Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 47: : evacuate

"Is this news accurate? Mr. Ryuzaki." Shirona, whose hair was a little messy, asked Ryuzaki Shinji with an ugly face.

When she saw the familiar dark clouds above her head, Shirona had actually believed the dangerous words that Ryuzaki Shinji just said by eight points, but as the leader of the team, she still wanted to confirm the authenticity of the information.

After all, there are now a lot of wounded on the ship, and the overall combat effectiveness has dropped very seriously. At this time, choosing to leave the shipwreck cemetery as a buffer zone and enter the danger-ridden storm belt takes a huge risk. To be more serious, this approach is tantamount to suicide. road.

"Yeah, is the information accurate? Yan Kai and the others are seriously injured. It is not wise to go to the storm belt at this time." Although he is inclined to believe what Ryuzaki Shinji said, it is related to the safety of the wounded. Christie, a doctor, Na also asked.

Christina just finished speaking, a dazzling thunder light turned everyone's eyes into day, and a huge thunder came down. The original target of this thunder was the Temple, but it was not hindered by an invisible force, and it turned strangely. A bend landed in the sea beside the Seagod, and then, a deafening sound of thunder appeared.

"See, these thunders are all aimed at us. It was even more powerful than now. Go to the deck fence and look at the surrounding waters. We are already trapped. If we don't leave soon, it will be too late. The power of the monster, it is only a matter of time to come here." Hearing the two people's inquiries, Ryuzaki Shinji did not give a direct answer, nor did he clearly give the ability to distinguish between true and false news, after all, he also passed his brother It was only when Da Ya felt the fluctuations of the sea water that they were sure, so they could only see the situation around them with their own eyes to judge whether the news was true or false.

Now the whole ship can still be docked on the sea well, largely relying on the irrelevant weather field created by Godard Duck. Those malicious thunderbolts that failed to hit the Temple are relying on Godard Duck. Unrelated to weather field blocking.

With the protection of the irrelevant weather domain, the rainstorm and thunder on the top of the temple are naturally unable to come down, but the underwater current vortex cannot be stopped by the Godard Duck irrelevant weather domain. The malicious thunder and these current whirlpools falling from the sky Obviously it was the handwriting of some water elves underwater, so it seems that the minions of the sea overlord have already set their sights on them.

"Why, how could this happen? It took a long time to get through a crisis, and now there is a more dangerous enemy. Can we really escape?" Christina listened to Ryuzaki Shinji's words and came to the deck fence. After the vortex of the ocean current, she said with a pale face, and there was deep fear in her eyes. It was obvious that she had believed what Ryuzaki Shinji said, and she also remembered the horror of the dark primordial Kyogre.

"Don't be discouraged, we're not dead yet, Shi Lan, go to the cab to start the Temple, Cattleya and Christina go to the infirmary to take good care of the wounded, Mr. Ryuzaki, please accompany me to talk about the little guys who are preventing us from leaving. The elves will solve it." After seeing the surrounding environment against the Temple, Shirona also really believed what Ryuzaki Shinji said, and Shirona was Shirona after all, and she was not disappointed by the arrival of the dark primitive Kyogre, and immediately Instructing everyone to evacuate, she also discovered the unusualness of these vortexes.

"Yes, Miss Shirona." Shi Lan's face was also very ugly. After hearing Shirona's words, she calmed down a little, and immediately went all the way to the cockpit of the small runway and started to activate the Temple.

After searching the cemetery of the shipwreck, everyone got a lot of compensation for the most scarce fuel. The only thing that has not been done is that the hull has not been carefully repaired.

Therefore, it is a little dangerous to drive to the storm belt at this time. If the hull is not strong enough, it is very easy to be destroyed by tornadoes or water tornadoes in the storm belt, but now facing the approach of the dark primitive Kyogre, the only thing that can be done is to The Temple headed to the Storm Belt for shelter.

The Storm Belt is the site of the Dark Super Rift Seat, and if the Dark Primitive Kyogre wants to enter, he must consider whether this powerful neighbor agrees.

"Well, I'll leave it to you here, we'll take good care of the wounded." Knowing that she wasn't strong enough, Christina didn't force herself to stay and help, and directly dragged Cattleya, who also had not regained her fighting power, and hurried to the medical treatment. room.

"Come out, double-bomb gas, Abo monster, stinky mud, it's time to show your horror as poison elves, unleash the poison on the sea below, don't be merciless, release your strongest poison ." Ryuzaki Shinji admitted that he had no opinion, and immediately released the three strongest main elves in his hands, and then let them launch vicious attacks on the water elves in the sea that prevented them from leaving.

"Gaswas~~" The double-bomb gas that just came out heard the words, the three heads all showed a treacherous color, and immediately flew to the sea on the bow, and then the protruding holes in the body began to flow out a large amount of stench of venom, these black As soon as Qiqi's venom enters the sea water, it is like ink dripping into the water, UU reading www.uukanshu. com quickly polluted the nearby seawater.

"Hisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss It spit out, like the venom of the double-bomb gas, quickly polluting the nearby seawater.

"Smelly stinky~~" Smelly Mud saw that the double-bomb gas and the Abo monster left one after the other, and immediately split into a split body of the same size. The main body and the split body came to the left and right of the Temple. On the decks on both sides, unlike the double-bomb gas and the Abo monster, the stinky mud just threw the white crystals that had just grown on the body into the sea, and then quietly waited for the changes in the sea. The sea water thrown in by the crystals began to boil, and then the surrounding sea water quickly turned to pitch black.

"Come out too, Minas, use a tidal vortex in the opposite direction to remove the giant vortex that was holding the Temple." Seeing Ryuzaki Shinji's ruthless style, Shirona's eyes showed a trace of unbearable. , but didn't say anything, and also released Minas, who was best at manipulating water in his hands.

However, Minas hadn't done anything yet. The whirlpools of the ocean currents that were holding the Temple of God gradually disappeared. What followed was a burst of heart-rending mourning sounds, one by one the whole body turned into a Black and badly decomposed water elf emerges from the water around the Temple.

These water-type elves who inhaled the three poison-type elves toxins of double-bomb gas, Abo monster and stinky mud through sea water, they kept struggling on the sea, but no matter what, they could not escape the fate of being poisoned to death , and eventually they were liquefied by the corrosive poison into a pool of pus and disappeared on the sea.

To be continued......................

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