Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 41: : looming crisis

In the middle of the night, in the cemetery of the sunken ship, where the moonlight shone, on the Shrine.

Ryuzaki Shinji's timely rescue cracked the conspiracy of Hunter F and his party against the Temple, and the Hunter forces also announced their withdrawal from the battle for the origin of the slate due to the failure of Hunter F and his party.

Although the temple forces won the final victory, they also suffered huge losses. Three important members of Yan Kai, Daye and Electromagnetic were seriously injured and fell into a coma, and their own elves also suffered heavy losses. The combat power was severely damaged because of this, and finally had to choose to suspend the trip and temporarily make some repairs in the shipwreck cemetery.

In the conference room, a heavy atmosphere surrounds it. Except for Ryuzaki Shinji, everyone sitting here has a very heavy expression on their faces. This battle is the most thrilling one I have experienced so far. , if it wasn't for Ryuzaki Shinji to come back in time to support in the end, these people might have lost their lives to the enemy.

With a sound of "ga~", the door of the conference room was opened, and then Christina walked in from the door with a tired face.

"How is it, has the situation stabilized?" Seeing Christina walking in, Hirona who was sitting in the main seat immediately asked her.

"Well, the antidote given by Mr. Ryuzaki is very effective. Mr. Yan Kai and the three of them are now out of danger. However, because the medical equipment here is very simple, it will take at least a week for them to fully recover." Hearing Shirona's question, Christina reluctantly smiled and replied, but her sad expression remained undiminished, with a preoccupied look.

After Shirona heard that Yan Kai and the three needed at least a week to recover, her heavy face became even more difficult to look at. After being silent for ten seconds, she finally sighed, as if she had made a major decision, and kept tensing up. Her body became more relaxed, but at this time, the aura of a strong woman on her body also came back instantly.

"Really? That's great. As long as you can recover, you should wait for a while. If you need any special medicine, you can go to Shi Lan, and I will let him fully cooperate with you." A smiling face, and then said with a slight smile to Christina.

"Okay, Miss Shirona, I will fully cooperate with Miss Christina." Shi Lan who was sitting next to Cattleya heard the words and immediately responded with a full body bow.

"Of course it's the best, I have another bad thing to say, Mr. Yan Kai's giant mantis and Mr. Electromagnetic's electric monster, the injuries of the two little elves are too serious, and the giant mantis is full of steel armor. Broken, the flesh and blood inside was severely burned and necrotic, and Mr. Electromagnetic's electric shock beast, because of the long poisoning time and being thrown into the sea, the two elves can't be saved. I'm very sorry, my healing ability is still too weak It's over." Christina lowered her head and said sadly, and as she spoke, tears dripped from her eyes.

When everyone heard Christina's explanation, they didn't feel good in their hearts. The atmosphere that had been relieved because the teammates were out of danger suddenly became heavy. Everyone present was a strong trainer. Naturally, they knew that the death of the elf meant that What, not only because of the heavy loss of their own strength, but also because of the loss of a partner who is very important to them, just imagine, when Yan Kai and Electromagnetic wake up, and then hear this sad news, they will definitely would be very, very sad.

"You have done your best, please don't blame yourself for this, Miss Christina, in the coming days, you still need to give your best to the wounded, please, regarding this attack, as a leader, I really It is too unqualified, I bear a heavy responsibility for this loss, here, I apologize to everyone." As soon as she finished speaking, Shirona stood up, and then bowed and apologized to everyone present with a serious face.

Seeing that the heir of the temple, who has always maintained a strong attitude, actually bowed his head and admitted his mistake, everyone present showed surprise, especially Cattleya, who was Hirona's best friend, with an incredible expression on her face.

It is precisely because of her in-depth understanding of this girlfriend that Cattleya clearly understands how difficult it is to make this girlfriend choose to bow her head and admit her mistakes. In her impression, the heir of the temple has not admitted her mistakes since she was a child. Once, because she was too good and too strong, she never made a mistake.

Hirona admitted her mistake in such a low-profile manner, and the original dissatisfaction with her in the hearts of everyone gradually disappeared, and they secretly expressed admiration for the spirit of the heir of the temple. Not everyone can introduce themselves so calmly. Error, the higher the person, the more so.

"What a terrifying awakening, what a terrifying woman, how strong are you? This made you hide from it, hehe~, is this the strength and wisdom of the heir to the superpower? It's really surprising." Ryuzaki Shinji, who was on the side, squinted at the powerful beauty in front of him and thought to himself, a sneer appeared on his face under the mask, and at the same time, he couldn't help but secretly felt auspicious for choosing to accept the invitation of this strong woman. , A person with such awareness will never break his promise.

At the same time, Ryuzaki Shinji also knew that because Shirona put down her posture this time and chose to admit her mistakes, the real crisis on the ship disappeared.

It seems that the external crisis has been lifted, but in fact the internal crisis has just emerged, because in this attack, Hirona did not show the strong posture she should have as a team leader, and she can only protect herself in the crisis. and cannot support others.

Although in the end, the strongest hunter in the hunter force was dealt with very strongly, in fact, if Ryuzaki Shinji returned to help in time, none of the people on board would have survived, so everyone couldn't help but feel sorry for the real Hirona. Leaders develop a mind of distrust.

If Shirona doesn't choose to admit her mistakes now and continues to maintain such a strong posture, most of the people on the ship will have estrangement and distrust towards her, and then she will no longer be able to maintain the leadership of the team. status.

Only the truly strong have the capital to be trusted and followed by others. In this world where the weak can eat the best of the weak everywhere, this truth is so naked~www.readwn.com~ Several crises appeared, Ryuzaki Shinji They were resolved in time, and before they knew it, the people on the ship had more trust in Ryuzaki Shinji than Hirona, the real leader. Although Ryuzaki Shinji has not made any statement now, if the team arrives At the juncture of choice, there should be many people who choose to stand on his side, at least Christine, Yan Kai and Electromagnetic who were rescued by him will definitely stand on his side.

"I'm also responsible. I'm really sorry for not doing anything in this battle." Seeing that her best friend accepted her mistakes so calmly, Cattleya also stood up with shame and bowed to everyone present.

As Cattleya said, being unable to fight because of her health not only becomes a burden to the team, but also indirectly prevents Shi Lan from being able to spare her hands to support others. Such a mistake is indeed unacceptable.

"Okay, you don't have to blame yourself, the crisis has passed, and now the main thing to focus on is how to safely pass the next period of lack of combat power, our battle with the hunter force should have been lost by other forces in the shipwreck cemetery. I noticed that although they chose to retreat temporarily because of Miss Shirona's strong performance of biting the land shark, they would never miss such a good opportunity to destroy us. Even if they didn't have the intention of destroying us, they would try their best Expand our loss of combat power, so that they can have more advantages in this battle for the origin of the slate." Ryuzaki Shinji closed his eyes, and then responded to the heavy hearted crowd with telepathy.

Ryuzaki Shinji's remarks pointed out the test that this ship is about to face next.

The external crisis is not quite over yet.

To be continued.........WeChat search public number: wmdy66, you are lonely, Miss Sister warms you with movies

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