Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 473: Building a Community with a Shared Future for the World

Chapter 506: Building a Community of Shared Future for the World

Afterwards, Dark gave everyone a brief introduction to the Pokémon Island.

And the relationship and composition between Pokémon Island and many worlds.

"Now, Pokémon Island has been 'connected' to the Pokémon world you are in, but the time and space portal has not yet been opened. Only those who are strong enough can cross it, such as me."

"The connection of multiple worlds has advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that you can get a lot of resources and technologies from other worlds, such as domineering and ninjutsu."

Dark also demonstrated a wave when he talked about the last two times.

First, he showed his armed color domineering, and easily poked his black fingers into the stone long table. When he pulled it out, there was not even a scratch.

Then he showed his ice escape ninjutsu, and it only took one second to freeze the whole table into ice.

These two moves made everyone dumbfounded.

Because these are no less than new 'special abilities', and from what Dark said, it seems that anyone can learn them, and there is no technical limit.

"The downside is that there may be some bad guys who come here to do evil and spread bad culture. Our alliance will hunt down these people and make them have no way to escape."

"Another point is that when a world has problems and falls, it means that other connected worlds will also face such problems one after another."

"Just like me at this moment, as the leader of the alliance, I must help everyone present to eliminate the threats of this world, so as to protect the safety of other worlds. No matter how long it has been, no matter what it faces, the Pokémon Alliance will lend a helping hand to every world and will never stand by and watch them die."

Dark showed his righteousness, which moved many people and also made them feel at ease.

"Fortunately, the leader of the Pokémon League over there is a righteous man like Mr. Dark. If it was a bad guy, it would be unthinkable."

Yulongdu, who loves to uphold justice, admires Dark very much and pats his chest, "As a champion, I have no choice but to protect the world."

"If there is a huge crisis in other worlds and it cannot be solved, it will definitely affect our world."

Shirona was very calm and thought about other parts.

And what Shirona said was also what Dark wanted to guide these people to say.

"So, my idea is that I hope that the alliances in various regions can join our Pokémon League, build a world community of destiny with the heads of multiple worlds, and together nip all crises in the bud."

Dark expressed his true intention.

There is no need to talk about any crooked ways with this group of people in the Pokémon world, just put everything on the table.

These are heroes who love peace and protect the common people. They are friendly and don't have the mentality of "I will never be inferior to others". It is not difficult to win them over to join the alliance.

"I think it's feasible. It won't do us any harm."

Dark is Daigo's savior, so he must speak for Dark. Besides, he really thinks there is nothing wrong with this matter.

"I agree. You have seen the power of the Shadow Team. If there are other dark artificial legendary Pokémon, we will be in trouble."

Mikoli's side is similar to Daigo's. "There is another thing I hope you will understand. Our enemy is not just a Shadow Team. You are clear about this, right?"

Mikoli's words awakened everyone.

Yes, they not only have to consider dealing with the Shadow Team, but also pay attention to the movements of various local legendary Pokémon and major evil organizations.

No one knows the specific situation of the Shadow Team now.

If the Shadow Team has joined forces with other evil organizations, it will definitely be a disaster.

The current situation is not that they have to consider whether to accept Dark's invitation, but that they need Dark to lend a helping hand.

"I have no objection."

"If you don't have it, then I don't have it either."

"If you don't have it, then I definitely don't have it either."

Everyone decided in a few words to become a member of the Pokémon Island Alliance.

This is actually a common thing for them, after all, this is how the alliances in various regions came to be.

From being alone to later establishing diplomatic relations with neighboring alliances, and then to establishing diplomatic relations with regions around the world, this is how they came to be, and there is no difference from today's occasion.

From then on, regional alliances will be called by the name of the region plus the alliance, and the Pokémon Alliance will always refer to the Pokémon Alliance of Pokémon Island.

"Thank you for your trust, so please let us launch the first comprehensive action of our Grand Alliance."

. . .

In a remote area that is quite far away from other areas, Oure.

The Oure area is an extremely arid area, most of which is a large desert, a small part is an oasis, and the center is the volcano "Battle Mountain".

Due to the harsh climate, there are not many settlements in the Oure region and the population is sparse, but the science and technology are quite advanced.

Another point is that there are no wild Pokémon in the Oure region. Almost no wild Pokémon can survive in this environment, even rock-type and ground-type Pokémon.

Therefore, props such as Poké Balls are very rare.

The Pokémon and elf props that appear here are basically imported from other regions.

But just because the Orei region is so special, the Pokémon League in the Orei region doesn't even think that the so-called Shadow Team will appear in the Orei region.

There is nothing in this place, let alone scientific research resources. Even basic water resources have to be found all the way.

Establishing a base here, isn't that just looking for abuse?

However, the Ole League guessed wrong.

It was precisely because of these harsh conditions that the Shadow Team decided to station underground in the Ourei region, and not under the oasis, but under the borderless desert.

However, the recent shadow team has not been peaceful and frequently climbs to the surface to carry out activities.

This is not something they want to do, but they have to do it.

Because there is a betrayer in the organization, and he is quite an incredible traitor! Know most of the information within the organization!

On a remote rocky ground somewhere in the Ourei region, a brown motorcycle was speeding along.

Sitting on the motorcycle was a 17-year-old young man with brown skin and gray hair, wearing a blue cape and coat.

His name is Leo.

The Shadow Team is divided into three teams, namely the Capture Team, the Scientific Research Team, and the Shadow Team.

I won’t say much about the scientific research team.

The Capture Team is responsible for snatching other people's Pokémon, and then using a "capture device" to remove the connection between the Pokémon and the Poké Ball to conduct experiments.

Because there are no wild Pokémon in the Ole area, the source of the experimental subjects of the Shadow Team is to capture other people's Pokémon.

The Shadow Team is the elite of the Shadow Team, the evil trainers who specialize in driving those artificial dark Pokémon.

Leo is the most outstanding capturer in the Shadow Team. He was the number one player in the past capture team, and his partners were Ibrahimovic the Sun and Ibrahimovic the Moon.

But he was tired of what the Capture Team was doing and discovered the conspiracy of Shadow, the boss behind the Shadow Team, so he stole the Capture Team's capture device and planned to seize the Dark Pokémon from the Shadow Team and completely destroy the Shadow Team. .

This kind of person who knew everything about the Shadow Team was on the run. The Shadow Team naturally couldn't calm down and sent a large number of people to hunt him down.

Leo's situation is not very good now.

Because he knew some of the contents, he knew very well that there was almost no place for him in the entire Orei region.

Other areas are far away and you must take transportation to reach them.

But he also knew that the people in the Shadow Team must have thought of this, and they must have arranged people to ambush him at major ports and airports waiting for him to take the bait.

Today, Leo can only run and fight at the same time, and is under a lot of pressure.

As for asking for help or something?

He does not trust the Ole League now.

Unless someone from other alliances arrives, he may make tentative communication attempts.

But, will there be such a person?

Leo was thinking this as he drove his motorcycle blankly along the rocky ground, but suddenly he noticed a person appearing at the end of his field of vision in front of him.

Leo squinted his eyes and confirmed that he was right, it was a person.

A man with green hair wearing a white shirt.

Just from this style of dressing, Leo knew that he was definitely not from the Shadow Team.

The Shadow Team, as the name suggests, all members wear pure black suits, like shadows, and can move in the dark without being noticed by anyone.

The person coming is Dak.

As someone who has a certain level of understanding of the background of this world, even if I have not personally experienced the Tornado of Darkness version of the game.

Dak at least knows that the main storyline of this world takes place in the Ourei area, so the Shadow Team must also be hiding in the Ourei area.

So after asking other people for the coordinates, I immediately used the Gate Fruit to teleport them over.

In order to avoid alerting the enemy, and at the same time it was not necessary, Dak did not ask others to follow him, but asked them to send people here one after another, which would be used later.

After arriving in the Ourei area, Dak began a blanket search.

It's a true blanket search.

Use your perception ability little by little to feel whether there are biological settlements hidden in every place.

Because there are no wild Pokémon in the Ourei area, this method is feasible, and there is no need to worry about wild Pokémon affecting your judgment.

As long as there is a large amount of biological aura in the wild area, it can basically be determined that these problematic humans are most likely members of the Shadow Team who are hiding.

It's just that Dak didn't expect to meet a motorcycle rider in such a wilderness.

Since he has never played the game, Dak has no impression of Leo at all, let alone his true identity.

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