Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 44: : Main Force and Training (Part 2)

In a sense, the poison produced by the stinky mud is far higher than that of the double-bomb gas. Those white crystals on this guy's body look like teeth, and those things give Ryuzaki Shinji a sense of threat than the double-bomb gas. The toxins produced now are even stronger, so Ryuzaki Shinji instructed Stinky Mud to take off the gradually formed white crystals on his body and give them to him, so that he would not accidentally be scratched by these sharply reduced crystals.

In order to confirm the effect of these things, Ryuzaki Shinji, after some small experiments, proved that these crystals are mixed with hundreds of chemical toxins and dangerous substances. It seems that there is some kind of corresponding restraint between heaven and earth. The fruit of sweet peach can neutralize the toxins of stinky mud very easily. This discovery makes Ryuzaki Shinji mixed, happy that now only he knows how to remove it. The good thing is that the toxins of stinky mud can be easily detoxified.

The last elf recognized by Ryuzaki Shinji as the main force is Goda duck. He was defined by Ryuzaki Shinji as the main special attacker in the team. The two teams are the hardest, and the pursuit of strength is also the strongest.

In today's team, Goda Duck, who can integrate with Ryuzaki Shinji, can be said to be the ace elf in Ryuzaki Shin's second hand. With full strength, his strength can reach the intermediate level of the peak level, although only in terms of energy To reach this level of level, but it is undoubtedly the strongest combat power in Ryuzaki's second-hand.

In the original Gaioka with the dark, Ryuzaki Shinji has completely seen the potential of Gotha Duck. This is an elf that can face the super beast. Ryuzaki Shinji believes very much that as long as he and his brother Da Ya has enough time and resources. In time, he will definitely be able to appear in front of the dark primordial Kyogre with God Ya, and fight against the opponent in a dignified front, instead of choosing to avoid his edge as before.

More importantly, he obtained another powerful hole card from Gotha Duck. With the assistance of Electric Firefly, the moves that Ryuzaki Shinji and Gotha Duck jointly displayed were still clear in their minds. Incomparably, the super-giant super-energy water with a radius of 45 meters is extremely shocking, and the power it produces is earth-shattering, and even the crust is affected.

Ryuzaki Shinji couldn't imagine what would happen if this move was used against those powerful enemies? This result made Ryuzaki Shinji look forward to it. It is precisely because of this sudden appearance of another hole card that Ryuzaki Shinji is full of confidence in this battle for the origin of the slate. He is a chess piece who can walk by the nose at will, and he has become an important combat force that can control the trend of the battlefield.

These four elves are undoubtedly the main elves in the second-hand Ryuzaki, and the resources in their hands will continue to tilt them. However, the strength of these four main elves has almost reached a bottleneck. It's time to start training the other elves in his opponents. After all, with the four main elves alone, he is still unable to fight against the top powerhouses, such as Hirona on the Temple. He will definitely not be the opponent's opponent. As the future heir to the power of the temple, he will definitely not only bite the Lu Shark, which is a clear trump card in his hand.

Thinking of Shirona's fierce bite on the land shark, Ryuzaki Shinji couldn't help but think of the man named Sakagi. The big stinger in his hand gave him the same feeling as Shirona's fiercely biting the land shark, nor did he think of it. Knowing how he was trained, an ordinary giant stinger can also possess such terrifying combat power. If he were to compare the two, Ryuzaki Shinji would actually think that Sakagi's odds of winning were greater than Hirona's. , This man also has an incredible power.

"There are still many powerful enemies. I'm really greedy. If people are like this, and their strength comes up, they want to get bigger things. I really want to take those superpowers that are fighting for life and death. What, hehe~" Looking at his palms covered with scars and calluses, Ryuzaki Shinji thought to himself with some self-deprecation, but the purple awns in his eyes were never dark, and his thoughts became brighter and brighter.

Ryuzaki Shinji continued to think about the next training plan. The four main elves in his hands remained unchanged, so now the elves in his hands include Darubi, Ghost Stone, Bad Frog, Wonderful Frog Seed, and Silk Spider. , Scorpio and Electric Firefly.

The old ghost, Ghost Stone, was first excluded by Ryuzaki Shinji. Let’s not talk about the loyalty issue. This old ghost itself is an elf who once reached the level of the king. Although he did not give much resources to train him, But his strength has been steadily improving, which shows that he has his own unique way to improve his strength.

Bad frogs can also be ruled out. Although bad frogs have changed their attitude towards him recently, they are all caused by his deterrence. They can still command them at ordinary times, but they still cannot be trusted at critical moments. It can be seen from the command to attack Nobaton without authorization. If Nobaton is really killed by him, Ryuzaki Shinji will suffer a great loss. The distribution map of the elves on the central island and the information of the dragon elves in the shipwreck graveyard will be changed. For the bubble, so for the bad frog, Ryuzaki Shinji is still in the period of observation.

In addition to the bad frog, there is also an extremely stubborn guy in Ryuzaki Shinji. The special Scorpio given to him by Sakagi is very hard-hearted, and it has almost reached the limit of Ryuzaki Shinji's tolerance. If the other party is still unwilling to obey after a while If ordered, Ryuzaki Shinji will kill him. In his opinion, disobedient elves are of no value at all, and raising them is a waste of food.

Electric Firefly is a ready-made auxiliary hand, its own auxiliary ability has been developed, and its own strength is not weak. Judging from the performance of several battles, this auxiliary hand that has just joined the team is an elf who is very aware of current affairs. Although Ryuzaki Shinji is not currently cultivating resources for him, he will definitely focus on training in the future.

In the end ~www.readwn.com~ the little elves that make Ryuzaki Shinji feel more at ease are Dairubi, Frog Seeds and Orbs.

Darubi himself was hatched from the elf egg. There is no problem with loyalty at all. It is very worthwhile to cultivate. He has very good reconnaissance ability, and he has the early characteristics. Hand, from the perspective of talent, this Dairubi is very good. As long as it is cultivated, it can be used as the main elf to restrain the super-type elf.

Frog Seed is quite reliant on him because of his cowardice, and obeys his words. As one of the three Kanto Imperial Households, the final evolutionary form is the Frog Flower with extremely strong frankness and recovery ability. Because its characteristics belong to chlorophyll, the speed is not slow on sunny days. As long as it is used properly, its survivability is definitely the strongest in the team. Therefore, the seeds of the wonderful frog are also the elf that Ryuzaki Shinji will focus on next. .

The silk spider was originally an elf specially chosen by Ryuzaki Shinji in order to enhance his own escape ability, but from now on, this elf can not only enhance his escape ability, but also when the team needs to be vigilant for rest. A elf can also play a very important role. After some thinking, Ryuzaki Shinji also listed it as an elf to be cultivated by the elf.

The scene where Aju used Alidos to capture the fruit of the poisonous demon tree still impressed Ryuzaki Shinji. As long as it is used well, at some point, this little spider may be able to play a major role.

To be continued....


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