Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 52: : light particle

The two top forces, the Alliance and Team Rocket, are moving fast in the direction of the Storm Belt. Perhaps by coincidence, the routes chosen by these two top forces are actually bypassing the eastern part of the Shipwreck Cemetery, and then heading towards the Storm Belt. direction forward.

Since Team Rocket left the shipwreck graveyard with the help of Nazi's teleportation, at this time, Team Rocket's ships were ahead of the Alliance's ships in distance from the storm belt, but Team Rocket's ships were not as fast as the Alliance's ships. It is also only a matter of time before the second encounter between the two hostile forces.

Coincidentally, the temple force where Ryuzaki Shinji is located is the same as these two top forces in choosing the route to the storm belt. A large part of the reason is that the temple force wants to pass through the shipwreck cemetery to save the voyage. Unexpectedly, he was besieged by the wild elves that were staring at the edge of the shipwreck cemetery, and then encountered expulsion. In a panic, the large number of wild elves were expelled to the east.

"It seems that even the wild elves in the shipwreck cemetery have found out who the creator of this strange storm is. In order not to let their homeland be affected by the pond fish, they are also trying their best to drive us out of the future." Following the wild elf who was still following the stern of the shrine but no longer attacked, Shirona said with a gloomy expression to Shinji Ryuzaki, who also had an extremely ugly face beside her.

After Ryuzaki Shinji had conquered the giant stinger jellyfish, the Temple was under the protection of the weather-related field of Gotha Duck, ignoring the impact of the storm, and it took less than a few minutes to drive the horsepower to the largest Temple. It soon came back to the confines of the Shipwreck Cemetery.

But at this time, they were attacked by a large group of wild elves. If Ryuzaki Shinji didn't find it in time, and asked Goda duck to use a low-profile version of the ice protection barrier, perhaps their ship would be attacked by a large wave of various attributes. Her move was destroyed, and Shirona was secretly shocked when she thought of the consequences of the destruction of the Temple.

"Yeah, what a pity, aren't these wild elves totally unintelligent beasts? They originally planned to go directly through the shipwreck graveyard into the storm belt to save the voyage, and then let these wild elves resist the cover by the way. As for Oka's, now it seems that this method will not work, the dark clouds in the sky are getting thicker and thicker, and now Godard Duck's irrelevant weather area has also been slightly suppressed, which means that the guy is far away from reaching us. It's not far away, I must find a way to increase the speed of the temple as soon as possible, otherwise I am afraid that the guy will catch up before I reach the storm belt, Miss Shirona, does the temple have so much power? If something comes out, we will all stay in this strange sea forever." Ryuzaki Shinji heard the words, turned his head and said to Shirona with a serious tone.

"........." Shirona didn't speak, but lowered her head and pondered for a while, and then seemed to have made up her mind. On the palm of her right hand, a golden particle of light slowly appeared, even if The light particles are so small, but they completely illuminate the stern part of the boat where Ryuzaki Shinji and Shirona are located. A sacred and inviolable breath is released from the light particles, and Ryuzaki Shinji feels the deadliest immediately. sense of threat.

The sacred and soft light is released from the light particles, giving people a feeling that can cleanse the heart and lungs. When Shirona appeared in the shopping, her face showed a completely different expression and emotion than usual, and her face showed intoxication. The color of the light, his eyes showed the fanatical eyes of the most sincere mad believers, and he knelt on one knee on the ground regardless of his image and saluted this particle of light, and even brought the fierce bite land shark and Lucario next to Shirona. In the same way, follow Shirona's appearance and salute this particle of light.

Far away in a mysterious space in the Shenao area, a small elf with golden light released from its whole body is suspended in the center of this space, and mysterious slates of different colors revolve around it, but if you look closely, these The arrangement intervals of the slates are obviously different, and it seems that some slates have been missing.

Suddenly, the slate that had been spinning all of a sudden stopped, and the sleeping mysterious elf slowly opened his eyes, as if he had seen something across the endless time and space, but the mysterious elf's eyes opened only for only a short time. It was only a second, and after a second, it closed its eyes again, but when the eyes were closed, a particle of light was released from his forehead, and then directly penetrated the space and disappeared.

At the same time, when Hirona released the light particles, the dark primitive Kyogre, who was moving at high speed towards the shipwreck cemetery, was shocked, and there was deep fear in the huge scarlet eyes, but in addition to fear, More hatred.

"This is the breath of that guy from Arceus, did he come here? No, it's impossible, it's impossible for that **** guy to wake up, no matter who you are, as long as you dare to use that guy's power, I will Let you be smashed to pieces!" The dark primordial Gaioka roared loudly, no longer caring about saving his strength, the dark red patterns on his body released a penetrating red glow, and an incomparable energy wave swayed from him. , his movement speed tripled, like a sonic fighter ignoring the resistance of the sea water, moving in the direction of the Temple at an amazing speed.

In addition to the dark primordial Kyogre keenly feeling this sacred breath, the dark super-splitting seat entrenched in the storm belt and wanting to re-enter Chen Mian, as well as the behemoth sleeping in the central island, there are many more entrenched The powerful elf in the stormy sea also opened his eyes at this time.

"How many years, the messenger of God has appeared again, this time, I must seize the opportunity and get out of this cage!" In the depths of the sea dozens of nautical miles east of the shipwreck cemetery, a pair of feet has a house The huge eyes suddenly opened from the dark sea water, and after a slight squinting, a small elf several times bigger than the dark primordial Kyogre quickly emerged from the deep sea to the surface, and then swayed a huge fish. Tail, moving in the direction of the Shipwreck Graveyard at a movement speed equal to that of the Dark Primal Kyogre.

"There is absolutely no mistake, another key that can open the shackles has appeared. The opportunity is rare. Even if the chance is a little slim, I have to fight for it. No, the key must be mine." In the endless sea of ​​clouds above the storm belt , a giant beast whose whole body is almost golden also opened his cute big eyes, a pair of small wings on his back suddenly swayed, and instantly became larger, an afterimage stayed in place, and The real body has already flown several kilometers away.

In addition to this deep-sea behemoth and the sky behemoth, for a common purpose, many old monsters lurking in the stormy sea also walked out of their lair, and the direction of their movement was the shipwreck cemetery.

"What, what is this?" Ryuzaki Shinji shouted in horror, and then his feet involuntarily wanted to escape the irradiated range of the light, but his feet didn't seem to be his, let him do whatever he wanted. , the feet just can't move half a minute.

Looking at the particle of light exuding a divine aura in front of him, Shinji Ryuzaki seemed to see a pair of eyes that could see through everything in this particle of light. There was nothing in the eyes except cold and ruthless. Just being glanced at, Ryuzaki Shinji felt that his secret and destiny had been mastered by the other party, and that deep sense of powerlessness appeared in Ryuzaki Shinji's heart again.

"..." Facing Ryuzaki Shinji's question, Shirona didn't answer this time either. She still looked at the light particles in front of her with a frantic expression, with deep anticipation in her eyes. Suddenly, Anticipation suddenly turned into surprise and frenzy.

A light particle suddenly appeared from an unknown place, and then merged with the light particle in Shirona's hand, followed by a hexagonal crystal emitting divine light suspended above Shirona's palm.

"Don't be afraid, Mr. Ryuzaki, this is just a light of redemption. It is the supreme treasure given to the temple by the great creator **** Arceus. There is nothing wrong. As long as you have it, any sinful beast can be released." Shirona Seeing Ryuzaki Shinji's appearance like this, he suddenly smiled sweetly, then stood up again, and with a holy face, he integrated the hexagonal crystal on his palm into his body.

When the hexagonal crystal was integrated into Shirona's body, the powerful elves who were rushing towards the shipwreck cemetery could no longer feel the presence of the divine aura, but they didn't seem to plan to stop there and continue to feel the way they just felt. They are moving at high speed to the position of the breath. At this moment, their eyes are full of excitement and hope. In addition, there is endless greed.

"Light of Atonement? What the **** is going on here, and what did you just do? Why do I have a very bad feeling?" Ryuzaki Shinji was confused when he heard Shirona's inexplicable answer. , He didn't know what the other party was talking about at all, but his intuition told him that Shirona had done something very amazing just now, and a feeling of trepidation had been lingering in his heart, making him unable to calm down.

"It's nothing, I just feel a little bored of being chased by others all the time, so I simply let some terrifying guys join this cat-and-mouse game. By the way, Mr. Ryuzaki has a good understanding of the Storm Sea. How much? In fact, in addition to the three guardians who are innocent elves, there are also many powerful elves. They are all rebellious guys. Even the guardians can Buy it, okay, I need to rest now, and the vigilance work will be handed over to Your Excellency Ryuzaki." Shirona said to Ryuzaki Shinji with a smile, and then left the stern with Bite Land Shark and Lucario, Walking towards the direction of the cabin, there was still a worried look there at this time, completely confident, the appearance of the hexagonal crystal seemed to give Shirona endless confidence.

This time it was Ryuzaki Shinji's turn to be silent. Looking at Shirona's back, Ryuzaki Shinji felt an elusive feeling from the strong woman in front of him for the first time. At this moment, his mental power You can't even get 10 meters away from each other.

"The light of redemption! It seems that this woman still hides many unknown secrets. The power of the temple is indeed a powerful force. However, I hope what you just did is correct. If you really become a If you can’t see Xiangmo in the eyes of everyone, can Xiangmo really escape by fishing in troubled waters?” Ryuzaki Shinji thought secretly.

The light of redemption and the sinful beast in Hirona's mouth attracted his attention. Although the other party did not say it clearly, he probably knew the intention of Hirona's actions just now, but Ryuzaki Shinji didn't think it was a good way to get them out of the crisis. method only.

Time passed little by little, and after a few minutes, the Alliance ships and the Rocket ships finally met.

"Attention! A suspicious ship is found ahead, hurry up and report it to the head." An alliance member who was a watchman said to another alliance member below the watchtower as soon as he saw the looming shadow of the ship ahead. .

The findings of the alliance members were quickly reported to higher-level alliance members, and finally attracted the attention of Jun Shalan, who had been conducting vigilance work on the ship.

"Team Rocket? To meet them at this time~www.readwn.com~ It's really not the right time, **** it!!" As the ships of the alliance gradually approached the ships of Team Rocket, Jun Shalan finally found out using the telescope Knowing the forces of the ships ahead, although this time was in crisis, when she saw that the other party was the wicked Rocket Team, Jun Shalan immediately remembered the huge mistake she had made in Haifenggang, and immediately turned to the Rockets in front of her. The team has a strong killing intent.

"Sir Sakagi, we are being watched by others. I have seen it with binoculars. It is the guys from the Alliance. What should I do? Do we need to prepare for battle?" When the ships of the two sides met, Saatchi immediately discovered the alliance's After confirming the ship, she immediately reported back to Sakagi, who was still expressing grief.

"Is the alliance? It's really fate that we meet at this time of life and death. Everyone on board is called to prepare for battle. After all, the alliance is the alliance, and we are still the Rockets. The two are incompatible. We have to guard against the mad dog of the Alliance." Sakagi took the telescope from Saatchi, looked at the ship chasing behind, and said solemnly.

"Yes, Mr. Sakagi, I'll let me know now." Saatchi heard the words and immediately bowed to leave, and then quickly entered the cabin with Oka to wake up those who were cultivating.

"Lan, you must calm down. Now is not the time to fight. You must remember your mission. However, the opponent is the Rockets, so we must be prepared for battle, in case of incompleteness." Team Rocket ship, Qiao Yiqing, who was resting, immediately found Jun Shalan and spoke to him seriously.

Jun Shalan lowered her head, remained silent, clenched her fists with both hands, and squeezed the whip tightly.

To be continued......

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