Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 512: Countermeasures of Evil Organization

Since the Shadow Team actually had no strong guys in charge, the following work was still very smooth.

Of course, there were a few lucky ones who successfully escaped and hid in the cities in the Orei area.

However, the area around the Orei area has been tightly sealed.

At least in the next month, this group of people don’t have to think about leaving the Orei area.

If they are not found within a month, they will be lucky to live a little longer.

After Dak determined that Shadow had no use value, he made his true identity and crimes public, and then publicly executed him in Silicon Beryllium City.

This public execution was broadcast live around the world.

Although Dak did not see how people around the world reacted, it was extremely angry for the residents of Silicon Beryllium City.

For them, the fact that Mayor Barclay was actually a heinous villain made them sick.

After all, they have always respected Barclay as a descendant of a hero.

The result turned out to be such a scumbag.

Unfortunately, Shadow had been hypnotized by Dark, and his mind was destroyed by Dark, so he couldn't see these things at all.

As the Shadow Team's incident has been roughly handled, the next task is to target the evil organizations in various regions.

But before that, a meeting needs to be held to judge the past deeds and ultimate goals of these evil organizations.

The meeting will be held in the Orei Union, and there is no need to move.

Because in the world today, only the Orei region, which is barren and has just dealt with the Shadow Team, is the safest place, without worrying about being eavesdropped.

And it is absolutely impossible to hold meetings in regions like Kanto and the Seven Islands.


The Rocket Team's old boss Sakaki is still the Earth Gym Master of the Tokiwa Gym.

The Orei region, the Battle Mountain, the Orei Union.

Or the more than 20 people who met in the Hoenn Union before.

"I have roughly browsed the information provided by you, and also divided these organizations."

Dark looked at the information about the "evil organizations" in his hand and had already made a judgment.

Combining these actual data with the exclusive intelligence that Dark learned from games and animations, a total of 9 large evil organizations in various regions were judged.

Of course, there are also some regions that do not have large evil organizations, but only some scattered small groups and teams, which can be arrested by Miss Junsha in each region.

Similarly, in addition to this type of regional evil organization, there are two international or global evil organizations.

"Then let's talk about these two first. I think everyone should have the same opinion on these two."

Dark threw the materials of the two international evil organizations on the table.

This part of the material was provided by the handsome captain of the International Police Team. The international police led by him have been fighting this group of people for many years.

The two organizations are [Poachers] and [Upper Class Society].

The former is composed of a large number of illegal poachers. Their main activities are to rob, capture, and steal Pokémon, which may be other people's Pokémon or wild Pokémon, and then sell them.

To put it bluntly, it is a Pokémon dealer.

The latter is an organization that illegally buys and sells Pokémon.

The buying and selling of Pokémon is not actually illegal, and many breeding houses do this kind of business.

But the reason why [Upper Class] is an illegal evil organization is that their Pokémon comes from [Poachers].

These two international evil organizations often cooperate with each other.

[Upper Class] provides intelligence and purchases the "resources" in the hands of illegal poachers, so that they don't have to take huge risks to find customers.

And [Poachers] are equivalent to the thugs of the Upper Class, stealing Pokémon or Pokémon eggs everywhere.

In addition, these two evil organizations also have extremely frequent transactions with regional evil organizations in various regions, or it can be said that the biggest customers of [Upper Class] are these evil organizations.

"These guys must all be killed."

Yulongdu's attitude is strict, and there is no idea of ​​leaving these people alive.

"That's right, this kind of crude and despicable guy, I think the interrogation process is also unnecessary, it is best to kill them on the spot when you meet them."

Mikoli also hates Pokémon dealers, and said words that are not quite consistent with his gentle appearance.

"Many trainers are still depressed because they lost their partners. We have to send the Pokémon they captured back to their trainers as soon as possible."

Hirona showed a worried look, obviously having seen some trainers whose Pokémon were robbed.

"Well, my opinion is that if we don't treat these guys harshly, there will always be people who will join them with a fluke mentality and become one of them."

"So, in the future, if these people are caught, especially these illegal poachers, they will be directly executed publicly."

"Let everyone see what the fate of being an illegal poacher is."

Dark nodded and put forward his opinion.

But his opinion didn't seem to be recognized.

Even Daigo and Mikoli frowned and said nothing.

"No, public execution is absolutely unacceptable. It's okay to do it once or twice, but we can't let those children see such bloody scenes again and again. This will affect their growth."

Dan Di shook his head and rejected Dak's opinion, and the others nodded to his opinion.

"I think it's enough to announce that we have completely destroyed the illegal poaching group. The effect may not be as severe as public execution, but it is a more sound plan at the moment."

Kalunai frowned and put forward a more pertinent opinion.

The others nodded after thinking for a few seconds, and finally everyone unanimously decided to choose this plan.

"And those who participated in the illegal transaction, whether they did it intentionally or not, should be taught a lesson."

Dak nodded the name [Upper Class Club].

For those "guests" of the Upper Class Club, some treatment should also be carried out.

"All purchased Pokémon will be returned to their original trainers. If they are wild Pokémon, it depends on the Pokémon's own opinion. At the same time, these people will be sentenced to imprisonment for up to one month and fined as needed."

This time, no one rejected the plan proposed by Dark, and everyone nodded.

The solution to the two international evil organizations has a general direction for the time being.

It may be a bit difficult to implement it, after all, it is necessary to find the headquarters of these people all over the world.

But now that major regions have joined forces to designate targeted plans, it is better than fighting alone.

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