Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 40: :information

At this time, Yan Kai had already stepped on the brink of death with half of his feet. In addition to being poisoned, his left hand and both feet were severely twisted. It was obvious that his body finally collapsed due to the force of the strange force.

"He's a tenacious and life-threatening guy. You can still survive in such an almost mortal situation. If you are lucky, your strength is very important, and it may be very useful in the next journey." After thinking for a while, the dragon Saki Shinji decided to rescue Yan Kai.

Just when Ryuzaki Shinji squatted down and wanted to give Yan Kai an antidote.

The sound of "Keng~" appeared, and the sword that was lying quietly beside Yan Kai suddenly slashed at Ryuzaki Shinji with a lightning-like slash. Fortunately, Ryuzaki Shinji reacted quickly enough to block it in time with the sword in his hand. This sudden attack.

"Sword~~" The strong shield sword monster guarded Yan Kai's body, and looked at the human who was full of malice.

"If you want to save him, just get out of the way. Also, you're an eyesore!" Ryuzaki Shinji squinted at the sword monster in front of him, and as soon as he finished speaking, a thought force wave was used, and he immediately slashed the sword The monster was knocked flying, and now, the long-scarred Shield Sword Monster finally lost its ability to fight and fell to the ground.

After knocking down the shield sword monster that was blocking him, Ryuzaki Shinji poured the double-bomb gas toxin antibody into Yan Armor's mouth, and then skillfully reattached his displaced bones.

After doing these things, Ryuzaki Shinji returned to the side of the wonderful frog seeds, and then squinted at Nobaton, who was extremely pale at this time.

"You, what do you want to do? This lord, don't kill me, as long as you promise not to kill me, I am willing to give you everything of value. I also know a lot of information about the central island. The branch of the elf..." Looking at the malicious purple eye in front of him, Norbarton felt that his whole person was being seen through, and he felt a chill in his heart, and immediately flattered Ryuzaki Shinji. said.

"Don't be nervous, don't be afraid, soon, everything you have will be mine soon, hehehe~~" Listening to Nobaton's flattering language, Ryuzaki Shinji smiled slightly, and then the expression in his eyes Zimang gradually brightened.


"Roar~" The high and violent dragon roar of the fierce bite land shark reverberated continuously in the high sky of the Temple, and the terrifying dragon might emanated from him, showing his incomparably powerful deterrent power. Those who were peeping nearby All eyes disappeared suddenly, and the battle between Shirona and Hunter F was finally coming to an end.

Shirona is worthy of being the future master of the super-power temple. Since her recovery, Lie Bite Lu Shark's combat power has skyrocketed under her command, not only fighting against two, but also pressing the other side to fight.

After a fierce battle, Xirona first commanded Liebite Land Shark to defeat the three-headed dragon, which was only a quasi-king level, and then seized the opportunity to let Liebite Land Shark injure a wing of the Flying Dragon, causing the Flying Dragon to fly. The speed dropped sharply and he fell into a state of rage, which caused a huge error in the flying attitude. Hunter H fell from the out-of-control Tyrannosaurus, and was finally torn to pieces by the dragon claws that bit the land shark.

The violent flying dragon, who was caught in a rage, has increased his combat power for a while, but after losing the command of his trainer, his actual combat effectiveness is not as good as before the madness. , was pierced by the sharp dragon claws of the fierce biting land shark, and fell weakly from the sky to the water.


On the other hand, after Gota Duck assisted Electromagnetic and Shirona successively through the crisis, he followed Ryuzaki Shinji's instructions and came under the huge vortex that held the temple, and then attacked the remaining water elves of Mito Mingchuan. Kill it, and by the way, bring the two electric-type elves back to the Temple.

The double-bomb gas also successfully completed the task given by Ryuzaki Shinji, not only completely eating the poisonous gas surrounding the Temple, but also following the source of the poisonous gas, killing the hunter h's four double-bombing gas and the flying elves. Kill, and successfully remove the poisonous gas formation on the Temple.

Abai did not obey Ryuzaki Shinji's instructions to cooperate with the Gotha duck, but went out to devour the feasts that floated on the water, but unexpectedly found the trace of hunter h, and finally feasted happily.


"What a powerful little elf, this woman is still too strong, there is absolutely no chance for her to be the enemy head on." Looking at the fiercely biting land shark that kept circling in the sky and uttering dragon roars, Ryuzaki Shinji's face was solemn. thought.

"Gaswas~~" The double-bounce gas nodded in agreement, and then also showed a dignified look at the biting land shark in the sky.

"Ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss of the Abo monster around the Ryuzaki Shinji's body as the center, staring at the dragon corpse floating on the sea in the distance, the greed in the eyes almost turned into a reality.

"..." Gotha Duck didn't say a word~www.readwn.com~ continued to sit down next to Ryuzaki Shinji cross-legged, and then started a new round of meditation training.

The battle between Hirona and Hunter F, Ryuzaki Shinji and a few elves who came back after completing the mission were watching almost the whole process. Under Hirona's artistic command, the two Hunter F were both quasi-divine beasts. The Flying Dragon and the Three-Headed Dragon have no power to fight back at all. They are completely unilaterally crushed. This also makes Ryuzaki Shinji clearly understand the strength of Shirona. At least for now, he does not need any special means. Think it can't be Shirona's opponent.

"However, the harvest this time is quite good. I never expected that there are dragon-type elves in this broken place. As expected of an elves hunter, the ability to search for the traces of elves is very extraordinary. Thank you so much. There you are, Mr. Elf Hunter." Ryuzaki Shinji turned his head and said to Nobaton, who was lying on the deck.

Although Nobaton still had this breath at this time, his eyes were dull, as if he had lost his soul.

Ryuzaki Shinji kept the other party in the fear of death, which led to the loss of the other party's mind, and finally easily used spiritual snooping to take away all the secrets in Norbarton's heart.

Among these information, the most useful information is a map that records the detailed distribution of various elves on the central island. Although the exploration degree of this map is only half that of the central island, it still makes Ryuzaki Shinji like a treasure. , which actually records the habitat of the quasi-god Bangira.

In the end, what surprised Ryuzaki Shinji was that there were still dragon-type elves living in this shipwreck graveyard.

When he got this information, Ryuzaki Shinji was immediately excited.

The power of the dragon-type elf has long been delayed.

To be continued........WeChat search public number: wmdy66, you are lonely, Miss Sister warms you with movies

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