Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 58: : 1 eye of God

The ship that the huge fast dragon was staring at was naturally the Shrine where Ryuzaki Shinji and the others were. Although he didn't feel the aura of the God of Creation, he was directly telling him that the treasure he was looking for was on this ship.

On the Temple, through Christina's message, the Temple is gradually moving away from the battle range of the huge fast dragon and the giant whale king, but it seems too late to choose to change the route at this time, and the distance is getting clearer and clearer. The huge figure of Ryuzaki made Shinji Ryuzaki and Cattleya's heart sink deeper and deeper.

"The mission given by God, it turns out that it is so, it is no wonder that a noble person like you would personally venture to such a ghost place. I hope that as you said, you can take us to the central island safely. Look, the huge giant in front of you. The fast dragon seems to have defeated his competitors, and is now flying towards us, it's time for us to see your ability, messenger of God." After listening to Shirona's touching words, Ryuzaki Shinji sneered in his heart, and then said to Shirona with some disdain.

What God's messenger, what God's will, what will lead to the destruction of the world, these things are completely nonsense in Ryuzaki Shinji's view.

The actions of the giant fast dragon were naturally hidden from Shirona, who had been paying attention to the battle ahead, and in the face of Ryuzaki Shinji's disdainful words, Shirona was not angry. In her mind, Ryuzaki Shinji was actually the same as those There is no difference between the trainers who are single-mindedly pursuing strength. If there is a difference, this man is more dangerous than any person who is single-mindedly pursuing strength. Therefore, she does not need to take the words of these people to heart. .

There was no choice to answer Ryuzaki Shinji, Shirona chose to show all this with her actions. She spread out her right hand, and a trace of golden light radiated from her body. Although the golden light was weak, it felt extremely dazzling. At this time, Shirona was as dazzling as the legendary goddess, and finally, with a golden rhombus crystal appearing in her right hand, the majesty of a **** passed from her.

"That's what it feels like, sure enough, it's been staring at me." When the golden diamond crystal appeared, Ryuzaki Shinji involuntarily took a few steps back, his eyes glowing with purple awns staring at the diamond Crystal, thought with an unusually ugly face, and at the same time, she raised a huge fear and a strong killing intent towards Shirona who was in the golden light.

Seemingly aware of Ryuzaki Shinji's deeply hidden killing intent, Shirona turned her head expressionlessly, and then gave Ryuzaki Shinji a faint look.

One eye, just one eye.

The sound of "Boom~" sounded, and the sound of countless thunderous roars exploded from Ryuzaki Shinji's mind in an instant, and a lot of cracks appeared in his spiritual world.

"Tick tock~" One after another, bright red blood flowed out from Ryuzaki Shinji's eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and then dripped onto the deck along the mask.

"Damn! What the **** is going on? How could this woman possess such a powerful mental strength?" At this moment, Ryuzaki Shinji was kneeling on one knee with his head down, no matter how hard he tried. , the body just made such a shameful action out of control.

Those eyes are not Hirona's at all. They are eyes that have no emotional fluctuations and regard all things as ants. There is no doubt that they are the eyes of God, the contempt of God.

"Hirona, how could this be." Cattleya on the side was stunned. Although she knew that this best friend was very mysterious and powerful, she never expected to reach such an amazing level, even as a super middle-level peak. It is unbelievable that a person with ability can be defeated with his eyes.

"Gah~~" Treated by the master like this, Goda duck is no exception as Ryuzaki Shinji's elf. He is also suppressed by a powerful mysterious force. The only difference from Ryuzaki Shinji is that he directly touches his entire body. Lying on the ground unable to move.

And the ghost Stone, who was hiding in the dark, was stunned, shivering and hiding in the shadows in the corner, daring to come out.

The breath of Arceus reappeared, and the dark primordial Kyokka, who had been approaching gradually, was instantly flushed with irritation, staring at the golden light like a spark in front of him, his scarlet eyes showing unforgettable hatred.

"I will never let you go, the messenger of Arceus!" The dark primordial Gaioka jumped out of the water, and then let out a deafening roar, the mysterious Huawei on his body released a dazzling red glow, and a huge coercion suddenly descended, At this moment, the rain that fell around stood still and stayed in the air for a few seconds. After the dark primordial Kyogre returned to the sea, the rain returned to normal.

Rain is a dead thing after all, and facing the pressure of the dark primordial Kyogre just chooses to remain still and not moved, and the two old Mari Luli who are on the dark primordial Kyogre are not so lucky. Under that terrifying pressure, they covered their big ears and screamed in pain. Then, blood began to ooze from the pores of the whole body, and finally lost consciousness and fell from the dark primordial Kyogre.

For these two ant-like existences on his body~www.readwn.com~Dark Primordial Kyogre simply ignored it. Now that he has found his target, then these two little ants are worthless, so he just threw them away. The two Mari Luli who guided him, then moved quickly in the direction of the Temple.

Not long after the dark primordial Kyogre left, the two unconscious Mari Luli resurfaced, and the elf holding them to the surface was the super violent carp who had been following behind the dark primordial Kyogre. dragon.

Looking at the dark Primordial Kyogre galloping away in front of him, and looking at the charming golden light in front of him, there was a hint of greed in the eyes of the super carp dragon, but in the end, rationality prevailed over greed, completed what Hackron entrusted, and the rescue was over. After these two Mary Luli, who were quite prestigious in the shipwreck cemetery, turned around and swam in the direction of the shipwreck cemetery.

The light of redemption appeared again. After seeing the huge fast dragon approaching the Temple, the powerful elves lurking in the dark could no longer bear it and came out of the dark one after another.

The gigantic fast dragons that used the speed skills to hurry on their way took less than two minutes to cross the sea area of ​​more than ten kilometers, and then approached the Temple. However, as the elf closest to the light of redemption at this time, he wanted to It seems a little difficult to get visa-free, a treasure that seems to be at your fingertips.

An air explosion suddenly shot out from halfway, and the huge air cannon directly wiped off the dense rainwater like gauze wiped the dust on the glass, and then accurately hit the huge fast dragon moving at high speed, the powerful air cannon. The huge fast dragon was knocked back a certain distance, and then, the huge fast dragon that was hit hard fell into the icy sea water in front of the temple.

A pair of scarlet giant eyes lit up from the dark clouds above the Temple, and those evil eyes stared at Shirona on the Temple.

To be continued...

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