Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 45: : Coming (more than 4,000 characters large)

Time gradually passed, and the night at 11 o'clock began to become different. A large thick black cloud came from a distance, covering the bright moon in the night sky, and the night became more and more strange and quiet. This time is when the moon is dark and the wind is high.

Ryuzaki Shinji turned a blind eye to the environment that became more and more gloomy due to the disappearance of the moonlight, and was still seriously thinking about the next training items for the three elves. The night became more mysterious and cold, and from time to time, he raised his head thoughtfully and looked at the large dark cloud above his head. The dark cloud seemed to have no end and was connected to the boundless sky.

The sea breeze that was blowing gradually brought heavy moisture, and the wind gradually became stronger. In just ten minutes, the windward clothes on Ryuzaki Shinji were soaked through.

"Looking like this, a storm is coming, and it's still a huge thunderstorm." Looking at the tears that kept flashing in the distant sky, and listening to the thunder that gradually came, I already felt the increasingly strong thunderstorm. With the humid sea breeze, Ryuzaki Shinji, who had been at sea for a while, also quickly guessed the next weather.

Although the shipwreck cemetery belongs to the buffer area of ​​the storm belt and the rainstorm belt, the changes of these two kinds of weather still affect it. Only when the two weathers are in balance, the shipwreck cemetery will be calm and peaceful. Overwhelmed, the shipwreck cemetery will usher in different weather, and now it is obvious that the stormy weather has overwhelmed the stormy weather, and a thunderstorm mixed with strong winds is obviously coming to the shipwreck cemetery soon.

In the shipwreck cemetery, some elves who were originally asleep woke up from their sleep, and then invariably raised their heads and stared at the gradually spreading dark clouds in the sky.

"Boom~" A thunderous sound resounded through the sky suddenly.

All the wild elves staring at the sky suddenly sensed something terrible, and most of them shivered with fright. Only some powerful wild elves remained calm, but their eyes showed extreme solemnity.


"Seed Seed~~"

After the terrifying sound appeared, the two cute little elves, Dairubi and Frog Seed, came back with a bit of horror on their faces, as if they were afraid of something, ran to Ryuzaki Shinji's side, and then put their little heads Dive into the cloak behind Ryuzaki Shinji.

"Two cowards, don't be afraid, it's just a big thunderstorm coming, it's no big deal." Ryuzaki Shinji led out the little guy behind his cloak with his hands, and then said softly in silence with their little heads.


"Seed seeds~~"

Under Ryuzaki Shinji's quiet comfort, the two little elves who were still in their infancy seemed to have found support, their trembling bodies began to calm down, and then they cuddled up on Ryuzaki Shinji's lap and cried.

"Da da da da~~" A rhythmic sound of high heels stepping on the ground came from not far away, and Christina in a long blue dress ran from the cabin medical room to the bow, with a steaming cup in her hand. of hot drinks.

"Haven't you rested yet, Miss Christina, it's very windy here, you better hurry back." Looking at the sweet-looking beauty in front of him, Ryuzaki Shinji's expression remained the same, but this time his tone changed. With a touch of friendliness.

Although the fighting ability of this great beauty is really not good, she is very good in terms of treatment and logistics. The treatment of her elf's injuries still depends on the other party, and she has accepted the training props donated by the other party many times, or Dai Lu Than this little greedy worm regularly and fixedly brings his little brother Frog Seeds to ask each other for things like big milk cans. Therefore, Ryuzaki Shinji has a pretty good impression of this beautiful woman. As long as there is no conflict of interests, he will It is not necessary to win over him. When necessary, he is still willing to help the other party.

"Thank you for your concern, Mr. Ryuzaki, you have been working hard tonight for the vigilance work. This is the cocoa milk I made. It can refresh your mind and warm your body. Please accept it." Christina naturally heard the friendly meaning in Ryuzaki Shinji's voice, her face suddenly became like a flower, she put the hot cocoa milk in her hand in front of Ryuzaki Shinji and said with a smile.

Without hesitation, Ryuzaki Shinji directly gave the other party's cocoa milk, then took off his mask, drank the hot drink in one breath, and poured a cup of delicious hot cocoa milk into his stomach. The originally cold body suddenly warmed up. The tired spirit also eased a little.

Looking at Ryuzaki Shinji's terrifying face with the mask off, Christina couldn't help feeling a little bit of distress and admiration in her heart. She used to feel a little scary, but now Christina doesn't think that those terrifying wounds are just It was the trace left by the man in front of her who became stronger step by step. From what she saw now, Ryuzaki Shinji in front of her was exuding the breath of a strong man, which made Christina feel an inexplicable sense of security, thinking about it, The little deer in his heart began to jump unsatisfactorily again, and his face was a little red.

"The taste is very good, and it seems to have the effect of restoring physical strength. It's really good. Thank you very much for your hospitality, Miss Christina." After licking it, Ryuzaki Shinji put on the mask again and nodded to Christina. Said, then stood up and returned the white cup to the other party with his hands.

Ryuzaki Shinji is not interested in knowing Christina's thoughts at this time. He is reminiscing about the taste of the hot cocoa milk just now. He has not eaten such a delicious food for a long time. He usually eats it It's a plain-flavored whole grain, but it's a pity that this man, who is used to drinking blood with swords and swords, has no first impression of this cup of hot cocoa milk, but it's not poisonous.

"Really? That's great, I added some herbal powders to the cocoa milk to quickly restore strength, and I was afraid that Mr. Ryuzaki would find the taste a little bitter and didn't like it, um~, if there's nothing else, I'll go first ." Hearing Ryuzaki Shinji's compliment, Christina hurriedly took the cup and said happily and panicked.

After seeing Christina, she wanted to leave. Dairubi and Frogseed next to Ryuzaki Shinji immediately disagreed. The master ate something good, but they hadn't eaten it yet. stop.


"Seed Seed~"

The movements were very skilled and consistent, and the two little greedy worms rubbed Christina's two slender white calves and acted like a spoiled child.

Christina seemed to understand the meaning of the actions of these two little greedy worms very well. Her face that was a little red suddenly turned black. During this time, these two guys have been asking for food from her, almost every day. Come, think that the big milk jug in her hand that was a little rich is about to bottom out, and her mood becomes bad, but when she thinks that they are Ryuzaki Shinji's elf, she forced a smile, and then became embarrassed. of getting things out of the space bag to let these two guys go.

"What are you doing, come back quickly, it's too rude." Before Christina could take out the two large milk cans from the space bag with difficulty, Ryuzaki Shinji faced the two little greedy worms with a cold face. Dairubi and Frog Seed said that it was only when he was away. When he was there, he would never allow his elf to act without obeying orders.

Feeling that Ryuzaki Shinji was a little angry, Dairubi and Frog Seed immediately ran to Ryuzaki Shinji, and lowered their heads a little dejectedly. After a while, they got along with their masters. They also know the temper, and there are not many rules. When he is there, it is the biggest rule not to act without authorization and always obey the orders. Ryuzaki Shinji has no good feelings for the elf who punishes this rule.

"I'm very sorry, Miss Christina, these two elves don't understand the rules and cause you trouble. I will discipline them more in the future. This thing should be used as an apology for them to eat and drink with you before." Seeing the two elves bowing their heads and admitting their mistake, Ryuzaki Shinji's expression eased slightly, and then he took out a gold pearl that was one size smaller than the one he had given to the Electric Firefly, and kept this one in the dark. The golden pearls exuding gorgeous golden light were presented to Christina who showed bright eyes in front of her.

The creatures like women, like giant dragons, are very fond of some shiny objects, especially for those precious golden treasures, they have no resistance at all, and Christina naturally belongs to one of them. The golden pearl that suddenly appeared in Ryusaki's second hand, his eyes suddenly became shining with golden eyes.

"This, is this for me? It's too precious, I can't have it, Mr. Ryuzaki, I really can't have it." Christina stammered. It was difficult to move his eyes away from Jin Zhenzhu's body, and he kept looking at it, obviously duplicitous.

"You're welcome, these two little guys are able to grow so well, thanks to your magical big milk jug, this is just my little care, please accept it, you will be the two little elves in the future. The reward for continuing to eat and drink with you is good." Ryuzaki Shinji said with a smile.

Although it has not been clearly stated, Ryuzaki Shinji is not an idiot. Christina's behavior of sending hot cocoa milk is nothing more than a show of affection to him, and this woman seems to be somewhat dependent on him, or like, It was naturally impossible for Ryuzaki Shinji to refuse the show of kindness and kindness shown by this beauty who was good at medical treatment.

In Ryuzaki Shinji's next training plan, this beauty who is good at healing still plays a big role. Which of her top milk cans is very useful for the two young elves in their infancy. Large, the originally malnourished frog seeds are now a full circle, which has shown its good effect.

"Then, then I'm welcome. If Mr. Ryuzaki needs my help in the future, I will do my best to help the Lord." Christina heard the words, and the golden light in her eyes lit up instantly, and then she couldn't hide it with lightning speed. The speed of the ear took the golden pearl in Ryuzaki's second hand, and then, just like the little girl who got the most beloved toy, she showed a happy smile.

A few minutes later, Christina walked away with the golden pearl contentedly, and at the same time, she also presented Ryusaki Shinji with the dozen or so large milk jars with milky white light left in her hand.

With the sound of "Boom~", the thunder that had been resting began to appear on a large scale. At this time, the speed of the sea breeze became more and more violent.

The sound of "tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick" appeared, first light rain, and a few seconds later, a heavy rain fell in the shipwreck graveyard, and it was accompanied by a strong sound of thunder.

"It's finally falling, this kind of ghost weather, are those guys coming back?" Ryuzaki Shinji thought to himself as he looked at the torrential rain that kept falling crazily in the distance.

Different from the surrounding environment where heavy rain and strong winds are constantly falling, the area within 100 meters of the temple is still in a state of calm. At the moment of the storm, Gotha, who is very sensitive to water vapor, obeys Ryuzaki Makoto. Two's order opened the weather-independent realm ~www.readwn.com~ to protect the Temple from the storm.

"Boom~" A giant lightning suddenly fell from the sky, and the place where he landed happened to be in the unrelated weather area where the Temple was located. Originally, only some microwave waves were suddenly blown out by a huge wave, and the electric snakes were in the sea water. It seemed to be a signal, and a large number of thunderbolts began to descend from the sky above the Temple.

At the same time, small whirlpools gradually appeared in the sea around the temple, and finally, a giant current whirlpool beat up the entire ship.

"Gah~~" Goda Duck on the Shrine opened his eyes and stared intently at the direction of the rainstorm belt in the distance. His one-eyed bright blue glow suddenly showed a strong fighting intent.

"I never expected it. I thought it was guys from other forces who were doing the trick, but a more troublesome guy came. This feeling can't be wrong. He is here." At that moment, Ryuzaki Shinji, like Godard Duck, turned to the rainstorm belt in the distance, and the face under the mask suddenly became gloomy.

A few hundred miles east of the shipwreck cemetery in the sea area, the rainstorm fell madly, a huge figure was moving forward at high speed in the sea, the sea seemed to be cheering and boiling, huge waves kept appearing, and huge water columns accompanied huge The movement of the figure rose from the sea, followed by the thunder that fell neatly.

The direction of the movement of this huge figure is the direction of the shipwreck cemetery. .


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