Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 51: : Alliance and Rockets (more than 4,000 characters)

When Ryuzaki Shinji was subduing the stinger jellyfish, more than ten kilometers away from the Shrine, in the sea to the east of the shipwreck cemetery, a huge ship was docked on the rough sea, even though this ship is now compared to Half of the ships that looked like giants were already devastated at this time, but no matter how violent the storm was, the giant ships still stood firm on the sea like Mount Tai.

The owner of the entire gigantic ship is the wealthy alliance. They have just come out of the difficult car in the wreck graveyard and are undergoing some urgent repairs.

Inside the giant ship, in the central conference hall, a group of strong men on the ship are gathering here, Jun Shalan, Qiao Yiqing, Zhiqi and Divine Organ are among them, but at this time, the atmosphere in the hall is It was extremely heavy, and everyone remained silent with a heavy expression on their faces.

With a sound of "Bang~", the door in the hall was opened, and Jun Shalan, dressed in western cowboy clothes, strode in with a few notes, and then quickly sat in the first seat on the right side of the main seat. .

"How's it going? Has the number of wounded and victims been counted? Also, has the cause of the elf riot been found out?" Seeing the arrival of the last Jun Shalan, Qiao Yiqing, who was sitting on the main seat, immediately faced the right Jun Shalan on the side asked.

Hearing Qiao Yiqing's last question to Jun Shalan, all the strong people present immediately focused on Jun Shalan. The elf riot this time was too sudden and strange. They Self-questioning did not cause excessive damage to the environment in the shipwreck cemetery. Although the tsunami washed the entire shipwreck cemetery into pieces, it was nothing but the anger of nature, not their fault.

What is it that makes the wild elves in the shipwreck graveyard so crazy? They even want to expel them outsiders at all costs. The strong men who have had many experiences of life and death have deep doubts about this issue at this time, because they are all aware of a huge crisis is looming.

"76 people were injured, most of them could not recover their fighting ability in a short period of time, and 53 people died.... As for the reason for the elf riot, all the elf scholars accompanying the ship thought it was in the shipwreck cemetery. The orders of the overlord-level elves to the wild elves in the shipwreck cemetery are deeper. As for why the overlord-level elves issued orders to expel us outsiders, elves scholars cannot make a unified conclusion. Among them, I think The most correct conclusion is that there are more powerful elves who have issued orders to expel outsiders to these overlord-level elves! Coupled with the abnormal weather at this time, I think we must transfer immediately now, and we seem to have alerted the guards! "Jun Shalan looked at the note in her hand and reported it in detail bit by bit. When she started to tell the reason for the elf riot, her face suddenly became heavy and silent, and her palms were full of sweat.

The existence of Dark Primitive Kyogre as the guardian of Stormwind Sea is naturally known to the most powerful alliance today. Most of the powerhouses present are middle-level members of the alliance, and they also have some information on Stormwind Sea. Therefore, they also know the famous and fierce name of the dark primitive Kyogre. When they heard Jun Shalan say the reason for alarming the guardian, which was used to explain the reason for the elf riot, even the person who thought he had the strongest personal strength, At this time, their faces all turned pale, and some even trembled.

"It's a lie, it's a lie, it's only been 43 years since the Guardians last woke up. According to the law of their slumber and awakening, it will take at least 100 years for them to wake up again." Sitting in Jun Shalan Zhi Yan next to him said to Jun Shalan with a big change in his face. Like most of the people present, there were fear and despair in his eyes.

As soon as they heard that the dark primordial Kyogre would come to attack them, they all panicked with these mainstays who had a great future in the alliance, and they were no longer as calm as before, even Joe sitting in the main seat Yi Qing, who was looking desperate at this time, no wonder they were so afraid of the dark primordial Kyogre. According to the documents recorded by the alliance, all the ships that entered the stormy sea during the awakening of the guardian, the last number of survivors were all It is "zero", that is to say, if the reason for the elf rioting mentioned by Jun Shalan is correct, then no accident, they will all die in the sea.

"Everyone calm down, this reason is just speculation, it's not really like what Miss Jun Shalan said, those of us are being targeted by the sea overlords in Stormwind Sea, of course, we must make the best plan now. Okay, if it's really going to be Kaioga the Darkness, we're not despairing. We're only a dozen nautical miles away from the storm belt. If we can make it to the Darkness Kaioka before the Darkness Kaiogae first. We still have a chance of survival in the storm belt under our control, so please cheer up, if even you are desperate, the other people on the ship will really have no chance of surviving. Remember, we are the body. To protect human beings, the trainer of the alliance, you can never lose your disappointment!" Seeing everyone was almost panic-stricken, especially after seeing Qiao Yiqing in the main seat as well, who was sitting in the main seat. The Divine Organ on the left stood up, slapped the table with one hand, and said to the crowd with a solemn expression.

The performance of the Divine Organ pierced into the strong people present like a strong needle. The desperate atmosphere of the meeting clock seemed to be blown away by a strong wind, and the sense of honor as an alliance trainer instantly filled everyone present. At this moment, the despair disappeared, and a high-spirited fighting spirit appeared on the bodies of the strong.

"That's right, as an alliance trainer, how can you easily lose hope? Even if a superheroic beast dares to bully us humans, our alliance trainer will destroy him in this world." Jun Shalan also stood. He got up and said with a face of tenacity and determination.

"As a leader, I really failed, I'm sorry, everyone, as Miss Kaguya said, as alliance trainers, we must not lose hope, but I hope everyone will not leak all the words here. Going out, despair is like an infectious disease, which is contagious. What we have to do now is to prevent it from happening. I know everyone is tired, but please continue to persevere. Everything is for survival! Everything is for survival! It's for the alliance! Together, it's all for human beings!" Qiao Yiqing also changed her face of despair before, showing the spirit of a strong woman again, followed Jun Shalan and stood up from her seat, facing the middle powerhouse in front of her. said.

"It's all about survival! It's all about the Alliance! It's all about humanity!"

"It's all about survival! It's all about the Alliance! It's all about humanity!"

"It's all about survival! It's all about the Alliance! It's all about humanity!"


After seeing Qiao Yiqing's actions, the strong people present seemed to instantly ignite a certain explosion in their hearts. Everyone present stood up immediately, and then loudly said the unified slogan with a frenzy on their faces.

A few minutes later, the meeting was over, and all the powerhouses present immediately performed their respective duties. With the unified cooperation of these powerhouses, the entire giant ship woke up like a sleeping dragon and began to operate actively. , and then drove around the shipwreck graveyard at an astonishing speed towards the direction of the storm belt.


When the alliance forces made a difficult author's choice, they relied on concerted efforts to delay time for Nazi's teleportation, and then escaped from the wreck graveyard in a thrilling manner. The Rocket forces were also making a difficult choice.

Compared with the Alliance, Team Rocket's heritage is still a lot worse. Although the Alliance suffered some big losses in this elf riot, it is still far from the level of injury. After falling into a short period of depression after the bad news, these alliance powerhouses with a high sense of honor and a spirit of sacrifice quickly regained their strength.

Although Team Rocket successfully escaped from the shipwreck cemetery this time, they also paid a huge price. Their personnel were originally damaged because of being attacked by the Alliance in Haifeng Harbor, and now they have appeared again because of the elf riot in the shipwreck cemetery. of casualties.

At this time, there were less than twelve people left on their ship, and five of them were seriously injured and temporarily unable to fight. Due to the heavy mental load, Shizuo fell into a deep slumber at this moment, just like Shinji Ryuzaki before.

That is to say, this elf riot has plunged the Rocket Team, which has been out of school, into a huge crisis. Unlike the people in the alliance, those who survive in the dark are more able to perceive the strange changes in the surrounding environment. They were on the verge of life and death, and the intuition they had always trusted told them that they were about to face a crisis that was countless times more terrifying than the shipwreck cemetery.

"Boss, what should we do now? If we make choices quickly, we will be even more passive." Saatchi, with all the scars all over his body, stood up from the deck with difficulty, and then asked for the first time Sakagi, who was in silence at this time. .

Seeing this, the other Rockets members also paused their speed of healing their injuries, and then looked at the man ahead who led them to hope, but at this time was in grief.

"..." Hearing Saatchi's question, Banmu didn't answer, but squatted on the ground and stared blankly at an elf who had lost his heartbeat beside him. At such a dangerous time, Sakagi was still at the forefront, and his cat boss used his body to block Sakagi's powerful destruction at a time of crisis. Although Sakagi was saved from death, the cat boss, who was already seriously injured, also So killed by one blow.

"Boss..." Oka, who was beside Sakagi, looked at Sakagi worriedly and said, but he was about to say words of comfort, but he couldn't say it. He knew that the man named Sakagi in front of him was someone who didn't need to be. Sympathy and even hate those who sympathize, so Oka, Sakagi's right-hand man, can only remain silent at this time.

Sakagi is still Sakagi. This man whose heart is as quiet as steel has a little melting because of the death of his beloved elf, but it is only a little. Inadvertently, he touched the rain and a trace of tears on his face with his hands.

"Go in the direction of the storm belt immediately, this unusual rainfall, if I guessed correctly, the sea devil who has been sleeping in the stormy sea area woke up, although I don't know why, but his goal is obviously It's us invaders, no doubt, the wild elves of the shipwreck graveyard are so crazy to drive us invaders away because they are afraid of this terrible guardian, so now the only way to survive is to move on It's gone." Sakagi turned his head and said to the Rockets member who was looking at him. At this time, his face had returned to his usual calm appearance, and the temperament of the leader class on his body was once again exuding from this ordinary-looking man. , to reassure those who believed in him.

"Yes, Mr. Sakagi, I will turn the rudder and move the ship in the direction of the storm belt." A tall and thin Rocket member heard the words~www.readwn.com~ and ignored his injuries, and immediately followed the instructions. Sakagi's words walked towards the captain's room.

Although some of the other Team Rocket members don't quite know what kind of powerful elf the Sea Demon Lord said in Sakagiguchi, the elf riots in the shipwreck cemetery were caused by him, and there is a certain amount in their hearts, until now. It was in a crisis that was even more terrifying than just now, and the body that was no different, began to perform its own duties, and then let this somewhat tattered ship operate at high speed.

"How's Nazi's situation? Can you come over in a short time?" After all the elite members of the Rockets present had almost left, Sakagi immediately came to Nazi and asked Saatchi beside him.

"The ultra-long-distance teleportation this time has greatly exceeded the strength of the master at this stage, so the master is now in a state of high sleep due to mental exhaustion, although the potion effect that you have given is rich in vitality. Very good, but the spiritual energy that the master needs now, so the current crisis can only be solved by you, as for the safety of the master, you don't have to worry, I will not let anyone hurt her." Saatchi also Before answering, a vicissitudes of life came from the hearts of the three of them. It was Hu Di, who was guarding Nazi's side, who responded to the voice transmission of the three of them with telepathy. As soon as he finished speaking, he disappeared in a teleportation with Nazi from Sakagi. in front of the three.

"That's right, Mr. Sakagi." Seeing this, Saatchi said respectfully to Sakagi, whose face became even more ugly.

"So that's it, at this time, it would be great if that person was still there." Sakagi nodded when he heard the words, then raised his head to look at the thick rain clouds in the sky, his eyes as deep as ink suddenly showed a hint of depth Deep murder.

To be continued.......

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