Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 48: : Battle of Evacuation (more than 4,000 characters large)

In just a few seconds, the dark primitive Kyogre's minions that blocked the Shrine in the water suffered heavy casualties. The sea around the Shrine instantly turned into a forbidden area of ​​life, swallowing all life in it like a cruel death field. .

"This man is indeed an extremely dangerous person, and his methods are so cruel and cruel, can you really continue to believe him in the future journey?" Shirona thought secretly.

Looking at the water elves who were struggling in the sea in front of them but died a little bit powerless, even though Shirona knew in her heart that these elves were enemies, she still felt a little bit unbearable, and at the same time, she had a stronger fear of Ryuzaki Shinji. heart, and its risk factor is quite high to the highest level.

"Miss Shirona, the battle isn't over yet, the real big guy is coming." Ryuzaki Shinji said lightly to Shirona with telepathy, and then looked solemnly at the waters ahead that had become a forbidden area for life, passing through brother Da Ya's perception of the flow of sea water shows that a giant is rising rapidly under the sea.

Even if Hirona tilted her head to prevent him from seeing her expression, Ryuzaki Shinji was still keenly aware of Hirona's disgust for him. Gu, he only felt that this strong woman was too soft-hearted, and even thought it was a little stupid. The enemy is the enemy. No matter what method is used, as long as the enemy is killed, it is correct. It is stupid to have sympathy for the enemy.

As soon as Ryuzaki Shinji finished speaking, a huge wave as high as 10 meters suddenly rose from the water in front of him. The huge wave mixed with highly poisonous waves pressed against the entire temple ship with overwhelming force. devoured the Temple of the general.

"Minas, use surfing to intercept this huge wave in the same way." Shirona responded very quickly. When the huge wave just rose, she immediately commanded Minas beside her to attack the huge wave. The waves are broken.

"Ni~~~" Minas let out a sweet cry, his eyes turned into white awns, and at the same time he exuded a powerful but gentle wave of water energy fluctuations. With the spread of this water system energy fluctuation, it re-turned into a blue color at a speed visible to the naked eye. Then, a huge wave slightly smaller than the attacking wave suddenly rose up, and finally hit the front. The huge waves hit.

With the sound of "Bang~", the strength of the two giant waves was almost equal. After a fierce collision of nearly 0.6 seconds, the two giant waves burst open in an instant. At this time, countless water splashes and a short rain appeared .

The sudden wave of venom was cracked, but Shirona and Ryuzaki Shinji on the deck of the Shrine remained expressionless and solemn. Sure enough, after the strength of the two waves eased, a huge figure emerged from the sea water with heavy rain. come out.

First, there was a huge head, with two huge red agates on the head. Under the head, there were sharp tentacles and countless black tentacles that were showing their teeth and claws. A mighty stinger jellyfish.

"The stinger jellyfish, although this size is not comparable to the stinger jellyfish in the waters where the San Anda sank, which is comparable to the King Whale King, but it is also a giant ocean beast. It's really interesting." Ryuzaki Shinji stared at the prey in the eyes of the giant stinging jellyfish that used a mysterious guard to ignore the venom from the seawater.

This stinger jellyfish is very powerful, and it has already stepped into the level of a king with half a foot. With his huge size, he can completely destroy the sold medium-sized ships at will.

The stinger jellyfish just surfaced, and the fierce attack began. The vortex of the ocean current that had dissipated reappeared, and immediately the Temple of the Temple, which had already traveled a distance, was stunned. Then, two high pressures with a diameter of 5 meters appeared. The water column immediately burst out from his body, and then countless huge black tentacles first lifted high from the sea water, and finally wrapped the water flow and performed a heavy whipping towards the Temple.

The stinging jellyfish's offensive is not over yet, and waves of chaotic light waves spread out from the two giant agates on his head, and powerful ultrasonic waves are released from the two giant agates on his head, instantly destroying the entire temple. shrouded.

"Double-bounce the gas, use provocation to block his ultrasonic waves, and the Abo monster uses a unique trick to release the power you have accumulated three times." The continuous offensive of the stinger jellyfish made Ryuzaki Shinji's sense of threat increased sharply, enduring the dizziness caused by the strange light, and immediately commanded the two main elves around to block and counterattack.

"Gaswas~~" When the double-bomb gas heard the words, there was a black light in the eyes of the three heads, and then they fiercely looked at the stinger jellyfish in front. body.

The stinger jellyfish was hit by the black light emitted by the double-bomb gas, and the two transformation skills, the mysterious guardian and the ultrasonic wave, which had been maintained, were immediately interrupted. No matter how much he urged the two moves, it would not help.

When Minas used his surfing skills to block the huge waves created by the stinging jellyfish, the Abo monster next to Ryuzaki Shinji obeyed Ryuzaki Shinji's instructions and secretly started to use his stored skills to save money. With the energy, when Ryuzaki Shinji gave the order, the third storage skill was just completed, and the Abo Monster who received the order immediately released the huge energy in his body that was about to be suppressed.

The snake pattern on the chest was instantly transformed from the intimidating snake pattern to the attacking snake pattern, and the stomach that had been spewing energy with amazing power was raised again.

A big mouth up to 3 meters long appeared, and then a purple energy beam emanated from the mouth. When the energy beam first came out, it was only about 3 meters in diameter, but it came out of the mouth within less than 0.3 seconds. It instantly turned into an energy cannon with a diameter of 6 meters.

The diameter of the energy cannon smashed a high-pressure water column and a large number of black tentacles from the stinger jellyfish, and then instantly hit the huge head of the stinger jellyfish, and penetrated his somewhat fragile head, followed by , when the powerful energy cannon revealed the angle with a slight movement of the turret, the pierced wound of the stinger jellyfish spread rapidly, and finally the energy cannon smashed half of the stinger jellyfish's head.

When Ryuzaki Shinji instructed the two elves to fight back, Shirona was not idle, and then let Minas use the mysterious ultrasound to protect the stinger jellyfish, and immediately bite the ace in her hand. The shark radiated out, and then let him use the destructive death light to smash another high-pressure water column and a large number of black tentacles, followed by the Abo monster's energy cannon, which also shot a part of the head of the stinger jellyfish into pieces.

Under such a violent attack on the head, this stinging jellyfish seems to be indifferent at all. Under the continuous raindrops falling from the sky, the huge and hideous wound on his head is healing at a speed visible to the naked eye. A large number of tentacles regenerated, and immediately stretched out towards the Temple again.

After seeing that her first attack was easily blocked by the enemy, the stinger jellyfish did not rush to launch the attack again, but continued to urge the water energy in her body to maintain the beam to beat the current vortex of the Temple, and then began to use her tentacles. With many advantages, he quickly used acupuncture skills on various parts of his body, and the brilliance of various ability enhancements lit up from his body. In just a few seconds, he completed the maximum enhancement of his five abilities.

Immediately afterwards, the water energy of the poisonous sting jellyfish, which has completed the enhancement of five attributes, burst out crazily, and began to control the sea water under it to the maximum extent. A wave that was several times larger than before was rapidly formed. , after the first wave was formed, the second wave appeared immediately, followed by the third, fourth, and fifth waves. The huge waves on the first floor, under the control of the stinger jellyfish, swooped against the Temple. come over.

Ryusaki Shinji and Shirona looked at the condition of the giant sting jellyfish. After they looked at each other, their faces showed ugly expressions. Obviously, they had discovered the secret of this sting jellyfish's self-healing ability. The trait of this stinger jellyfish is neither a pure body nor a mud slurry, but a very rare hidden trait: a rain disk.

"It's really a tough guy. If he can't achieve one-hit kill, this guy can use the rain from the sky to continuously recover his physical strength and injuries, and he can so magically complete the five attribute abilities. Strengthen, so it seems that this guy is specially here to hold us back, if that's the case, the dark primordial Kyogre must be coming soon, we must fight quickly, Abo, give it to me!" Seeing the poison The terrifying self-healing ability of the stinging jellyfish in the rain and the amazing energy fluctuations emanating at this moment, Ryuzaki Shinji's eyes showed a trace of light, and he immediately ordered the Abo monster beside him to dive into the sea with telepathy. He had already figured out how to deal with this. A tough enemy.

Following Ryuzaki Shinji's orders, the Abo Monster quickly dived into the choppy waters in front of him. At this time, the giant waves created by the stinger jellyfish had already arrived.

On the other side, Shirona also instructed Minas beside her to dive into the sea water, followed by the Abo, and quickly swam in the direction of the stinger jellyfish.

Layers of giant waves with a height of more than ten meters came fiercely, and they wanted to complete the maker's order, and they would smash the small ship in front of them into pieces.


While Shinji Ryuzaki and Shirona were engaged in a fierce battle with the giant stinger jellyfish, a fierce battle was being staged in the shipwreck cemetery not far away.

At this moment, the wild elves in the shipwreck cemetery seem to be crazy, madly attacking the ships of various forces that are docked in the shipwreck cemetery. Under the siege of countless wild elves, all forces are also facing ship destruction. A great crisis of death.

Around the ships where the alliance forces are located, wild elves attacked their ships with red eyes. They used to be hostile to each other. Now they have abandoned their prejudices for some reason, and jointly launched a fierce attack on these invaders. Attribute attacks attacked the alliance's strong ships from all directions, and the alliance's fleet was quickly damaged.

"Damn, are these wild elves crazy? Kuailong, don't be merciless, use the most powerful thunder trick, wonderful frog flower, absorb hundreds of millions of tons, violent carp dragon, destroy the dead light." Junsha dressed in a western cowboy dress Lan stood on the bow deck and looked at the wild elves who were constantly attacking. She couldn't help but feel a little bit of horror and fear in her heart, but this emotion was quickly overwhelmed by rage, because she saw a friend who had a friendly relationship with her. The alliance trainer was killed by the wild elves, the anger in his heart burst out, and he immediately released the three strongest elves in his hand, and then fought back.

With the help of the thick dark clouds in the sky at this time, the fast dragon flew high in the sky, and the two tentacles on its head flickered a little bit of electric light, triggering the power of thunder in the dark cloud, and facing the wild elf who attacked the alliance ship with red eyes below. Use thunder tricks.

"Boom~~" Countless thunderbolts were released from the dark clouds in the sky under the guidance of the fast dragon, and immediately smashed a large piece of relatively weak wild elves into coke, but this part of the wild elves just fell. , and a batch emerged again later, and this momentum seems to be continuous.

"Lan, although I don't know what happened, I must get out of here as soon as possible, otherwise I can't escape anyone." Qiao Yiqing, dressed in a strong black suit, directed the elves around him to resist the fierce attacks of the wild elves around him. , while speaking to Jun Shalan, who was showing great power at this time.

Even with the crazy resistance of a large number of alliance elite trainers, the elite trainers of the alliance forces are at an alarming rate under the attack of these wild elves that are constantly emerging. Under such a crazy offensive, it is believed that the entire ship will be destroyed by these crazy wild elves soon.

"All of them, at all costs, immediately cover the retreat of the ship," Hearing Qiao Yiqing's words, Jun Shalan, who had killed some red eyes, suddenly sobered up, stood at the forefront of the battle circle, and immediately commanded the trainers around him to cover. Alliance ships retreat.

After all, the alliance is still the alliance, and the foundation is profound. Under the hard work of some alliance trainers with a lofty spirit of sacrifice, the alliance's ships finally sailed out of the scope of the sunken cemetery, thus getting rid of the wild elves in the sunken cemetery. chase.

"What the **** happened? This kind of wind is so scary." The **** organ with messy hair was fighting on the deck. Seeing the scarred trainers and elves everywhere, she couldn't help feeling grief in her heart. She looked up at the dark clouds that were getting thicker and thicker in the sky, and then felt the strong sea wind whistling past her and thought to herself, a lightning bird with a powerful breath was parked beside her,

Once the ship is destroyed, no one can escape, so the eldest lady of the Kamikaze family finally joined the battle and shined brightly on the way to cover the retreat. With the divine beast Lightning Bird, she turned the tide at the last moment and led the way. The overlord-level elf stabbing the dragon king who was chasing after the wild elf repelled, thus winning the hope of life for everyone in the alliance.

When the alliance was embarrassed to withdraw from the shipwreck cemetery.

The other forces were also fighting to the death, and the sudden elf riot caught them off guard, and now there is only one way to retreat.

To be continued......

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