Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 65: : The tiger's mouth grabs food

One move away from chess, and the outcome is self-evident.

At this moment, Dark Lugia has nowhere to escape, and the ice seems to freeze even his consciousness.

The huge ice ball fell from the sky with the free fall movement. At this time, the real ultimate move that Dark Primordial Kyogre had accumulated for a long time finally appeared.

"Roar~" The dark primordial Kyogre jumped out of the sea, and a loud roar sounded out. Under the call of the giant roar, the thunder that had been brewing in the dark clouds for a long time suddenly became more active, and the thunder snakes emerged from the clouds. The hideous head then stared at the falling hockey puck, and finally, under the subtle energy control of the dark primordial Kyogre, one after another thunder wrapped around the puck, interlaced with each other, and a fine net of thunder wrapped the puck.

The power of thunder and lightning is extremely violent, and even if there is no order to attack by the dark primitive Kyogre, it has already launched an attack on the dark Lugia in the ice ball with the help of the conductor of ice.

Under the double attack of the combination of ice and thunder, Dark Lugia, who has this flight attribute, suffered huge damage, and the effect was outstanding.

"This is the last firework to send you on the road, go to hell!" Dark Primordial Kyogre opened his **** mouth, and a giant destructive death light with a diameter of more than 15 meters was instantly released, hitting the ice with unparalleled precision. Dark Lugia, who is double-strapped with a net of lightning.

The destruction light completely envelopes the puck.

"Bang bang bang~~" A sound of explosion appeared, and the giant destructive death light destroyed all the things in the attack range. The ice ball, the thunder net and the dark primitive Kaioka were all under the impact of this fiery energy, gradually Ashes.

On the sea temporarily blocked by thin ice, the alliance, the Rockets, the Temple and other forces are closely watching the result of this battle. Both sides of the battle are super mythical beasts, and the scene in front of them tells them that Dark Lugia is really darkened by darkness. Primordial Kyogre defeated, but, is Dark Lugia really dead? No one can answer this question. After all, every super beast has incredible power, and it is difficult to die.

The energy beam formed by the destruction of the dead light gradually came to an end, and everyone on the battlefield finally saw the result of the battle. In the high sky, the figure of Dark Lugia had disappeared. There is no doubt that this battle, the darkness Lugia seems to have fallen to a dead end. But the strange thing is that three orbs, one black, one pink and one green, appeared at the position where Dark Lugia disappeared.

The three orbs of different colors are extremely mysterious, exuding a psychedelic light, which makes people feel dizzy after a long time. The three orbs are engraved with countless mysterious patterns. Among the three orbs, the black orb is compared to the The other two orbs are not only larger in size, but also emit more psychedelic light. The light around it seems to be swallowed up by it, and a strange scene of light distortion appears.

The three fist-sized orbs all seemed to contain extremely powerful energy, and even though they did not emit the slightest energy fluctuations, the space around them kept showing traces of unnatural distortion.

on the Temple.

A strong call emerged from Ryuzaki Shinji's heart, causing him to stare at the pink orb among the three orbs involuntarily. He clearly felt that his body had a strong desire for that pink orb.

"Is this..." Looking at the non-attribute source crystal that suddenly appeared from the back of his hand, Ryuzaki Shinji looked at the three mysterious orbs in the sky in surprise, and at the same time put the one left by Chubby. The energy core was taken out for comparison, and a bright purple awn suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"..." Cattleya also stared at the pink orb in the air, and the pink mental power painted her beautiful big eyes with a psychedelic color.


On the alliance ship, the Divine Orb stared at the cyan orb among the three orbs in the air. The greed in his eyes was very clear at this time. On the small white hand that he held tightly, a simple and exquisite ring also exuded a cyan color. light.

The Lightning Bird on the side is the same as her trainer, with deep greed in her eyes. As a descendant of the divine beast, she can't understand the things above her head. If she didn't know that the tiger's mouth was the dark primitive Kyogre, she must have gone. There was no return, he had already gone to grab the food, and he was still stunned here.

"If I can get it, maybe I can surpass my sister, no, I will definitely surpass my sister and become the strongest trainer in the history of the family..." Kamiko thought to herself, her beautiful big eyes. revealing a strong desire.

However, the Divine Organ finally resisted the urge to **** it, and used the Poke Ball to retract the lightning bird that was about to move, then pulled her gaze back from the blue orb, and then, one by one, woke up the members of the alliance who had been knocked out. .

In a shadow not far from the Divine Organ, a black-clothed ninja nodded thoughtfully, and disappeared into the shadows again in a distorted shadow.


On Team Rocket's ship, Nazi, who had fallen asleep again, woke up again, and she teleported to the top of the ship with Hu Di, and then stared intently at the pink orb in the air.

Unlike the Divine Organ, Nazi glanced at the pink orb, her eyes became clear again, and she took Hu Di back to the cabin to continue sleeping.

"It's a pity..." Na Zi murmured with her eyes dimmed, and the next second, her consciousness fell into a deep sleep again.

"Lie Lie Lie~" The sound of ice cubes shattering appeared, and the ice cubes around Team Rocket's ship quickly collapsed under the violent destruction of a Nido.

Sakagi was similar to Nazi. He didn't pay too much attention to the three mysterious orbs above his head, but quickly woke up the members of Team Rocket who had been subdued by him.

"Leave right now, those things are not in our hands now." Sakagi said to the men around him, the moment Dark Lugia was defeated by Dark Primitive Kyogre, those creatures controlled by it also Regain sanity.

"Yes, Sakagi-sama." The members of Team Rocket who had regained consciousness said gratefully, and then immediately ran to the cab to control the ship to leave in place of the dead pilots.

"..." Saatchi, whose body was covered in blood, was silent, and a gleam of light flashed in the corner of his eyes.


The dark and primitive Kyogre turned a blind eye to the quiet departure of the Alliance and Team Rocket ships. He even ignored the sneaking away of the Super Tyrannosaurus and Super Megalodon. He was also staring at the top of his head at this time. The three mysterious orbs above, however, there are more doubts in their eyes than greed.

Those three mysterious orbs are the energy cores in Dark Lugia's body. They contain powerful vice energy, super power energy and flight energy respectively. One of them, as long as the attributes match and can be absorbed successfully, can gain part of the power of Dark Lugia and become a powerful elf.

Although he is also greedy for this power, the dark primordial Kyogre is still quite rational. He is very puzzled~www.readwn.com~ According to his countless battle experiences, all elves above the king level are also They are some misers who will never save their energy cores for enemies.

According to his understanding of Dark Lugia, this sinister guy would never leave his energy core so kindly, the conspiracy must be a conspiracy.

"Che, if you want to lie to me, in the next life." Without hesitation, Dark Primordial Kyogre aimed at the three orbs that exuded strong temptation, and then spewed a huge column of water from his mouth.

The speed is very fast, with a distance of several kilometers, the water column takes less than 2 seconds to approach the target.

When Dark Primordial Kyogre acts, a cloud of black energy is released from the black orb, and then forms a miniature dark Lugia energy body, with deep regret and resentment in the scarlet eyes.

"Hehehe~~, I originally wanted your body as my new toy, but I didn't expect you to be so cautious if you were greedy, so there's nothing you can do. I hope we meet again next time, then it will be your death. , the overlord of the sea." The dark Lugia energy body sneered, and then, the black orb inside blended into the space strangely, disappearing with the dark Lugia energy ball.

The remaining two orbs were ordered to tear apart the space as well, and then followed the black orbs.

However, a purple space crack suddenly appeared in front of the two orbs. When part of the dark Lugia soul stored in the two orbs found it and wanted to tear the space beside him to escape, it was too late.

A large hand stretched out from the crack in the space and held the pink orb in it like lightning.

Someone really dared to stand in front of the dark primordial Kyogre.

Tiger's mouth grabs food! !

To be continued......

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