Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 59: : The magic sound is rampant

At the moment when the giant scarlet eye appeared, a wave of evil energy surged out of the dark clouds in the sky. Then, an extremely depressing force field enveloped the sea area with a radius of more than ten kilometers. In an instant, everyone was in the force field. The sight of the creatures entered a state of black and white.

In this evil stance, it seems that not only the creatures feel uneasy, but even the thunder and rain between heaven and earth seem to be afraid, and the thunder and rain disappear in a hurry. At this time, a large dark cloud covering the sky above the temple gradually dissipated , a meniscus that somehow became scarlet appeared in the dark night sky.

Under the illumination of the scarlet moonlight, the elf that released the evil power also appeared in front of everyone without reservation. From the appearance alone, this huge elf that looks like a giant bird is the elf Rocky in the legend of the city. Ya, but unlike the lucias that most people have seen, this lucia has black feathers that are the opposite of the usual lucia color, except for the scarlet eyes and the dorsal fin on the back, the whole body is almost black. .

Not only that, but this Lugia does not have the kind of holy and righteousness that the general Lugia gives the impression of pity for the world. Instead, it shows evil and violence everywhere, giving people a sense of ominous and death. It is not difficult to see , this black logia is an out-and-out evil elf.

Whenever Black Lugia fanned his pair of huge black wings like arms, a black wave emanated from him in a ring-like manner. The black energy wave was full of evil and darkness, and quickly polluted him. In the surrounding energies of heaven and earth, all creatures touched by this energy wave involuntarily have the desire to kill.

"Fallen mythical beast, incarnation of darkness, disaster maker, dark Lugia." On the alliance ship, Jun Shalan, who was born in Guandu, looked at the black Lugia under the red moon and said in fear, seeing the dark Lugia. At that moment, the deep memory in her heart suddenly emerged from the depths of her mind, reminding her of the scene of her hometown being destroyed, and the hellish ruins made her feel deeply helpless again.

"How could it be, it's impossible, hasn't he been killed by the champion and the four kings at the time? Why, why is he still alive and appearing here." The other corner of the boat is from the same hometown as Jun Shalan Joey Qing looked at the black Lugia in the sky with trembling all over, with an incredible look in his eyes.

Most of the remaining powerhouses on the Alliance ships and Team Rocket ships are from the Guandu area. Naturally, they have heard the legend of Dark Lugia, and many people have also experienced that terrible disaster. When they The moment they saw Dark Lugia, they were also speechless in shock, with fear and despair in their eyes.

Dark Lugia used to be a very righteous Lugia. According to legend, he made great contributions to the human beings in the Guandu area at that time, so the human beings at that time worshipped him as a **** and prayed for his blessing. Asylum, but over time, he felt the greed and endless demands of human beings, so he never appeared in front of the world again.

Until one day more than ten years ago, this legendary elf appeared again, but he appeared in another form. For some unknown reason, the mind of this divine beast was completely corrupted by darkness, silver-white His feathers morphed into evil black, and he became Dark Lugia, the former guardian of Guandu became the destroyer.

He single-handedly destroyed more than a dozen large cities and countless villages in Kanto and Chengdu. In the end, the champions of Kanto and Chengdu and the Four Heavenly Kings attacked at the same time, and joined more than a dozen world-famous Heavenly King-level trainers with them. After three days and three nights of fierce battles on the Vortex Islands, it was only after paying a huge price for a champion, seven Heavenly King-level trainers and countless trainers that the disaster was prevented from continuing.

According to rumors, this dark lucia has been killed, but from the current situation, this dark lucia was not killed at all, but was imprisoned in this stormy sea for unknown reasons. among.

"Small human, although I am surprised that you were chosen by the idiot of Arceus as the **** of this generation, but now you are too weak, you have no ability to protect the things in your hands, but it doesn't matter. , I can promise you, as long as you hand over the item in your hand to me, I will guarantee your personal safety in this enemy, of course, I will help you through this crisis, and will also give you Arceus didn't give you the supreme power, hehe~, how about it? The supreme power~~~" Although she has been staring at Shirona on the Temple with evil eyes, Dark Lugia seems to have no direct connection for the time being. The meaning of **** is to communicate with Shirona through telepathy with great interest.

Dark Lugia's words are like the most terrifying demon babble, and they are full of magic to tempt Hirona's heart, but the dark power of Dark Lugia is not the opponent of the power of Arceus, who has always guarded Hirona's heart. , It is impossible to seduce Shirona through the mental barrier.

However, the voice of Dark Lugia did not only appear in Shirona's heart. All the creatures in his evil aura clearly heard every word he said. Similarly, not everyone could With the protection of the power of Arceus, the temptation sound like the devil's babble coiled in the hearts of everyone, and some creatures who were not firm enough were suddenly red-eyed by the magic sound, and their faces gradually showed crazy expressions.

Those creatures who have justice and kindness in their hearts are fine. Faced with this demonic sound, they can resist it very easily, but for those evil people who have such evil thoughts in their hearts, this demonic sound is the best evil thought. The growth catalyst of them directly magnifies their evil desires hidden deep in their hearts, and when their minds fall, they are immediately controlled by Dark Lugia's mind and become a puppet in his hands.

Creatures in the evil aura of dark Lugia, the magic voice seems to be whispering in their ears all the time, some creatures finally can't bear the temptation in their hearts and become puppets dominated by desire, their eyes are covered with a red glow Get up, and then look up at the dark Lugia in the sky.

Not to mention that a large number of wild elves in the evil aura were controlled. Now, there are also controlled personnel on the ships of the Alliance and Team Rocket. Compared with the proportion of the number of people who are controlled by the Alliance, Team Rocket is almost 80%. Everyone is temporarily controlled by Dark Lugia~www.readwn.com~ Damn, wake up quickly, don't be controlled, please wake up quickly! "Looking at the red-eyed people and elves around, Jun Shalan and Qiao Yiqing, as well as many uncontrolled people, all shouted in horror.

But their efforts were of no use at all. Those creatures that were controlled deliberately surrounded the creatures that were not controlled, and they all showed bad eyes.

What frightened them the most finally happened.

The most frightening part of Dark Lugia is not its terrifying destructive ability, but its ability to manipulate the desires of creatures. As long as it is an interesting creature, there are emotions and six desires, and Dark Lugia is the ability to magnify the evil in the creature's heart. Desire, once he can't overcome his own desire, he will temporarily become his puppet. In fact, most of the destruction of the dozen cities was not caused by his own actions, but the result of the cannibalism of those who became puppets. It was really a hellish scene, this is a demon that controls people's hearts.

With a sound of "roar~", a giant beast with the same red eyes flew out of the sea water, and then came to the dark Lugia's side respectfully. On the beast's original golden dragon scales, the mysterious black light emanated one after another. The pattern is densely covered on his body, and the huge fast dragon, which was originally attacked by Dark Lugia and fell into the sea with serious injuries, was actually controlled by him.

"Hehehe~~, my servants, destroy those so-called kindness, hahaha~~" Looking at the creatures with red eyes below, Dark Lugia roared proudly with her back to the moon.

A dark breath pervades this sea.

Lost creatures follow the will of Dark Lugia.

The blood-red moonlight shone on the war-torn sea.

To be continued......

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