Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 61: : Roar of the Water Dragon

Dark Lugia stared at Dark Primordial Kyogre. Similarly, Dark Primordial Kyogre was also staring at Dark Lugia in the sky ahead. The area of ​​the sky where the dark clouds could no longer expand was so unsightly, This made the dark primitive Kyogre very unhappy.

The existence of Dark Lugia, Dark Primordial Kyogre naturally knows, but he doesn't know the real reason. His other abominable brother actually lost the title of Sea God, and this guy who fled here for refuge more than ten years ago, It's actually a nasty ghost who was once named the sea **** by the humans and elves outside.

Even after he came to Stormwind Sea, a place where many strong men were born, this nasty guy was still pretentious. While he was falling asleep, he secretly attracted other powerful elves to do bad things to him together, and once wanted to take him away. For the position of overlord of the sea in this stormy sea.

It's just that the Dark Primordial Kyogre is not an easy-going guy. He directly killed the dark Rocky Adam and gave the Dark Rocky Adam a blow. The two fought each other for seven days and seven nights, and there were abnormal changes in the fighting area. Finally, the darkness Primordial Kyogre defeated Dark Lugia with his excellent strength, but he couldn't kill it, and was used by him to escape from the air. After Dark Lugia was defeated, he became extremely peaceful. For several years, it has been silenced in the entire stormy sea area, and until now, it has reappeared in front of the dark primitive Kyogre.

And the appearance of Dark Lugia this time, it is clear that his strength has been improved again, and the dark primitive Kyogre clearly feels that the evil power on the opponent has become stronger.

However, the Dark Primordial Kyogre is still the Dark Primordial Kyogre. Except for the God of Creation, they are the super-divine beasts who have lived the longest, and their control over various attributes and powers has reached the peak with the years. One of the incarnations of the sea, as long as you live in the sea, you can have the infinite blessing of the power of the sea. Even if you face the creator **** Arceus, he will never admit it.

Therefore, no matter how powerful Dark Lugia becomes, he is confident that he can firmly suppress it.

"I thought who was so arrogant. It turned out to be you, a coward who ran away from the desert. You dared to appear in front of me. Have you made up your mind to die this time?" Leaping out of the sea, he let out a loud roar at the dark Lugia in the sky ahead.

As soon as the giant roar came out, a sound storm appeared in an instant. In addition to the loud sound, the sound seemed to contain mysterious power. The power of the giant roar reached the soul. Those who were originally controlled by Dark Lugia with the magical sound Creatures, a loud bang of a gong appeared in their hearts in an instant, as if the darkness had been shaken away, these creatures controlled by Dark Lugia were all stunned in place, the red light in their eyes began to fade away, and then they all covered their faces and emitted Painful cry. The black energy on his body leaked crazily.

"You old antique, don't think I'll ruin my good deeds if I don't cramp and peel you this time." Seeing the dark primordial Kyogre trying to break his mind control over others with a huge roar, Dark Lugia was furious, The dark aura on his body erupted instantly, sweeping the entire battlefield like a hurricane, making those creatures who want to break free from mind control enter a controlled state again, but there are still some creatures that successfully break free from mind control and because of their strong willpower Increase in order to resist the temptation of the second wave of magic sound.

When the dark primordial Kyogre and the dark Lugia faced off, Ryuzaki Shinji and Gotha Duck were fighting fiercely with the giant fast dragon.

The loud roar of the dark primordial Kyogre caused the huge fast dragon to stagnate a little, and suddenly stopped in place and whined in pain. Ryuzaki Shinji, who had been on the suppressed side, saw this and immediately seized the opportunity and controlled the Gotha Duck's body counterattacked, and the Seagod Trident in his hand burst into a dazzling purple glow.

Godard duck forcefully slashed the Seagod Trident in the direction of the giant fast dragon, and a sharp spiritual blade over 20 meters appeared in an instant. It was no more than the consumption of mental power in the body, and six huge mental sharp blades were slashed in succession like lightning.

The mental blade is extremely sharp, not only has the ability to cut objects, but also can attack the other party's spiritual consciousness, which can be described as a very sharp super power move.

According to Ryuzaki Shinji's precise calculation, the six huge spiritual blades hit the throat of the huge fast dragon with great accuracy. Under the continuous cutting of the six spiritual sharp blades, even with the protection of the golden dragon scales, the throat of the huge fast dragon was cut. Injuries were still present, and the incision depth of the wound was not shallow.

Perhaps feeling a fatal threat, the huge fast dragon, who had been covering his head, smashed the last two spiritual blades with his hands at the last moment.

At this time, the dark aura of Dark Lugia broke out in an instant, and the giant fast dragon, which was still struggling, returned to its original controlled appearance. Although it was seriously injured, the temporarily blackened giant fast dragon seemed to become even more terrifying. , the momentum of the body does not decrease but increases.

Ryuzaki Shinji controlled Goda duck, and once again had a difficult confrontation with the huge fast dragon. The huge fast dragon that was temporarily blackened was attacked in no way, just like a walking dead, he could only fight by instinct, very powerful. Only two or three points can be played, but even so, in the battle between the two, the reckless attack of the giant fast dragon made Ryuzaki Shinji and Goda duck extremely jealous.

As long as there is one hit in the body, the seemingly anxious situation between the two will be reversed in an instant. The body of Goda Duck, which has not experienced the baptism of the power of the source, is absolutely unable to withstand the second attack of the huge fast dragon. From beginning to end, Ryuzaki Shinji and Gotha Duck are fighting in a life-threatening way.

The dragon's wave is against the super-energy water wave, and the spiritual blade 5 is against the dragon's claw. It uses continuous teleportation to avoid a wide range of attacks. Various moves are colliding in mid-air one after another, and a huge sound erupts between the two. The battle was fierce, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that Ryuzaki Shinji and Gotha Duck were now at an absolute disadvantage.

In the eyes of the giant Kuailong at this time, Gotha Duck was a mosquito that kept "buzzing" in his ears, and it was a hateful mosquito that had already sucked him into donating blood. He could not wait to directly Shoot it to death, but the mind is very confusing, unable to use various combinations of skills to attack coherently, and can only use various skills in a monotonous manner.

Another swooping move by the Dragon God, the huge fast dragon wrapped in dragon-type energy swooped down rapidly, even if it could only attack by instinct at this time, the battle book that had been tempered and tempered was still extremely sharp, and it turned directly into one. Afterimage, in this attack, the huge fast dragon actually cooperated with the speedy trick to conduct a surprise attack on the Gotha Duck, using the huge advantage of the body to directly block the Gotha Duck's dodging distance.

The deadly sense of crisis made Gotha duck and Ryuzaki Shinji feel the chills to the bones. The huge fast dragon in front of him suddenly bloomed, and he knew that something was wrong. As the fighting time between the two went by, this attack The gigantic fast dragon with no rules has gradually adapted to his fighting rhythm by virtue of his instincts. The quick move just now was like a draw from the bottom of the pot, which directly disrupted the attack rhythm of Gotha Duck and Ryuzaki Shinji.

In the face of the attacks randomly used by the giant fast dragon, the normal attack of Gota Duck is indeterminate. Except for the use of combo attacks to increase the power of the moves by geometric multiples, Ryuzaki Shinji can't find any other attacks that can resist the giant fast dragon for the time being. Attack, the gap between the two is still too big after all, and the gap is so large that it is almost difficult to make up for it with skills.

The bald head of life and death, consciousness seems to have entered a wonderful state, time seems to be stagnant, passing very slowly~www.readwn.com~ The brain is running quickly, thinking about the way to survive.

Time is too late to use continuous teleportation to dodge, since there is no way to dodge, you can only choose to resist.

The Poseidon Trident in Gotthard Duck's hands quickly melted away, turning into a stream of pure spiritual power that merged into Gotthard Duck's body. At the same time, the two remaining spiritual light spheres surrounding his body also turned into pure spiritual power supplements. There is not much spiritual power left in Godard Duck.

After completing these two steps like lightning, Goda Duck folded his hands together, and all the power on his body erupted, and a purple energy beam shot out from his body, instantly connecting to the sky, and then, on the sea below the beam, a giant waterspout would The energy beam is covered, and finally, the energy beam and the giant waterspout combine to form a huge purple water dragon.

The faucet of the purple water dragon exudes an amazing cold air, and the whole body is also agitated with amazing super energy and water energy fluctuations. It is a combination skill that combines ice super power and water.

This trick was a combo that came up temporarily during a life-and-death change, and Ryuzaki Shinji named it: Water Dragon's Roar.

To be continued (https://)

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