Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 66: : reliable teammate

The pink orb kept struggling, trying to break free from the big hand, but the big hand held it tightly in the palm like an iron hoop.

The space rift disappeared, and the pink orb appeared on the Temple.

"Hehehe~ I want to run, but there is no door, just be annoying, maybe I can let your soul leave." Ryuzaki Shinji sneered at the pink orb in his hand.

However, the one who answered Ryuzaki Shinji was the Pink Orb who struggled more violently.

"What are you doing here, why don't you come and help me subdue it." Ryuzaki Shinji saw this, his eyes flashed, and he immediately said coldly to the shadow under him, his tone full of irresistible taste.

The ghost in the shadow Stone heard the words, and finally came out of the shadow reluctantly, and then a pure ghost energy burst out of his body, and as a result, Ryuzaki Shinji's hand wrapped the pink orb.

Even if it is wrapped by the ghost energy of Ghost Stone, the pink orb is still reluctant to let go. The energy is like a ball of brown candy, no matter how hard he struggles, he can't break free from the shackles of Ghost Stone.

"You two little fellows, do you want to fight against me?" Seeing that he couldn't compete for the bondage, the dark Lugia sub-soul hidden in the pink orb immediately threatened Ryuzaki Shinji and Oni Stone.

I don't know if Dark Lugia is too famous, or Ghost Stone is too afraid of death. With such a threat from Dark Lugia, Ghost Stone was so frightened that he lost his temper, and even the ghost energy that bound the pink orb changed. Gotta relax.

Although the energy contained in this pink orb is astonishing, and it also contains a lot of source power, this thing is worthless to Ghost Stone, whose attributes are completely irrelevant, and it is necessary to subdue it. It takes a lot of effort and energy, thank you to say this.

However, this superpower-type energy core is absolutely priceless for his cheap master. After some weighing, the greedy Ghost Stone decided to take a gamble and wanted to take this opportunity to plan Ryuzaki's second-hand The chubby energy core.

For him, the chubby energy core is the supreme treasure. Whether he can recover his strength smoothly and go further depends on it.

"Don't pay attention to him, what's so scary about a mourning dog. If it's handled well, I'll give you this energy core." With Ghost Stone's appearance, Ryuzaki Shinji frowned, holding back his heart. Annoyed, he chose the method of inducement to persuade Ghost Stone, shook his chubby energy core in Ghost Stone and said.

Sure enough, this old ghost is a guy who doesn't get up early. After seeing Ryuzaki Shinji promising to give him the chubby energy core as a reward, he immediately became excited. There is also the sick man from before. Appearance, his eyes looking at the chubby energy core were shining, and he immediately urged the ghost energy in the body with all his strength to increase the restraint on the pink orb.

"Hee hee hee, bet right, fart, you loser, just as my cheap master said, you are just a lost dog, some kind of come over and kill me now, I'm so scared , hee hee~~" Facing the constant chattering threat of Dark Lugia, Ghost Stone also sneered at the dark Lugia in the pink orb with telepathy.

For Dark Lugia, this old ghost who sees the wind and the rudder is not at all in awe at this time, and starts to increase his damage to Dark Lugia's soul. After all, he can play with a super beast. Soul, even if it's just soul separation, is something to be proud of and challenging, and Ghost Stone is actually very excited now.

Dark Lugia's main soul is all in that vicious energy core. After all, that is his main attribute. For this energy core that has been abandoned for a long time, Dark Lugia pays great attention to it. low.

That's right, the previous Dark Rockia attribute was super energy and flight type, and now the attribute is evil type and flying type. It is conceivable that this energy core that conflicts with his main attribute energy, Dark Rocky How low is Ya's attention, the soul power allocated in it is similar to the full soul of the previous chubby, and it is simply a fantasy to get rid of the hostile Geng ghost who has been a soul juggler for many years.

Soon, under the torment of Ghost Stone's superb soul skills, the dark Lugia part of the soul in the pink orb was soon tortured to an unbelievable level, and the soul began to show signs of collapse, and was finally removed by Ghost Stone a little bit. The pink orb was pulled out from the inside, and then swallowed into the stomach to digest it one by one.

"This, this, this is too amazing. What is the origin of this ghost stone, Mr. Ryuzaki? It can even torture the soul of a super beast, and even eat it." Looking at the ghost stone a little bit Tortured the soul of Dark Lugia, and then eaten it. Cattleya on the side was stunned at this time, and even the thing that had dared to take food from the dark primordial Gaioka before for Ryuzaki Shinji was not as good as this one. The shock of a terrible scene.

"..." Shirona kept silent about the actions of Ryuzaki Shinji and Ghost Stone, but in fact, she was no less surprised than Cattleya when she faced this scene.

After Dark Lugia's split soul was completely eaten by Ghost Stone, the strength of the pink orb's struggle suddenly weakened, and then, as the light emitted from the body became more and more dim, it finally turned into a whole body. Pink Orb.

"Good job, this is your reward." Ryuzaki Shinji took the pink orb handed over by Ghost Stone with excitement, and without breaking his word, threw the Chubby Energy Core in his hand to Ghost Stone. .

"Thank you for your reward, hee hee~~" Ghost Stone stretched out his big tongue, rolled his chubby energy core into his tongue like lightning, and swallowed it into his body. Then, he flattered Ryuzaki Shinji with a flattering expression on his face. Compliment.

As for the character of this cheap master, after several deep contacts, he also understood it very well. This time, he cheated on him at a critical moment. Don't think that he is in a very good mood now because he got the pink orb. Prepare for how to beat him, but Ghost Stone also knows that as long as he has value for a day~www.readwn.com~ Ryuzaki Shinji will not really kill him, so at this time, his heart is also very happy. .

Just when Ryuzaki Shinji and Oni Stone dramatically obtained the energy core that the original Dark Primordial Kyogre couldn't get, the Dark Primordial Kyogre, who had been watching the play, finally moved.

"Hahaha~, it's very good, little bugs, it's really helpful, if you are willing to give me the energy core in your hand now, I can give you a lot of help, the previous thing. That's it, of course, which of the messengers of Arceus on your ship must die." A loud voice through telepathy, the dark primitive Kyogre said to everyone on the Temple.

As soon as the words fell, the rainstorm that had stopped suddenly fell, the dark clouds covered the sky, and the thunderstorms fell around the temple. Insect, he has already eaten all the people in the temple to death.

Hearing the threatening words of the dark primitive Kyogre, Shirona, who was standing on the bow, turned her head and stared at him. After a while, she raised her head to look at the sky, and the mysterious pattern between her eyebrows brightened again.

"Roar~" A dragon roar that made Dark Primordial Kyogre feel extremely familiar suddenly appeared, the torrential rain and thunder stopped abruptly, and a huge black dragon head stuck out from the dark cloud.

"I knew that the messengers of God are so calm, what am I afraid of?" At the moment when he saw the black dragon head, Ryuzaki Shinji felt that she was incomparably strong towards the woman beside him who was too strong. Pleasant and reliable.

Hirona, the messenger of Arceus, the **** of creation, the helper she summoned, the Dark Super Rift Seat is in place.

To be continued.....

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