Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 60: :war

Since the purpose is to capture the light of redemption in the hands of Hirona, Dark Lugia is also the strongest to the creatures on the Temple, especially the human being next to Hirona, such a pure soul darker, he has already Haven't seen it for a long time.

"Power, supreme power, come on, as long as you obey me, I can give you supreme power" The powerful spiritual force easily passed through Ryuzaki Shinji's mental barrier, and then passed the tempting magic sound to him In his heart, the long-suppressed killing intent suddenly erupted in the stimulation of this demonic sound, Ryuzaki Shinji's one eye immediately turned red, but there was still a trace of purple awn in the one eye, which made Ryuzaki Shinji barely had a shred of sanity.

Goda Ya, who is beside Ryuzaki Shinji, his situation is similar to Ryuzaki Shinji. He is in the usual meditation posture, with a scarlet light in one eye, murderous aura all over his body, and blue veins protruding all over his body. Obviously, he Now he is resisting with his own killing power with tenacious willpower, but the increasingly dazzling red light in his eyes also obviously means that his sanity is gradually disappearing.

"Mr. Ryuzaki, how are you?" Cattleya was also tempted by the magic sound, but she was pure-hearted and easily resisted. At this time, she was looking at the abnormal situation with a worried expression. Ryuzaki Shinji.

"Don't, don't die, I can't die, ah!" A scream came from the cabin, and then Christina came to the deck with her head covered in pain. He stopped struggling, and then, like many creatures, looked at the dark Lugia in the sky with red eyes.

On the Shrine, the people who could not bear the inner turmoil and became puppets, not only Christina, but also Shi Lan, Yan Kai and Electromagnetic who had passed out due to serious injuries also woke up and walked to the deck unconsciously, some injured The same goes for the little elves, who are all lost minds.

"Damn, how can I be controlled, never think about it, never try to control me!" Ryuzaki Shinji tried his best to resist with his last will.

But his inner ** and the hidden killing intent are too strong, far beyond the level of normal people. Although his will is also quite strong, he can usually suppress his inner emotions well. Unfortunately, in the dark Lodge Under the urging of Ya's magic voice, the original ratio of will and **** was 105, but now it has become 115. There has been a 180-degree reversal in the status between the two, unless Ryuzaki Shinji's willpower can be in a desperate situation. Breakthrough again in China, otherwise, it is only a matter of time before reason is suppressed by the **.

Of course, this is a situation where he chooses not to use external force. As Hirona, who is protected by the power of Arceus at this time, he naturally knows the consequences of Ryuzaki Shinji once controlled by Dark Lugia, this terrible man is only a People plus his poison-type elves may only be tricky.

But if it cooperates with his special Gotha duck, the threat level will increase rapidly, plus the dark power temporarily given by Dark Lugia, its strength will definitely increase a lot. At that time, even if she has the general The power of Arceus temporarily blessed Bite Land Shark and Lucario, and it was not easy to fight Ryuzaki Shinji.

A golden light was released from Shirona's hands, and then shone on Ryuzaki Shinji and Gotha Duck, and the dark aura that had been trying to seep into the two suddenly melted away like Haruyuki met sunlight.

At the same time, even Christina, Shi Lan, Electromagnetic, Yan Kai, and the elves on the boat, who had been controlled by Dark Lugia, all let out a scream after being irradiated by this golden light, and then fell into a coma. .

When the dark aura on Ryuzaki Shinji and Gotha Duck was completely removed, with a "boom", two energy beams burst out from Ryuzaki Shinji and Gotha Duck, and then crossed and merged with each other. Then, the fused energy beams turned a corner, and all of them were instilled into Godard Duck.

Being driven into a dead end, and with a strong sense of crisis and shame, Ryuzaki Shinji and Gotha Duck unreservedly fused all their spiritual powers together. The Godduck's body swayed out, making the surrounding powerful elves also pay attention.

A purple superpower shield is shrouded in it, and three purple superpower light **** surround it. The ruby ​​between the eyebrows has transformed into the purest and most flawless amethyst. A set of superpower energy, water energy and ice energy is mixed. The exquisite ice armor fully armed the Gotha Duck, and the Seagod Trident was in his hand. Just like the original Kyoka in the face of the dark, the Gotha Duck has undergone some changes, its body has become stronger and taller, and its tail has become slender. At the moment of spiritual fusion, a huge colored superpower mark appeared before getting up.

"Damn it, how dare you humiliate us like this, I must make you pay the price." Then Ryuzaki Shinji stared at the dark Lugia in the sky with a shocked color, and sent out a telepathic telepathy. A cold, piercing speech.

However, Dark Lugia did not do it himself. The red light flashed in his scarlet eyes, and the huge fast dragon beside him immediately let out a painful roar. Then, the essence of the dragon energy erupted from the huge fast dragon. Come out, and then condensed in his mouth, in less than a second, a huge dragon-shaped energy fluctuation was released from his huge mouth, just like the dragon of the sky rushing down, the dragon's fluctuation of the huge fast dragon directly Ryuzaki Shinji even completely covered the temple number he was in.

I don't know what the reason is, the dragon's fluctuation of the huge fast dragon is nothing but the same in Ryuzaki Shinji's view. At best, it can only be regarded as an all-out blow from the intermediate king.

"20 minutes, I can only last for 20 minutes in this state of full blast, I will help you stop this huge fast dragon, the next thing is up to you, the messenger of God!" Ryuzaki Shinji faced the front Shirona, who was still calm, called out, and then released electric fireflies and double-bomb gas. After giving instructions to both, she closed her eyes and concentrated on fighting with Gotha Duck.

Facing the dragon's fluctuation of the huge fast dragon, Goda Duck raised the Seagod Trident in his hand, and then pointed to the sea, a giant water column was suddenly pulled out from the sea by the powerful superpower, and then, surrounding A superpower light ball around Godard Duck escaped its orbit and plunged into the giant water column like lightning.

A series of sounds of "bang bang bang" appeared quickly, and the super-power light ball submerged in the water column immediately condensed a huge amount of seawater into a spiral water ball with a diameter of more than 20 meters, which contained amazing water system energy and super power energy. The power contained is also no less than the full-strength strike of the king-level elf, and even surpasses it. The overflowing energy forms a purple water ring outside the water polo. Combining skills, the super-energy water wave appears again.

Under the control of Godard Duck, the giant spiral water polo turned into an ellipse and rose rapidly, and instantly collided with the waves of the dragon falling from the sky.

"Boom boom boom boom" two powerful moves collided together, and a huge vibration sound broke out, but after a few seconds, the combination skills released by Goda duck seemed to be even better, directly smashing the dragon wave of the huge fast dragon, Advance layer by layer all the way.

The spiral water wave finally turned into a sharp water bomb. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com broke through the wave of the dragon, and then fell heavily into the body of the huge fast dragon.

"Ow!" A painful dragon roar emanated from the huge fast dragon's mouth, and huge golden scales fell off the body, which was already scarred.

"Hehehe, what an interesting human being, I really want to dominate you, but now there is a villain coming, let him continue to play with you for the time being." Lugia's eyes widened, and she glanced at Ryuzaki Shinji and Gotha duck with interest, then turned her head and set her eyes on the sea area on the lower left.

The dark clouds that were originally dispelled by the dark aura of Dark Lugia began to gradually condense again, and the scope of the dark aura was gradually shrinking.

A little elf whose imposing manner was no less than or even surpassed Dark Lugia gradually came from not far away, completely ignoring the influence of Dark Lugia's dark position, and drove straight in.

The sea overlord of the Stormy Sea, the dark primordial Kyogre has finally arrived.

To be continued (https://)

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