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when listening to what Leo told him.

It must be said that the Shadow Team is really bold. It seems that they are planning to get the genes of those legendary Pokémon one by one, and then copy the dark legendary Pokémon.

The previous Dark Lugia was a Pokémon created by the Shadow Team through Lugia's genes.

However, the genes obtained by the Shadow Team were not obtained from the strongest Lugia with power, but from that guy's child.

Lugia in the Pokémon world has a family, which appeared in a theatrical version of the animation.

Under the Whirlpool Island lives a family of three Lugia. Little Lugia may have just been born not long ago at this time, and his size is not as big as Xiaozhi.

With the level of the Shadow Team before, it is definitely impossible to obtain Lugia's genes from battle or by any fair means.

The only way is to use some technological means to deceive ignorant children like little Lugia.

"That's right. Team Shadow got the Rainbow Feather of Ho-Oh from nowhere. 'Legend of Shadow' Machado had come before but was repelled by Dark Lugia and got the genes."

Leo sighed heavily and nodded, looking worried. "Team Shadow might create Machado next time. If we continue to delay, Team Shadow will only grow stronger and stronger. We must destroy it."


Dark ignored what Leo was saying and pondered on his own.

"Machado will definitely find a way to get help to snatch back the Rainbow Feather. With Dark Lugia here, no one can take away the Rainbow Feather unless Ho-Oh comes in person."

"I think Machado knows this too, so he is likely to bring Ho-Oh."

"Even if it's not Ho-Oh, Team Shadow won't lose anything because they can still capture the Pokémon they brought for research."

Leo kept explaining Team Shadow's plans and threats to Dak.

But Dak never took it seriously.

Because he has already judged the strength of the Shadow Team, the upper limit is just a Dark Lugia, and at this level, he can defeat them with the lineup he has now.

The trouble is that the Shadow Team hides deeper and deeper, and it is a bit troublesome to eradicate them all.

However, according to what Leo said just now, there is at least a chance to get rid of the top part of the Shadow Team at one time.

As for the other small fish, they can be slowly handed over to the local alliance to deal with.

"I didn't expect at first that the kind-looking Mayor Barclay was actually the biggest leader of the Shadow Team, 'Shadow'."


Dak was attracted back by Leo's words.

He really didn't expect Leo to even know the identity of the Shadow Team's behind-the-scenes boss.

Now that the identity of the boss is known, then the things that follow will be very easy to solve.

"The mayor of Beryllium City, Barclay, is actually Shadow, the biggest leader of the Shadow Team. I know where the Shadow Team's research funds have come from all these years."

Leo shook his head and explained, "That's why I didn't seek cooperation with the Orei Union."

"Why, is this Barclay a member of the Orei Union?"

Dak raised his eyelids and raised the corners of his mouth.

He remembered that the Orei Union had people coming to the previous meeting, and only one champion from the Orei region came.

"Yes, Barclay's grandfather once built a canal to bring water here so that humans could survive. Therefore, he became the founding hero and the first mayor of Silicon Beryllium City. Later, the position was passed to Barclay, and his status in the alliance was also passed down. He was considered a high-level official."

Leo nodded solemnly, and then remembered something.

"Suddenly I remembered that every time the Orei Alliance took any action, the organization would always get the information as quickly as possible and evade it."

"Well, I see, then it seems that the Orei Alliance can temporarily watch this matter."

Dark raised his chin, and finally heard something useful again.

He took out his Pokémon encyclopedia, contacted Daigo and Mikoli, and asked them to join forces with the few champions who had not left to control the Orei Champion first.

In short, before the Shadow Team's affairs in the Orei area came to a complete end, the Orei Champion would not have to think about coming back.


This made Leo stunned, and he was also controlled by Dark's domineering words.

"There's nothing for you to do next. I don't really need your help here. Wait for the alliance support from other regions to come and lead them."

Dark stood up, took a Pokémon ball from his waist, and then walked out of the Pokémon Center.


Leo quickly reached out to stop Dark.

He didn't know what Dark was going to do, but he could probably feel it.

He thought that no matter how strong Dark was, he didn't have the strength to face the Shadow Team alone. The Lizard King was very powerful, but it was still far inferior to the Dark Lugia.

"Regarding your identity and your past actions, you should be mentally prepared. Just providing information is not enough to make up for your crime."

Dark tilted his head and pushed Leo away.

Although Leo has now turned from evil to good, the bad things he did in the past, the Pokémon and trainers he harmed, can't restore everything to the way it was.

The sin has been committed.

Even if Leo told them all the information now, it would not be enough to pay for his past deeds.

After all, even without Leo, they would still destroy the Shadow Team.

It's just that Leo's information shortened the time.


After hearing what Dark said, Leo stood there in silence.

He was a little confused now, not knowing whether his choice was right.

He certainly didn't want to spend the rest of his life in prison, but he also didn't want to stay in the Shadow Team and do those things.

Dark didn't care what Leo thought.

"Make some noise."

He left alone and came to a corner of Silicon Beryllium City, and then threw the Pokémon Ball in his hand.

About five seconds later.

A huge bird with a rainbow glowing all over its body flew over Silicon Beryllium City, leaving a long-lasting rainbow ribbon intertwined with the clouds in the air.

In the mayor's office of Silicon Beryllium City.

"Is the Phoenix King here?"

A kind old man with a round belly squinted his eyes and looked out the window. When he saw the big bird flying by, his squinting eyes opened instantly.

He took out his mobile phone and immediately made a call.

"The Phoenix King flew to the north. He must have sensed the breath of the Rainbow Feather. I asked you to hide the Rainbow Feather in the Orei Union. Did you hide it?"

"Well, okay, then send Dark Lugia over."

"After this battle, the Orei Union must fall, and the Dark Phoenix King must also be gone."

After hanging up the phone, Shadow, who was the mayor in public, showed a very friendly smile.

But he didn't notice it.

At this moment, Dark had appeared behind him, and his eyes were shining with dark red light.

So, when Shadow turned his head, he was hypnotized by Dark's superpowers in an instant.

At this time, Dark couldn't help but glance at the six Pokémon balls on Shadow's waist.

One thing that dark Pokémon are inferior to normal Pokémon is that they have no self-awareness, so even if the trainer encounters danger, they will not leave the Poké Ball without instructions.

[Write down the location information of all the bases and research institutes of the Shadow Team on paper, and at the same time order all the senior officers of the Shadow Team to take all the dark Pokémon to the Battle Mountain to participate in the battle]

Dark gave Shadow such a "hypnotic command" with his superpowers.

The superpowers of the second-level upper level are not enough to make it easy for ordinary people like Shadow to break free. Even if Shadow's will is firm, Dark estimates that it will take at least a week for him to be able to notice something wrong.

But by then, the overall situation has been decided.

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