Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 55: : the power of unity

"It's getting close, it's getting close, it's finally coming, Arceus, I will never let your people take away your sealed power, absolutely!" Looking at the shipwreck cemetery that became clearer and clearer ahead, some slowly came Chi Dark Primitive Kyogre thought bitterly, but at this time it has been nearly 10 minutes since Ryuzaki Shinji and others left the shipwreck graveyard, and the location where he sensed the breath of Arceus also disappeared near here. .

Although the Dark Primitive Kyogre calls himself the Sea God, in fact he is just a loser in the battle for the divine position. In the vast sea, he is not much different from other ordinary elves. There is no certain coordinate guide. It was difficult to find a small ship, so it finally put its hope of finding an enemy in front of this somewhat dilapidated graveyard of shipwrecks.

"Rumbling" thunders were manipulated by the dark primitive Kyogre. According to his intention, they randomly landed in the wreck graveyard. Under the indiscriminate attack of the thunder in the sky, some broken ships that could not be hit and hidden in it The wild elves suddenly turned into charcoal, and when such a situation appeared, those wild elves who had been terrified by the arrival of the dark primordial Kyogre became even more panicked.

Dark Primordial Kyogre is one of the top powerhouses in Stormwind Sea. Usually, apart from the dark super-splitting seat that can hold him steady, there are no extra powerhouses who can stand 55 to 50 away from him. The situation, the shadow of the famous tree of people, the dark and primitive Kaioka has traversed the stormy sea for countless years, countless painful lessons and the failure of the challenger has created its supreme prestige, so his arrival makes the wild elves in the shipwreck graveyard abandon. Prejudice, and jointly drive away the human outsiders who will bring disaster to the end, but I did not expect that in the end, they could not escape the ravages of this sea tyrant.

"Do you have any dissatisfaction? Dear Sea God, we have already expelled the target you asked for, why are we embarrassing us poor descendants of losers." A silver dragon flew out from the center of the shipwreck cemetery, and then carefully The telepath spoke to the dark primordial Kyogre exuding terrifying power in front of him without being arrogant or humble.

After Huck Dragon flew out, the Thorn Dragon King and the Tyrannical Carp Dragon, who were also the three dominant elves in the shipwreck cemetery, also appeared one after another, forming a common front to face the dark primitive Kyogre.

"I can't believe that the three little guys from the past should have grown to this height now. It's not bad. Are you interested in becoming a subordinate? I'm short of manpower to deal with those intruders." The three little elves in front of them are not weak. , all belong to the Heavenly King-level elf, especially the tyrannical carp dragon, the dark primitive Kyogre felt a sense of danger from him, and it was because of this that he slightly put away the power of his body and used a slightly equal Tone speak.

The recruitment of the dark primordial Kyogre not only did not make the three elves feel the slightest joy, but their hearts sank.

"Lord Seagod is joking. How can I get into your eyes with such a little strength? The three of us also have the responsibility of guarding the cemetery of the sunken ship. We can only feel sorry for Lord Seagod's invitation." Longyin replied, Thorn Dragon King and Tyrannical Carp Dragon chose to remain silent, obviously choosing to side with Huck Dragon.

"Hehehe, so you are going to reject my good intentions, you are really bold, is it enough to praise you two? This place is an eyesore, so just destroy it." Dark Primitive Kyogre With a roar, a huge sound wave shook the three overlord-level elves back a distance.

Although Huckron's tone is rather euphemistic, it is not difficult to hear that the other party has rejected his recruitment, which makes the dark primordial Kyogre a little angry. , the entire shipwreck cemetery was covered by a heavy rainstorm, and at the same time, the thunder that had rested fell again.

The raging thunder and the huge waves that were raised for no reason attacked the entire shipwreck cemetery one after another. , It won't be long before the entire shipwreck cemetery is sunk in the bottom of the sea.

"Fuwu" saw the dark primordial Gaioka act like this, and Huckron immediately flew into the sky where the thunder was constantly falling. He was completely untouched by the countless thunders, and coiled up the dragon's body in the dark clouds. Then, she The thunder in the sky uttered a loud dragon cry, and the sapphire blue dragon ball under the jaw released a luxurious colored light. The thunder that seemed to be irritated suddenly turned into a docile sheep, and no thunder fell from the dark clouds again. , even the heavy rain has been appeased, from heavy rain to drizzle.

"Hmph, how dare you perform your little trick of manipulating the weather in my field, naive, do you think you can beat me in the field of weather control, you little reptile, this is what you have to pay to offend the majesty of God The price." Feeling the suppression of the invisible power in his rainstorm domain, the dark primordial Kyogre laughed instead of anger, and suddenly, countless rays of freezing light that were relatively slender to him shot out from him, these urgent Frozen ray tracing rounds are generally aimed at Harkron from all angles.

However, the sneak attack of the Dark Primitive Kyogre was unsuccessful, and the Dragon King and Tyrannosaurus, who had been focusing on him, responded immediately when he made a sneak attack.

"Roar!" The Dragon King roared, and the wild elves who came to hide early in the morning immediately attacked the countless frozen rays of light in the sky. Under the wild bombardment of the various attribute moves of many wild elves, Not a single freezing ray could come close to Harkron.

"Shipwreck Cemetery is not a place where you can wreak havoc at will. Maybe you are very powerful, but if you dare to destroy our homeland, even if you have to fight the last drop of blood, we will tear a piece of meat from you." The dragon stood up from the queue, and then roared at the dark Primordial Kyogre, whose face was a little ugly at this time. Immediately afterwards, the whole body of the tyrannical carp dragon burst into white light, and he actually changed his form once, when the white light disappeared. At the time, a colored spiral mark appeared in front of the Tyrannosaurus, and at this time, the shape of the Tyrannosaurus had undergone earth-shaking changes, and a super Tyrannosaurus appeared in front of the dark primitive Kyogre.

The Exceptional Domain was released from the Super Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon. In an instant, the drizzle within a radius of 100 meters disappeared, and the torrential rain domain of the Dark Primordial Kyogre was further suppressed. At the same time, the invisible pressure emitted by the Dark Primordial Kyogre was alone. Block down.

At this moment, the breath released by the super tyrannical carp dragon has far exceeded the previous one. After the super evolution, it broke through the barrier of the king to enter the championship in an instant, and directly changed from a high-level king-level elf to a champion-level elf.

After the tyrannical carp dragon evolved into a super tyrannical carp dragon, the wild elves in countless shipwreck cemeteries also came out from various hidden corners. Among them, four of them also exuded the atmosphere of the king. They cooperated with the super tyrannical carp dragon and The Dragon King of Thorn, surrounded by the dark primordial Kyogre.

Being treated as an enemy by countless wild elves, the feeling of being pointed by thousands of people made the dark primitive Kyogre feel inexplicable pressure. However, even now facing the joint siege of a large number of elves, he still has no fear. Because he is confident that he can completely kill these guys in front of him by himself.

The atmosphere is very dignified, the two sides are facing each other, and the entire shipwreck cemetery seems to have fallen into a strange calm. At this moment, even the sound of water droplets falling and the breathing of the elves can be clearly heard. The slightest act rashly, and a fierce battle is about to break out.

"Very good, it seems that there is no reason why you descendants of losers can live to this day. I need a guide. As long as you can help me find those human beings, today's affairs will be fine, otherwise, It may not be able to destroy you today, but in the days to come, I will make you feel the taste of **** in the sea!" Dark Primordial Kyogre slowly exited the shipwreck graveyard for a distance, and then the ninja said with rage in his heart, perhaps feeling him of anger, the dark clouds in the sky made a dull thunder.

Under the watchful eyes of many wild elves with the same hatred, the dark primitive Kyogre finally chose to put away his hostility and removed the rainstorm field shrouded in the shipwreck graveyard. He is very strong and true, but he has not yet reached the place where the world is invincible. , In the sea of ​​​​storms, he has created countless disasters, so his enemies are also a lot.

Stormy Sea has existed for countless years. Under the harsh environment, countless powerful elves have been born, and some of them are even more able to challenge the beasts. If it is not for these elves, they are very arrogant and disdain to join forces to besiege, plus his own original The powerful strength makes these powerful elves very afraid, and I am afraid that he has been killed by these elves long ago.

It's just one thing to go heads-up~www.readwn.com~ It's another thing to fall into the trap. Although he is confident that he can wipe out these daring loser **** in front of him, it is inevitable that he will have to pay a huge price. , A serious injury is absolutely impossible to escape. At present, because of the emergence of the light of redemption, those old monsters who have been lurking in the dark have also appeared one after another, most of them are his enemies. Once these guys find themselves seriously injured, The possibility of joining forces to fall into trouble is very high, and at that time, he will not be able to escape a dead word.

Being able to traverse the stormy sea for countless years, not only depends on strong strength, but sometimes reason is also very important. After being imprisoned here by Arceus, the dark primitive Kyogre has always regretted his impulses. He has long passed the stage of youth and vigour, although these loser **** are really annoying, but there is no need to be thankless, and really want to kill them all.

In the end, the two older Mary Luli volunteered to stand up and become the guides of the Dark Primordial Kyogre, and the Dark Primordial Kyogre who got the guide did not waste time, following the two Mary Luli. As a guide, quickly swim towards the east of the shipwreck cemetery.

After the dark primordial Kyogre had been away for a while, the Super Tyrannosaurus had a glance with the Thorn Dragon King and Huck Dragon, then he dived into the water and left the shipwreck graveyard again.

To be continued (https://)

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