Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 54: : Ice Whale

"Boom, boom!" A thick thunder snake like a bucket appeared in the dark clouds. Under the flash of thunder, the figure of a sky dragon loomed in the dark clouds.

While the giant fast dragon was accumulating power to attack, the giant elf under the sea was not idle either. On the turbulent sea with high-intensity rainfall, a current whirlpool suddenly appeared.

In less than two seconds, the ocean current vortex, which was originally only 10 meters in diameter, expanded rapidly, and directly became 100 meters in diameter. This is not over yet. Sharp ice appeared from all corners of the ocean current vortex, and the ocean current vortex's diameter was not over yet. The center is like a black hole, swallowing up a lot of seawater and icebergs.

The aftermath of the battle between the two giant elves had already exhausted the two top forces, and the appearance of the current whirlpool made the situation even worse. The commanders of the two top forces also dealt with it very calmly. They all quickly commanded their companions to use the power of the elf to get the ship out of the range of the current whirlpool.

It is a pity that the expansion of the current whirlpool is too fast. The two top-notch ships have been caught by this giant current whirlpool before they have sailed more than ten meters, even though they have already tried their best to escape. The beam of the current whirlpool, but still unable to resist the natural danger-like current whirlpool, can only watch the ship where he is a little bit closer to the center of the black hole.

Fortunately, the giant elf in the sea also knew that the attack of the giant fast dragon was coming, and did not maintain this terrifying current whirlpool for how long. Ten seconds later, a black hole in the center of the current whirlpool burst out with a diameter of more than 20 meters. And the high-pressure water column mixed with a large number of spiral ice thorns, the water column rises higher and higher, and finally seems to connect the sky, reaching the altitude of 10,000 meters away, and like a sidewinder missile, it hits the huge fast dragon that has just completed the sky thunder dragon combo. .

"Roar" faced the sudden giant water column, and the huge fast dragon's eyes showed disdain. Even though he was able to evade instantly with his super-speed tricks, he still carried the combo skills without dodging to face the attack of the giant elf.

Under the sea, the power of this giant's water-spraying trick can be said to be powerful. There are also a large number of spiral ice thorns in it. The average champion elf is directly hit, and it will take off a layer of skin if it does not die. But a giant fast dragon is a giant fast dragon. This overlord-level elf that existed in the stormy sea area in ancient times, its strength is also one of the best among the various old monsters in the stormy sea area.

Even in the face of the black super-splitting seat, the giant fast dragon is not cowardly. Therefore, he did not pay attention to the roaring whale king who was younger than him under the sea, and directly used his strength to crush the competitor below. , he wants to use this to kill chickens and warn the monkeys, and let other competitors who want to fish in troubled waters obediently withdraw from this key battle.

Relying on the characteristics of the mysterious scales and the Thunder Dragon's body protection, the huge fast dragon went against the high-pressure water flow full of ice thorns, and then smashed sharp icebergs one after another, carrying the world-destroying Thunder Dragon all the way down from a height of 10,000 meters. With the momentum of the top of Mount Tai, it swooped down towards the King Howler Whale below the sea.

Before the attack of the huge fast dragon was about to come, an invisible heavy pressure pressed the originally rough sea surface into a huge concave shape, directly locking the roaring whale king under the concave sea surface, so that it gave birth to a kind of no matter what. An inescapable intensity.

"If you want to blame it, you are unlucky to meet me, go to die!" The huge fast dragon swooped down with unparalleled momentum, and then issued a deafening dragon roar to the whale king below.

Feeling the huge pressure coming from the sky, knowing that his water spray trick can't help the giant fast dragon, the whale king also began to prepare for the next defense, facing the fast who stared at him like a mad dog. Dragon, in fact, the heart of the roaring whale king also collapsed.

Although the purpose is to compete for the cage key that suddenly appeared, but you don't have to kill yourself before you see the key, right? However, as an old monster who has been traversing the stormy seas for thousands of years and has an old monster who listens to the edict and does not listen to the dark primitive Kyogre, he also has his own arrogance. Mixed in the stormy sea.

"Huhuhu" A burst of icy and biting cold wind suddenly appeared, and then spread out to the surrounding sea in a ring with the king of whales as the center. The circular ice surface was covered with dense sharp ice spikes, and the ships of the Alliance and the Rockets were frozen on the sea in an instant, unable to move.

"Damn, there are no two monsters in the books recorded by the alliance. My God, all the elves in this sea are monsters. What should I do now?" After the high-level means, Jun Shalan could no longer control her inner calm. Like the others on the boat, she also had a feeling of despair. Facing the frozen sea and the huge pressure on her head, she no longer knew how to use it. How can we escape this huge crisis?

"Is this the power that my mother wants me to see? It is too powerful. This level of power is already at the level of natural disasters. A casual blow can turn a modern city into ruins. If you can master this It's not a dream to dominate the whole world, hehehe." Compared with Jun Shalan's despair, Sakagi, who was also in a life-and-death situation, was extremely excited and kept watching the confrontation between the two giant elves. The appearance of the lieutenant putting his life and death aside.

Six seconds! This is the time it took for the huge fast dragon to carry the combo sky thunder dragon from a height of 10,000 meters, and then run over the huge water column all the way and reappear in the eyes of everyone. It was the head of a thunder dragon that seemed to cover the sky, rushing straight down from a height of 10,000 meters.

The visual impact brought by a terrifying move like the giant fast dragon is definitely super explosive. Unfortunately, most of the human trainers and elves on the battlefield of the two giant beasts can only bring weakness and despair. Their gazes came to meet the attack of the giant fast dragon, not because they were weak, but because the opponent was too strong.

Both the giant fast dragon and the roaring whale king are far beyond the cognition of these trainers. The two sides are not on the same level at all~www.readwn.com~ In the face of such a powerful existence, perhaps only those Only trainers at the top of the pyramid can compete with them.

If these trainers who have experienced this battle can not die, their vision and strength will definitely get a huge leap, because they have already realized how small they are in this battle, and the word pride has gone forever Their life dictionary, at the same time, a sense of crisis will accompany them in this life.

When the thundering blow of the huge fast dragon was about to come, the roaring whale king in the deep sea finally finished brewing his move, stirred a lot of sea water, and then suddenly accelerated in the deep sea, rushing straight towards the ice layer on the sea surface. .

"Lielailie" Huge cracks appeared from the ice like a spider web. With a "bang", the first to break through the ice was a sharp 20-meter-long ice horn. With the ice horn and then breaking through the roaring ice layer, at this time, the roaring whale king was covered with a thick layer of ice armor full of ice thorns, like a frozen knight who returned from a frozen world. A large amount of icy sea water emitting cold air was rolled, and it jumped up from the sea.

With countless ice arrows lashing towards the sky.

A narwhal broke through the ice. (https://)

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