Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 515 Lizard King, Mega Evolution!

Tokiwa Gym.

‘Darkrai and Giratina, stay safe outside and don’t let him escape. One more thing, pay attention to the underground. ’

A Pokmon ball on Duck's waist opened, but nothing appeared; the shadow under his feet also split into parts, blending into the earth and disappearing.

He walked straight into the Viridian Gym.

There is absolutely no need to hide or sneak around.

No one knew that he was the leader of the alliance, and no one knew that the leader of the Viridian Gym was the boss of Team Rocket. If he entered as a challenger openly, nothing would be noticed.

Although Sakaki, as a person who was originally going to attend the representative meeting with Yuryuwatari, should have known that Dark was also present at that meeting.

But Sakaki shouldn't have thought that Dak was the so-called leader of the Pokémon League.

After all, this is a position that has never appeared in the past decades or even centuries. Even if it suddenly appeared now, it would not be the turn of a young man who looks only twenty years old.

"Welcome to the Viridian Gym. Huh? Isn't this Mr. 'Full Level Human'?"

As Dak said, Sakaki did not realize anything was wrong when he came in.

"Hello, Mr. Sakaki, I heard from Adu that the Joban Gym is the strongest among the eight gymnasiums in Kanto, so I came here to ask for advice."

"Oh? Nadu is really a compliment. I don't take advice seriously. It's okay to learn from each other. I'm also very interested in 'maximum human beings'."

Sakaki smiled kindly, looking like an approachable elder, not the leader of an evil organization at all. "By the way, I haven't asked yet, what is your name?"


Duck grinned and said his name.

Sure enough, when Sakaki heard this name, his facial expression remained unchanged, and he even controlled his psychological emotions very well. Even with full super power, he might not be able to detect anything wrong here.

But unfortunately, fluctuations are something that ordinary humans have almost no way to control.

Dak could feel the fluctuations in Sakaki's body changing, becoming a little anxious, but generally stable.

‘Are you really not afraid of danger, or are you still taking chances? ’

Dark smiled and took out a Poké Ball.

Before taking down Sakaki, he wanted to see the true strength of this man who could kill Legendary Pokémon as a trainer.


Dawu gave him a small gift a few days ago, and he wanted to give it a try.

"Duck, isn't this the leader of the alliance claimed in the newspapers recently?"

Sakaki took out the Pokmon Ball calmly and slowly, with a leisurely tone.

"Well, yes, that's me."

"By the way, I've never heard of a general Pokémon League before."

"Because it was just established a month ago. The representatives from each region are very righteous and easy-to-talk seniors. Thanks to the approval of all seniors, I initiated the establishment of this general alliance and served as the first-generation leader."

Dark said as he threw out his Pokmon Ball, "Lizard King, come out for some exercise."

There was a flash of white light, and the Lizard King appeared.

Today's Lizard King has been transformed by Dak's daily hellish training and special breeding diet. Compared with the fat ball a month ago, the appearance of the lizard king is completely different.

Although he is still a bit stout compared to the normal Lizard King, he cannot be called fat, and his appearance has greatly improved.

"This lizard king is well-raised at first glance."

Sakaki glanced at the lizard king, whose physique was obviously much larger than the average, and praised it a little, but his attention was still focused on other things, and he took the initiative to lead the topic there.

"If I had known that so many things had happened at the meeting a month ago, I would not have given up the opportunity to go to Sheba. It is such a pity."

"Haha, actually there's nothing particularly interesting, just trivial things."

Dark held out his hand to indicate that Sakaki could release his Pokémon.

Sakaki smiled in response and threw a Poké Ball.

A Bankilas, which was also a bit taller than the average, stood on the field with a fierce momentum. In an instant, a huge sandstorm was raised on the field.

"I wonder what the alliance's plan is now? I remember that they just eliminated the shadow team in the Orei area just now, right? Are they planning to repair it or..."

"Mr. Sakaki seems to be very concerned about these things."

Dark's words directly interrupted Sakaki's many questions.

How could he tell Sakaki?

Of course, it didn't matter if he told him. After all, in his opinion, Sakaki was unable to escape today, but Dak was too lazy to say it.

From the moment he entered here, Dak had no worries at all.

His senses detected that there was a huge base underground in this Viridian Gym, with a lot of life in it.

Although Team Rocket also has props that can block some technological detections, these technological means are not so useful when it comes to special abilities or even the perception of other worlds.

Now that the entire underground research institute has been monitored by Darkrai and Giratina, even if Sakaki hid underneath, he would not be able to escape in troubled waters.

If this is the case, then there is no need to hide one's intentions when facing Sakaki.

He could even tell Sakaki directly, "I know you are the boss of Team Rocket, and I am here to catch you."

But in that case, Dark would not be able to test the true level of this big boss in the Pokémon world.

You have to know that in the special organization [Rainbow Rocket Team], which is composed of the bosses of various evil organizations, Sakaki is also the evil leader.

"Hehe, I am a little interested. After all, such interesting things have never happened before."

Sakaki's face became a little serious.

He has begun to notice something wrong.

"I heard from Du that Mr. Sakaki's most powerful Pokémon is a giant beedrill, but now you sent out Banguirus. It seems that you seem to underestimate me."

"No, my Banguirus is not much worse than the giant beedrill."

Whether this sentence is true or false, only Sakaki knows.

Anyway, Sakaki does not intend to take out the giant beedrill now.

"Then let's give it a try. It just so happens that I got a keystone from Mr. Daigo a few days ago, and I just happen to have a Mega Stone. Lizard King, Mega Evolution!"

Dark clenched the light-colored stone in his hand.

At the same time.

A piece of rainbow-colored stone stuck in the leaves of the Lizard King's tail also burst into dazzling colorful light at the same time.

The next moment, a white light appeared on the Lizard King's body, covering it, and its form under the white light was also changing rapidly.

Even after evolution, Dark's Lizard King is still stronger and taller than the Mega Lizard King in its normal state.

This makes the Lizard King, who should have looked like an agile warrior, give people the illusion of a heavy-armored warrior.

When the Lizard King first came to Dark's side, his level was almost the middle level of the second level. Later, because of decadence and laziness, he fell to the lower level of the second level. This month's high-intensity training and Dark's special training have brought the Lizard King's level back a little.

After Mega Evolution, the combat effectiveness of the Lizard King temporarily stepped into the upper level of the second level from the middle level ceiling of the second level.

If the original Lizard King undergoes Mega Evolution, it will definitely be able to enter the level of the first lower level.

Moreover, he can feel that he and the Lizard King are in tune with each other.

During the battle, there is no need for Dark to give orders. The moment the idea comes out of his mind, the Lizard King can sense it synchronously and take action immediately.

This is even more powerful than the mental transmission of super powers.

No wonder those champions can temporarily compete with some first-level gods.

Like Dante's Charizard and Sirona's Garchomp. The initial Pokémon of these champions have basically reached the level of Dark Lizard King.

And it is different from the Lizard King, which was a wild lone Pokémon in the past.

These Pokémon are not only talented, but also receive top-level training since birth. The food they eat from childhood to adulthood is the most nutritious, and the energy abundance in their bodies is not even worse than that of the Lizard King who has lived for more than 300 years.

Perhaps their Mega Evolution can stimulate more energy contained in the Pokémon, so that the Pokémon can reach a stronger form after Mega Evolution.

"Well, shall we start?"

Dark raised his chin and glanced at Sakaki and Bankiras who were looking serious.

According to the feedback of life energy, the level of Bankiras was about Lv.81, which was the level of a beginner champion. It was indeed very powerful.

But it was difficult for such a level to fight a second-level lower god, let alone the Lizard King.

Dark originally asked Sakaki to use Beedrill, which was also a chance for the opponent to eliminate one of Dark's generals head-on.

But Sakaki himself was useless.

In this case, Dark will let the Pokémon out for a group fight later. I hope Sakaki will not blame Dark for not following martial ethics.

After all, this is a battle between good and evil, not a battle between trainers, and there is no such thing as rules.


Sakaki stretched out his right hand and turned his left hand behind his back, looking polite.

But Dark could sense that Sakaki's hand behind his back made a little move.

His observation Haki heard Sakaki pressing something, which seemed to be a button.

After Sakaki pressed the button, Dark found that the people in the underground base began to move, and it seemed that they were ready to run away.

‘Darkrai, cover the dark hole.’

Dark pursed his lips and shook his head, and looked up at the front, ‘Lizard King, Leaf Blade, kill him in seconds.’


When Dark’s idea just came up, the Lizard King had already turned into a green afterimage and rushed out.

Sakaki and Bankiras’ eyes widened at the same time, and they could not catch the figure of the Lizard King at all.


With only a loud noise, the Lizard King appeared in front of Bankiras, and the latter was cut into two pieces by the Lizard King and completely lost his life.

“Sakaki, Team Rocket is over.”

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