"Mamoswine, use Thrash!" Li Xu said.

He couldn't find a suitable move for a while.

But the main task of Mamoswine is no different from Talonflame. It also consumes Gyarados' HP.

Ling Huang seems relatively calm.

Even if it is not rainy, Gyarados will not be a Mamoswine.

Gyarados tossed around and slammed his tail into Mamoswine.


Mamoswine was slammed into the air. Gyarados was uncomfortable and stepped back a bit.

This makes Gyarados more Rage.

This tiny Mamoswine actually made him back away. This made Moxie's Gyarados unacceptable.


"Gyarados, continue to use Aqua Tail!" Ling Huang said in response to Gyarados' emotions.


Gyarados rushed towards Mamoswine. The terrifying power weakened his attack as early as Mamoswine was on the court.

Talonflame is the same.

Neither of these two Pokémon can do enough damage.

Li Xu didn't speak. At this time, Mamoswine only thought of Thrash, which was beyond his command.

Mamoswine rushed towards Gyarados.


Bump again!

Gyarados retreated slightly, but Mamoswine was knocked away directly! Mamoswine, whose blood is thick and defended, fell directly like a crispy skin under restraint and Gyarados' strong offensive power.

"This...how is it possible!"

Li Xu spit out the same lines.

"How can I be attacked by 2 seconds?"

Li Xu is extremely confident in Mamoswine's endurance and defense. Will send Mamoswine out to consume blood.

But now, is it just two tricks?

"hehe." Ling Huang smiled calmly.

This Li Xu got it wrong from the beginning.

Use high grade Pokémon and top grade Pokémon to be rigid?

It's totally to send warmth.

Ling Huang also knows that Li Xu sent Mamoswine, just to use Hail weather to consume blood.

This is actually very wise.

Unfortunately, Li Xu forgot Ling Huang’s Gyarados and also has Rain Dance Ability.

Success is useless, naturally it is useless.

Li Xu gritted his teeth secretly, and could only put Mamoswine away and release the next Pokémon.

Archeops: lv.50

Every player in the top 8 has a Pokémon suspected of top grade.

Li Xu's "top grade" is this Archeops. But Ling Huang knew that Archeops was high grade at best.

But in terms of BP, it is not much weaker than Lan Lengling's Dragonite.

Of course, that was the BP before half blood was consumed.

Archeops has Species Strength with a total of 567 points, most of which focus on double attack and speed.

Attack, 140 points; Special attack, 112 points; Speed, 110 points.

It seems very powerful, but it is not.

The key lies in the weakness of Archeops Characteristic Trait.

When HP consumes more than half, the double attack will also be halved. Double attack at 70 and 56 points, nothing can be done at all!

"Archeops is an ultra-ancient Pokémon, but I don't know where Li Xu got it." Ling Huang thought secretly.

"Archeops, use Stone Edge!" Li Xu said.

Although the Species Strength of Archeops is very high, the moves still remain in the "ultra-ancient", and the formidable power is relatively small.

In order to make up for it, Li Xu asked Archeops to learn Stone Edge. This is why Archeops can be mistaken for top grade.

The output is not low.


Gyarados roared wildly, becoming more confident.

Even if this Archeops looks fierce, it can't overcome his arrogance.

Intimidate Characteristic Trait, launch.

Archeops, the attack drops.

After breaking 2 levels in a row, Gyarados' attack has been greatly increased.

Sky is still raining.

Drenched on this almost real ice and snow field, adding a sense of depression.

"Gyarados, use Aqua Tail!" Ling Huang said.

Gyarados took on the Stone Edge of Archeops, and the effect was outstanding.

But so what?

Ling Huang doesn't care.

Gyarados became more manic.


Archeops was slammed into the air and circled in the air!

Only the last layer of blood skin remains.

"Sure enough, there is no way to kill in seconds." Ling Huang shook his head, "But it doesn't matter, Archeops with residual blood is not to be feared at all."


Archeops squatted, his hands and feet tied.

Weak Characteristic Trait, launch it.

This is the typical scum Characteristic Trait, which has no effect, but will reduce Pokémon's strength.

"What a high damage!" Li Xu didn't expect, Archeops was instantly knocked out of half blood.

If you let him know that Archeops only has bloodskins left, he will definitely be frightened and vigilant, right?

But unfortunately, he has no chance.

"Gyarados, use Aqua Tail." Ling Huang said.

"Archeops, continue to use Stone Edge!" Li Xu said.

But after all, it was slow.

When Archeops condensed the sharp stone, Gyarados had swept his tail across Archeops.

Archeops, fall.

"After the weak Characteristic Trait is stimulated, will even the use of moves slow down?" Ling Huang shook his head, "However, the combination of Archeops and Heal Pulse is a perfect match."

Of course, Ling Huang has no interest in Archeops.

"Damn!" Li Xu gritted his teeth.

Ling Huang's Gyarados has broken his 3 levels in succession, causing his 3 Pokémon to fall.

What should I do now?

Give up?

It’s too late to admit defeat now.

"Archeops cannot fight, please Player Li Xu to replace Pokémon." The referee's voice strengthened Li Xu's thoughts.

It’s too late to admit defeat now.

Yes, it's all crashed, why didn't you admit defeat?

What's the shame of surrendering?

Give up.

"Referee, I..."

Ling Huang saw Li Xu's withdrawal.

"How can I let you run away like this?" Ling Huang sneered.

If escape is useful, Qin Fan has already given up!

"Do you want to admit defeat?" Ling Huang said indifferently: "Anyway, like you are trash, it is common to admit defeat. It was also common in college. I wanted to grab a woman with Qin Fan, but because of your cowardice, Qin Fan made Qin Fan Hug a beautiful woman! Li Xu, you are a fool!"


Li Xu's eyes are full of Struggle.

"Player Ling Huang, yellow card warning!" the referee said righteously.

Ling Huang shrugs and accepts it as soon as he sees it.

But the contempt in his eyes cannot be concealed.

"Damn it!"

Li Xu clenched his fists, his expression hideous.

"Li Xu player, what are your requirements?" the referee asked.

"No." Li Xu fiercely shook his head, "Nothing!"

Speaking, he released Pokémon.

Gothitelle: lv.45

"This time, there is no restraint." Ling Huang secretly thought.

Talonflame is to provoke and anger Ling Huang. Mamoswine is for blood, Archeops is Li Xu's hole card.

At the same time, Rock Type also restrains Flying Type.

The appearance of Archeops has shown that Li Xu has reached the limit. But Ling Huang's words brought him back for life.

Gothitelle, is Li Xu’s Starter Pokemon.

Level did not acquire Pokémon Gao. I have to say that this is ironic.

"Gothitelle, use Future Sight!" Li Xu said.


Gyarados feels full of power, and his attack power has increased by 3 levels.

"Gyarados, use Aqua Tail." Ling Huang said.

Li Xu has exhausted one's limited abilities.

And Gyarados, is already going to Sovereign competition.

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