Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 474 Lizard King's Meat Bomb Impact

Chapter 507 The Lizard King’s Meat Bullet Impact

Leo naturally felt strange when he saw such a figure standing on this deserted rocky ground.

But even if he was sure that Dak would definitely not be a member of the Shadow Team, he had no intention of communicating with Dak.

As for whether he didn't want to communicate or whether Leo was worried that the Shadow Team would find Dak, only he knew the reason.

Leo originally planned to drive over and ignore Dak, until his peripheral vision caught sight of the six Pokmon Balls on Dak's waist, and he suddenly braked and stopped next to Dak.

"Hey, foreigner, I advise you to hide your pokemons and don't let a group of guys in black see them, otherwise you may lose your pokemon forever."

Leo deliberately stopped and said something to Dak, then shook his head and looked at the horizon behind him, "Also, leave the Ourei area as soon as possible, if you can still leave."

"Oh? Why can't you leave?"

Dak was not very interested in Leo at first, but who knew that the other party would actually say such a thing.

In Dak's eyes, this was completely equivalent to telling him, 'I have information about the Shadow Team here.'

"Where do you come from with so much talk? Just do as I say."

Leo obviously didn't have much patience.

Anyone who is being hunted all over the country would not have the patience to come here. I reminded him kindly, but others only asked irrelevant questions.

Moreover, Leo himself is not a good person.

If so, he wouldn't have joined the capture team and become the strongest one.

"Hey, boy, don't be so grumpy. I think you need a little help?"

Dak reached out and patted Leo's shoulder, then looked around with meaning.

There were almost dozens of biological auras surrounding him from all directions. It seemed that the young man on motorcycles he met was really not an ordinary character.

"Damn it, when were you discovered? Get in the car quickly!"

Leo was reminded by Duck and took out a tablet.

Only then did he notice that many red dots appeared around the tablet, and they were quickly approaching here.

"No, just get rid of them, right?"

"Are you crazy? The Pokémon those guys use can't be defeated!"

Leo was a little crazy and didn't know where Dak got such confidence.

He felt that Dak was still too naive and did not know that the strength of the evil trainers in the Shadow Team was not comparable to that of ordinary trainers.

"Just watch it."

Dak didn't know how to explain it to Leo. He just took out a Pokmon Ball from his waist and muttered, "You haven't been active for a long time. Let's do some rehabilitation training first."

The next moment, an oval green creature 3.5 meters tall appeared on the rocky ground.

Since becoming a fat man, the Lizard King seems to have grown taller, reaching twice the height of the average Lizard King.

However, its weight is at least five or six times that of an ordinary lizard king.

"Aren't you going to use this fat lizard to get rid of those people? I found that you have a talent for comedy."


As soon as Leo finished speaking, the motorcycle under his butt was cut into eighteen pieces by a green light.


Several steel plates fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

Leo glanced down and felt his scalp numb.

He didn't even see the big lizard take action just now!

"By the way, I always thought it was ineffective for you to use it, but now it may be very suitable for you."

Dark looked at the Lizard King's appearance, sighed, and gave the command, "Earthquake."

After that, Dak grabbed Leo and jumped up, floating five or six meters in the air.

"Who are you?! Is this a super power?!"

Leo still had some knowledge, and it took almost only two or three seconds to understand that Dak was a person with super powers.

"I am the first generation leader of the Pokémon League, Dak. I came to the Orei area to investigate the Shadow Team. This time, I will not leave here until the Shadow Team is destroyed."

Dak's eyes moved down to Leo's face, showing off his cards.


Leo swallowed secretly when he heard Duck's identity.

He saw that Duck was barely a few years older than him, so how could he be the first leader of the Pokémon League?

Maybe he is the leader of the alliance in a small place.

"Just look down there first and then you'll believe it."

Dark stretched out a finger and pointed in the direction of the Lizard King below.

The Lizard King bent his knees and jumped, then turned into a rocket and soared into the sky, breaking through the clouds and disappearing from their sight.

Now Dak was a little confused.

He remembered that the order he gave was 'earthquake', not 'Taishan overwhelming'.

‘Could it be that he is planning to have a Mount Tai + earthquake? ’

About ten seconds passed.

One black off-road vehicle after another came speeding in the distance.

There were four or five people on each off-road vehicle. One person was driving, and the other people were scanning the surroundings with various strange weapons similar to firearms in their hands.

Because Dak and Leo were floating in mid-air, they were very conspicuous.

So the group of people noticed them immediately, decisively raised their weapons and started shooting.

Bullets, lasers, artillery shells, even gas bombs, tear gas bombs, automatic tracking missiles. There are all kinds of them.

Dark felt that they might not intend to determine whether the target's identity was correct, but to kill first, and then determine whether they had completed the task by determining the identity of the corpse.

"Hey, hey, are you okay, those weapons?"

Leo's voice seemed to be stuck before he finished speaking. He opened his eyes and looked at everything around him and closed his mouth.

The flying objects seemed to be suddenly paused when they were five meters away from them. They were suspended in the air and motionless, and there was no way to be actively detonated.

"I say, your pre-swing is too long."

Dark then waved and destroyed all the flying objects, turning them into useless scraps of copper and iron falling on the ground.

Afterwards, Dark raised his head and frowned at the sky.

A figure in its original form was falling like a meteor.

Seeing the lizard king's falling momentum, Dak took Leo and flew up a hundred meters just in case.

The black-clad men on the ground were also very considerate and were already close together at this time, just within the coverage of the lizard king's next move.


When the lizard king stepped on the ground with his feet, the rock ground that seemed to be quite solid suddenly shattered and cracked around the lizard king's landing point like tofu.

Even the shortest crack had spread hundreds of meters away.

There was no need to consider the fate of those black-clad men.

'From now on, this move will be called a meat bomb impact. '

Dak looked at the mess below and nodded silently.

Dak has always disapproved of environmental destruction.

However, places like the Orei area will be destroyed sooner or later. If they are not destroyed, a new environment cannot be established, so the lizard king's move does not cause trouble.

".Which region's alliance leader are you?"

Leo, who was dumbfounded, asked in a daze.

He felt that he seemed to have thought wrong just now. With such a powerful Pokémon, Dark couldn't be an unknown person.

But he really hadn't heard of this person.

"The first generation leader of the Pokémon League, hmm, have you seen it? I know these people, even if I don't know them, I know them."

Dark took out a special Pokémon encyclopedia, and the contact list in the encyclopedia included more than 20 people who were at the meeting at that time.

".Can I take a look?"

Leo asked carefully, and his attitude had completely changed.

"Okay, but I still like your rebellious look at the beginning."

Dark teleported with Leo to the ground, and then threw the Pokémon encyclopedia to Leo.

And Dark himself walked to the landing point of the Lizard King.

At this time, the part below the neck of the Lizard King had been completely embedded in the ground, and the big head was exposed with an embarrassed expression.

"You're amazing."

Dark gave Lizard King a thumbs up.

Back then, Lizard King was also a prominent Pokémon around him, and his pair of leaf blades killed many members of the Knights of God.

It can be said that at that time, Lizard King only poked there and glanced, and all the Celestial Dragons were terrified, scared to pee their pants or even fainted.

Look at now.

The past is unbearable to look back.


Lizard King's face twitched, and he couldn't be tough anymore.

"Get ready, I will train you from today."

Dark stretched out his hand to pull Lizard King out, and then looked around.

Some of the men in black had fallen into the cracks of the earth, and some were lying on the surface with incomplete bodies.

No one was still alive.

He saw a few black and white Pokémon balls on the ground, and leaned over to pick one up.

"There are dark Pokémon in there. The Shadow Team used Pokémon genes and an unknown gas to create monsters. They have no consciousness of their own. If you want to deal with them, you can only kill them."

At this time, Leo came over and handed the Pokémon encyclopedia in his hand back to Dark.

He had just confirmed that this thing was real and the contacts in it were real.

No matter whether the identity of this [First Generation Leader of the Pokémon League] was true or false, this person did know the leaders of various regions and was a very unusual character.

After hearing this, Dark raised his chin.

The so-called "unknown gas" was the dark breath.

As for using Pokémon genes to artificially create Pokémon, this was something Dark had not thought of.

He thought that the Shadow Team was just using the dark breath to forcibly "infect" normal Pokémon, but he didn't expect it to be even more exaggerated.

But in this case, the birth of the pure black Lugia would have a basis.


He remembered that the last organization that used Pokémon genes to artificially create legendary Pokémon was the Rocket Team, the strongest evil force that ruled three regions.

Is the Shadow Team's biotechnology level about to catch up with Team Rocket? !

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