Site No. 3.

Gothitelle suddenly sends a powerful group of Confusion to in the sky, and this group of Confusion will unfold its fangs after 2 rounds.

Gyarados also shows no weakness.

As Gyarados’ strongest output Ability, Aqua Tail has long been very proficient.


He blasted Gothitelle violently.

Second kill.

The attack has increased again.

It is true that if it is a high grade Gyarados, this kind of rolling is absolutely impossible.

It’s just that Ling Huang’s Gyarados is top grade.

Gothitelle HP is not high, and Level is not leading, facing top grade Gyarados, it is completely suppressed.

Under the gaze of 50,000 people, Gyarados is getting more and more swollen.

It seems that the value of life has been realized.

"Congratulations, your Gyarados has increased your intimacy by 30 points, and the current intimacy is 220 points!"

Ling Huang couldn't help being happy.

This is also OK?

Gyarados's intimacy declined, which made Ling Huang heartbroken. didn't expect to raise the intimacy so soon.

"Damn it!"

Li Xu holding the unspeakable mood, Struggle released Pokémon.

Poliwrath: lv.46

Poliwrath is water+Fighting Type, originally it is very resistant to Water Type. However, the Flying Type of Gyarados restrains the Fighting Type.

Also, the Level is low, so Li Xu is reluctant to release it.

However, Gyarados does not have the ability of Flying Type. Apart from resisting Fighting Type, the advantages are not communicated.

"Gyarados, use Thrash." Ling Huang said.

For Poliwrath, Gyarados can’t do enough damage regardless of whether it uses Aqua Tail or Crunch.

The key lies in the Attribute of Poliwrath.

Water+Fighting, at this level, it is not difficult to use it well to oppress Gyarados.

The rain has stopped.


Many Players reacted afterwards.

In this battle, the progress is so fast!

Although Li Xu has a bad reputation, his strength in the arena is very close to that of the Top Ranking Player.

Ling Huang used Gyarados to single out Li Xu's 4 Pokémon, and it was unstoppable?

Countless viewers have watched.

"Spike! This is too strong, it's a spike!"

"My Carracosta's Aqua Tail, why isn't it so strong!"

"Lan Lengling's 5-on-6, Ming Su's 4-on-6, compared to Ling Huang's 1-on-4, it is very weak! Moreover, Gyarados still has plenty of power, maybe 1v5, or even 1v6!"

Watching the Player is more and more looking forward to it.

Just, is it really possible?

The legendary 1 to 6!

"I always feel that Ling Huang was a little different during the game." Yun Miao muttered, "But, really handsome."

Bai Lanxi was thinking about tactics and suddenly looked up. Some doubts.

"Ling Huang also used Gyarados at the beginning. Why hasn't he replaced Pokémon for so long?"

The girl next to her said: "Ling Huang defeated him with Gyarados What about Li Xu's Talonflame, Mamoswine, Archeops, Gothitelle."

"Use Gyarados to defeat Li Xu's 4 Pokémon?"

"Yes." said the young girl.

" too strong." Bai Lanxi said with a speech.


In such a warm atmosphere, Gyarados's strength seems to have increased.


Gyarados suddenly rushed out, and a powerful force swept out, based on Poliwrath incomparable's Intimidate.

The attack drops.

Upgrade 4 levels of attack, making Gyarados run wild, full of shock.

"Poliwrath, use Circle Throw!" Li Xu said.

Ling Huang almost laughed out loud.

This Li Xu, let Poliwrath come out, just want to throw Gyarados out of the arena and let Ling Huang replace Pokémon.

Circle Throw is such an Ability.

Ling Huang indifferent expression.

Although he can understand, Gyarados is unwilling to leave the field.

He belongs here.


Gyarados ran away and immediately blasted Poliwrath away.

Second kill.

Li Xu is close to collapse.

Although he was wearing headphones, he looked up, as if he could see the joking eyes of the audience.

The corners of the mouth are slightly raised.

He is going crazy.


"Trash, are you going to admit defeat?" Ling Huang said indifferently.

"Player Ling Huang, yellow card warning." The referee raised the card.

"Okay, I won't say it." Ling Huang shrugged, the contempt in his eyes was about to overflow, "How to say, I must fight to the end. With so many spectators present, let me give up, I I can't afford to lose this person."

To be honest, the Player who played against Ling Huang, almost none of them really gave up.

Because even if you lose the game, your favorability will drop, you can quickly improve. After all, it turns out that there is a basis for favorability.

Victory and defeat are commonplace in battles.

"Li Xu player, what do you want?" Although the referee had expected it, he still asked.

Li Xu fell into Struggle.

He also has a Pokémon.

But Poliwrath can't even use moves, he knows that he is not Gyarados' opponent.

This is no longer a question of whether Li Xu can defeat Ling Huang.

But if all his Pokémon add up, can he match Ling Huang's Gyarados!

This is the essential difference.

"Let's do it, Li Xu. If you can beat my Gyarados, I will give up." Ling Huang added.

Thousands of people are watching this game.

In such a big environment, it is too easy to be famous.

Just make a big news.

Ling Huang knows that as long as he has enough fame and strength, no one can control his life.

"This is what you said." Li Xu stared at Ling Huang, trying to verify the truth.

"The referee testified." Ling Huang said.

The referee was a little embarrassed.


Li Xu and others are the words of Ling Huang.

He released the last Pokémon.

Gourgeist: lv.45

Ling Huang with a smile.

"If Li Xu didn't have this Ghost Type Gourgeist, he wouldn't step on my trap at all." Ling Huang secretly thought.

He uses his body as bait.

I deliberately sold a weak spot.

“roar! ”

Gyarados, who has raised 5 attack levels, suddenly ran away, using Thrash to reload on Gourgeist.

However, it was useless.

How can the Ability of the general line be effective against the Gourgeist of the Ghost +Grass Type?

Directly penetrate the past.

"haha, Ling Huang, you will pay for your stupidity!" Li Xu said with a sneer: "Gourgeist, use Leech Seed!"

The parasitic vines are in Gyarados The body continues to take root and sprout.

Reduce your blood by 116 per round.


Gyarados became more Rage, struggling constantly, but couldn't break free from Leech Seed's entanglement.

Li Xu's mouth is curved.

You can play.

Maybe it can win.

At least defeat Gyarados and he will be promoted to the top 4!

Anyway, the current reputation is bad enough, Li Xu doesn't mind relying on Ling Huang's promise to win.

Victory is victory, no matter how he came!

"Gourgeist, use Seed Bomb!" Li Xu said.

He now only pursues the highest damage.

"Gyarados, use Crunch!"

Compared with Thrash's ineffectiveness, Crunch Ability is more effective.

Gyarados bit on Gourgeist suddenly with a hideous look.

PS: It's starting to explode.

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