Pokemon Dark Giant

: End of volume testimonials

I have been writing bumpily along the way, and the first half of the plot is finally coming to an end. I know that many people say that my plot has been procrastinating, and I will not refute anything. The real island adventure has finally begun.

As a newcomer, I can only write everything I think should be written, but the gain is that subscriptions gradually decrease, I don't blame you, after all, people who are willing to spend money to read this type of fan fiction are already like this point.

However, I still hope that you can subscribe more to support the author. In fact, the money is really not much. One chapter is more than 10 cents. A meal of 10 yuan is enough to read my novel for a month.

How should I put it, writing for such a long time can be regarded as some experience. As a freshman writer, what I have encountered in front of me should be a hurdle. There will be more in the future, and I don’t know how long I can support it.

In short, let's go step by step. If I'm really tired, I should put down the pen in my hand.

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