Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 513: Annihilation, Recruitment, Education

"Then let's discuss the nine major organizations."

After that, Dark took out the information of the nine organizations and put it on the table with a complicated look on his face, "I see that there seems to be some controversy about your views on some of the organizations."

"First of all, Team Rocket in the Kanto region and the Seven Islands region. In my personal opinion, this organization is the largest, most mysterious and most pure evil organization."

Dark first drew everyone's attention to Team Rocket.

For this evil organization, Yulongdu has the most say.

Because not only since he took office as the champion, but also since he became a trainer, he has basically been dealing with the damn Rocket Team.

As the oldest orthodox family in the Kanto region, the Yulong family has been fighting against this evil organization since the Rocket Team was just born.

Almost every descendant of the Yulong family has been a mad dog chasing and biting Team Rocket when they were young.

It is no surprise for Yulongdu.

"Yes, our Yulong family has been dealing with Team Rocket for thirty or forty years. According to our understanding, Team Rocket's purpose has changed from just making profits through Pokémon to capturing powerful or rare Pokémon and using them to seize the world."

Yulongdu is still very sure about Team Rocket's purpose.

"If Team Rocket's purpose is like this, then there is nothing to say. This evil organization does not seem to need to be judged. Does anyone have any objections?"

Daigo crossed his legs and looked at a stone given to him by Dark in his hand.

It is said to be a fossil of an ancient Pokémon, dating back tens of millions of years.

This made Daigo almost unable to listen to the content of this meeting. He just wanted to end it quickly and go home with the stone to take a hot bath with it.

Others had no objection to Team Rocket's views.

Dark was no exception. The controversial organizations he mentioned did not include Team Rocket.

"Okay, then the next is the Galaxy team in the Sinnoh region. As far as I know, the nature of these two organizations is similar. What do you think, Miss Sirona?"

Dark threw the topic to the champion of the Sinnoh region, Sirona.

"The Galaxy team's goal is to control Dialga and Palkia and create their own new world. They never hide their ultimate goal and so-called dreams. In my opinion, they are a group of brainwashed lunatics."

Sirona expressed her opinion somewhat tactfully, and her words were still respectful.

But in fact, although the Galaxy team's views are a bit naive, they have discovered the prototype of creating a world.

If you want to create a world, one or two legendary Pokémon are definitely not enough, and other legendary Pokémon are needed to continuously improve the laws of this world.

Pokemon Island is the most vivid example.

From having nothing at the beginning, to the legendary Pokémon joining later, this world began to come alive and colorful.

If the Galaxy team wants to realize their plan to create a world, then at least ten legendary Pokémon must be captured to barely create a chaotic new world.

"Wait, in that case, I also want to mention Team Plasma in the Unova region."

The champion of the Unova region, Adek, quickly raised his hand and said, "I think Team Plasma is also a brainwashed cult. They say they want to separate Pokémon from humans, and that Pokémon in human hands is a misfortune and should be allowed to return to nature, and they give speeches everywhere."

"This is just superficial."

"What do you mean?"

"As for Team Plasma, I have collected some information from Shadow, the boss of Team Shadow. The real purpose of Team Plasma's boss, Quixote, is to realize his ambition to dominate those who have no Pokémon while only he has Pokémon."

Dark dragged Shadow, a dead person, out to use him appropriately.

"If Team Galaxy is at least a beautiful fantasy of a group of lunatics, then Team Plasma is the purest evil organization, exactly the same as Team Rocket."

Anyway, Shadow is dead, and no one can verify whether what Dark said is correct.

"No matter what the purpose of these three evil organizations is, they cannot exist in this world anyway. Everyone's opinions are basically the same, right?"

Dark looked at everyone present.

Everyone nodded, and the ending of the three organizations was determined.

"Okay, then let's discuss the three evil organizations with more controversy next."

Dark took out another three documents.

They are [Malta Team], [Ocean Team], and [Flash Team]. At the same time, the representatives of the corresponding regions, Daigo, Mikoli, and Kaluna, also stood up.

"Then let me summarize first. In my opinion, these three organizations are a group of self-righteous guys. Their purpose cannot be called evil, but they always do some bad things unintentionally."

Dark had already gone through the actual information of these three organizations.

The settings of the Lava Team and the Ocean Team are the same as in the game, while the Flash Team is quite different.

In the game version, the Flash Team did a lot of bad things to the society in order to achieve its goals, but in the animation and comics, it focused on the three ecological gods.

They did some bad things, but also did a lot of good things.

The Flare Team in this world is more in line with the Flare Team in the comics. They are both good and evil, and therefore have become controversial characters for several representatives present.

"First, let me and Mikoli talk about the two organizations in the Hoenn region. Generally speaking, these two organizations have always done their own thing and have not deliberately destroyed cities or hurt people, but their actions do often cause trouble to innocent people."

Daigo stood up and manipulated the electronic screen to display several pictures.

Just these few pictures show that the actions of these two organizations are extremely contradictory.

The Magma Team will break into the Pokémon Center to obtain a certain item. Although no innocent people are hurt, the Pokémon who are undergoing surgery will suffer more pain.

However, the Magma Team will also appear in the wild to protect those who are attacked by wild Pokémon and help them repel wild Pokémon.

Similarly, the Ocean Team also has a similar situation, but they tend to help Pokémon.

After watching these pictures, the representatives present looked at each other and frowned.

"Team Magma believes that the development of mankind is closely linked to the happiness of the world as a whole, so the goal is to use the power of Groudon to expand the land area and increase the scope of human activities."

"Team Ocean is just the opposite. They believe that the ocean is the source of all life. With the goal of taking back the habitat lost by Pokémon due to human desires, they plan to expand the ocean organization."

"Because the goals of the two organizations are exactly opposite, wars often break out."

"Most of the panic in the Hoenn region does not come from one of the organizations, but from the two organizations often fighting regardless of the occasion. Ordinary trainers often play the role of persuading the fight and are often injured by mistake."

In order to allow many representatives to make a clearer judgment, Mikoli introduced more about the two organizations.

"Well, they are indeed contradictory organizations."

"I feel that what they do is not bad. One protects humans and the other protects Pokémon. It would be great if they could combine together."

"But they did do some bad things. In order to control Groudon and Kyogre, they invaded the Pokémon Center and the Doctor's Institute."

The representatives present expressed their opinions one after another.

The tougher and more upright characters like Yulongdu and Dandi thought that they should be investigated to the end, and at most, the punishment should be reduced because they had made some contributions in the past, instead of being directly destroyed like the first three.

The more moderate champions like Sirona and Kaluna thought that there was a better way to deal with it. Instead of just getting rid of the two huge organizations, it would be better to bring them into the alliance and turn them into a powerful force to protect the local area.

Everyone discussed it over and over again, but in the end there was still no decision, and then they looked at Dak.

"My opinion, I still hope that everyone can think more about our current situation. Excuse me, we can't be enemies with nine evil organizations at the same time. There are more than just these nine evil organizations in each region."

Dak's words made everyone understand his opinion.

Dak still prefers to recruit the Lava Team and the Ocean Team, persuade the two to cooperate to maintain balance and build a better future, and then help the alliance to eliminate other evil organizations.

"Then what about Team Flare?"

"Team Flare is the same. At least for now, their contribution is definitely greater than the harm they have caused. Team Flare's scientific research technology has penetrated into the life of the Kalos region and provided many conveniences to the residents of the entire Kalos region."

Dark has made a decision on Team Flare and has no intention of letting everyone continue to argue.

"Their goal is to build a beautiful world where humans and Pokémon no longer fight each other for limited resources. I think this ideal is good, but the style needs to be corrected."

Kalun also clearly expressed her opinion.

The others looked at each other and fell silent, acquiescing that Team Flare had the same solution as the previous two organizations.

"As for the remaining three, everyone has no different opinions. Everyone's decision is to educate these 'children'."

Dark listed the last three organizations.

The jealous little devils who were resentful because they failed to complete the island tour and hindered other trainers from doing the tour - Team Skull.

Fans who use childish means such as noise to hinder other trainers because they want Marie to become the champion - Team Shout.

Originally an organization to resist school bullies, it later became a bad group that disrupted discipline and caused trouble for others - Team Star.

So far, the nine major "evil organizations" in various regions have a general plan.


Team Rocket, Team Galaxy, Team Plasma.


Team Magma, Team Ocean, Team Flare.


Team Skull, Team Shout, Team Star.

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