Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 56: : Mission given by God

In the midst of the storm, on the choppy sea, a ship actually ignored the influence of the weather and kept moving forward at the fastest speed. In just ten minutes, the ship had already used a seven-kilometer sea area. .

At this moment, the ship is only a dozen kilometers away from the storm belt. If you continue to go at this speed, it will take more than half an hour to reach the storm belt smoothly.

However, will it really be so smooth?

This difficult problem has been plaguing Ryuzaki Shinji, who is carrying out vigilance work on the Shrine. Since Shirona released the so-called light of redemption, he vaguely felt that there seemed to be an eye around him. he.

It doesn't matter if it's just being stared at, but it's not so good if being stared at can make him feel creepy. He has used his superpower to carefully check his whole body several times, but he has not been able to find any himself being planted. marked signs.

"Which eye could it be? Arceus, is that eye Arceus? What did he find? Damn guy!" Ryuzaki Shinji hovered cross-legged on the bow deck, then stared at Fascinated by the sea in front of him, unable to explain the reason for this feeling of being watched, he couldn't help but think of Arceus mentioned by Hirona. When he thought that his secret might have been discovered by the so-called God of Creation, his expression changed. It became more and more gloomy.

"Bang~" A loud noise resounding through the sky appeared not far from the front. After the powerful sound wave passed, a strong wind comparable to the 12th grade wind followed closely, and a huge wave with a height of more than ten meters was never far away. came swiftly.

This violent strong wind could not completely stop the irrelevant weather field of Gotha Duck. It directly pushed the waves together with the Temple for a long distance, if it wasn't for Gotha Duck's timely destruction of the dead light to hit the part of the huge wave ushered in. He dispersed, and used his mental strength to stabilize the temple a little, maybe the temple would be overturned by the huge waves, or the ship might be overturned by this strong wind.

"What happened?" After the temporary crisis was lifted, Shirona was the first to come out of the cabin and hurriedly came to the bow deck, asking Shinji Ryuzaki, who was looking at the sea ahead with a solemn expression. .

After Shirona, Christina and Cattleya also hurried over.

"See for yourself, if you guessed correctly, these guys should all come to Miss Shirona, it's really scary." Seeing the three of them coming out, Ryuzaki Shinji pointed to the chaotic sea in front of him and said , the face under the mask showed deep concern.

In the sea area more than ten kilometers away from the northeast of the Temple, as the deep point continued to move forward and fast, the battle between the giant fast dragon and the giant roaring whale king had already appeared looming in front of everyone on the deck of the temple. The elves' destructive power made them the same as those in the Alliance and the Rockets. For a time, both Cattleya and Christina felt how small and insignificant their power was.

"Hurry up, turn your head to avoid their battle, it's still too late to turn your head." Christina, the weakest among the crowd, reacted, and immediately said to everyone with a horrified face, and then turned around without waiting for everyone to answer. Head towards the cab.

Cattleya originally wanted to say the same, but when she saw that Ryuzaki Shinji and her best friend were very calm, and she vaguely felt the subtle confrontation between the two, she calmed down, and then she calmed down. Go behind Shirona.

"Miss Hirona, it's time for you to tell me the secrets about you. As you can see, the two monster-like elves in front of you are absolutely impossible for us to fight today, and there are already within this range. It belongs to the battle area of ​​the two of them. They should have discovered us long ago. As I said before, they all came for the light of redemption in your hands. That is to say, we are now because of You are in extreme danger, if you have nothing to deal with, then we may really have to wait to die." Ryuzaki Shinji stared at Shirona, his tone was a bit stiff, and deep purple awns began to appear in his eyes .

In the face of Ryuzaki Shinji's undisguised dissatisfaction and slight hostility this time, Hirona's face of iceberg beauty remained unchanged, but this time she deliberately avoided Ryuzaki Shinji's purple glow. One-Eyed, then passed over Ryuzaki Shinji and the Gotha duck behind him, standing on the edge of the bow and quietly watching the apocalyptic battle ahead.

"Mr. Ryuzaki, it may seem ridiculous to tell you, but I came here to save the future of mankind. This is the mission that God has given me. For this mission, even if I have to sacrifice my life. The price is also at all costs, so please believe me, we will be able to survive this crisis safely, and then successfully enter the central island." With her back to Ryuzaki Shinji, Hirona took a deep breath Afterwards, he said solemnly and divinely.

To be honest, Hirona didn't actually think that the wild elves in the stormy sea could be so strong, and she couldn't help but become more firm about the mission given by Arceus.

Regarding the matter of the Stormwind Sea, Xirona obtained it from the documents recorded in the temple. The Stormwind Sea is a land abandoned by the gods, where the beasts that once caused a huge crisis to the elf world and a large number of their evil minions were imprisoned.

In order to imprison these sinful beasts that cause harm to the world, the creator **** Arceus did not hesitate to use some of the original stone slabs on his body as the source of power, and ordered the ancients to build several special temples in the central island as power transmitters of the original stone slabs In the end, she also personally selected several elves that are comparable to divine beasts and their tribes as the guardians of the slate~www.readwn.com~ and this time she will risk her life to come to Stormwind Sea in person, in fact, entrusted by Al The oracle of Zeus, came to re-strengthen the sealing power in the central island, because with a large number of human trainers exploring the stormy seas without fear of life and death, the ancient temple in the central island was destroyed, and one of them was used as a source of sealing power. The Origin Stone Tablet was also smashed by greedy human trainers, and then part of it was stolen.

Today, the sealing power of the entire Stormwind Sea is constantly weakening. If it is not re-reinforced, in the age when Arceus has fallen into a long-term sleep, once these imprisoned in the Stormwind Sea for countless years, the sinful beasts who are still full of resentment will leave this cage. , I am afraid that mankind is about to face extinction.

In fact, the temple has already advised the major forces a long time ago and asked to stop exploring the stormy seas. Unfortunately, human beings are greedy creatures. Once they get real benefits, they will not give up easily, not to mention the ability to What about the source slate that quickly increases the strength of trainers?

Even though he knew that doing so would cost his life and would bring a huge crisis to the world, he still flew towards the source stone slab like moths to the flame. Advice is as ridiculous as fart.

Just as the Shrine that Ryuzaki Shinji was on was gradually approaching the battle area between the giant fast dragon and the giant whale king, the crisis at the rear was also quietly approaching.

The rain falling from the sky, unknowingly, falling faster and faster.

The same is true of the thunder in the dark clouds in the sky, the roaring frequency is getting more and more, and the sound is getting louder and louder.

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