Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 6: : Survive from the dead

In the desert shrouded in darkness, a thin woman rode on a elf and ran fast in the sand. Through the cold moonlight, you could vaguely see the woman's unkempt face. , The originally beautiful hair has become like withered grass, and the clothes are damaged in many places, revealing the skin that has been tanned, and some skins that have been exposed to the hot sun for a long time are even sunburned.

The elf carrying the woman is a big milk jug. Her seemingly round body is surprisingly fast. Even if she is carrying a thin woman, her speed is still very fast. She poured a faint red glow of milk into her mouth, and immediately after, the big milk jug ran with the thin woman again as if drinking a red bull.

In addition to the big milk tank, the elf beside the woman was followed by a pixie. Although it had wings to fly, it kept falling behind the woman in order to protect the woman's safety. She was injured, and one of the wings was chipped off, making her flying posture a bit weird.

And chasing after the woman and Pikexi was a group of bat elves, there were as many as twenty-five, and the leader was a quasi-king-level forked bat. There are a few big-mouthed bats exuding elite peak levels.

Taking advantage of ultrasonic detection, these greedy vampire bats found a thin woman hidden in a man-made cave. After a fight, they found that the woman was a weak and deceptive prey, so they chased and killed all the way. .

"Damn, the remaining speed-up milk is running out, what should I do, what should I do, these nasty guys are about to chase after them again, Pikexi, please, use the fork again to aim at the fear of death. The bats used an electric shock wave." Seeing the bat swarm approaching again, the thin woman said anxiously to Pikexi behind her.

"Pippi" Pikexi nodded when she heard the words, gritted her teeth and endured the pain in her body. A strong bioelectric current spurted out from her body, and then an electric arrow shot toward the bat swarm behind her.

Seeing the electric arrow coming towards him again, the cross-shaped bat leading the "Zizzizizi" bat group suddenly became angry, and then made a sharp sound wave.

At this time, the bat groups around the bats all kept a distance from him. Unfortunately, the three supersonic bats that were closest to the bats moved a beat slower, and they suddenly seemed to be taking pills. , became wobbly, and then suddenly accelerated in front of the bat.

"Crackling" a sound of electric current hitting the target appeared, and the three supersonic bats with only low-level elites were suddenly torn apart by the electric shock waves of Pikexi, who was close to the quasi-king level, and then fell from the air in black smoke. fall on the sand.

Shortly after the three supersonic bats fell into the sand, a small vortex of quicksand appeared in the sand. A few seconds later, the three supersonic bats in the quicksand vortex quickly disappeared into the sand.

For the three companions being controlled by the bat as a shield, these cold-blooded bats didn't care at all, they directly passed the companion who fell behind, and continued to follow the bat flying at the forefront to chase the prey.

As soon as the two sides chased and fled, they quickly covered a distance of several kilometers, and the other wild elves along the way were not surprised, and let the two sides chase and escape. Signal, some scattered supersonic bats and big-mouthed bats were blocking the chase on the way, and the thin woman also had a lot of coping methods, using various elf props to see tricks and dismantling tricks, all the way to deal with it without any risk. .

After some chase, the emaciated woman still did not get rid of this group of bats that were chasing after her. Instead, there were more and more chasing soldiers behind her.

Pikexi has been taken back by the skinny woman due to her serious injury and incapacitated to fight. She has been replaced by a Roseredo. Unfortunately, under the circumstance of mutual restraint, the skinny woman's Roseredo couldn't last long and lost the battle. ability.

"Zizzizi" was another piercing sound wave coming from the rear. The thin woman covered her ears in pain, and quickly put a white pill prepared in her hand to resist the confusion in the mouth of the big milk jug below her. He continued to cover his ears, gritted his teeth and endured the ultrasonic attack.

"Damn, this is the only thing left for the speed-up milk, what should I do now? By the way, maybe that place can get rid of them, let's fight it, remember it's in this direction, see, big milk tank, to the southeast. That Gobi Run." The thin woman took out the last piece of milk with a faint red glow from the space bag, and then frowned and poured the milk into the mouth of the big milk jug.

"Moo Moo" nodded with the big milk tank that was in the same mind as the thin woman, and also gritted his teeth, quickly consuming the energy of the milk that had just entered his stomach, and then urging the little energy left in his body to speed up.

Compared with the fat body that was somewhat round at the beginning, the big milk tank at this time became thinner, and the body fat content was at least 50 less than at the beginning.

Finally, with the concerted efforts of the emaciated woman and the big milk tank, they finally arrived at their destination, a desolate Gobi without even a single cactus.

This Gobi was discovered by a thin woman a few days ago, but cautiously, she found that all the wild elves living nearby chose to walk around here, so she also understood that there should be a powerful elves living here, so she also Haven't been in.

But even if she knew that there was a powerful elf living here who could easily kill them, but now she was cornered and had no choice but to take this opportunity. She believed that if the bats behind her really dared to walk in In this Gobi, the powerful elves living in the Gobi will not sit idly by, and will give priority to attacking the bat swarm, and then they can take the opportunity to escape.

It doesn't matter if those disgusting bats don't follow. Originally, this trick is to survive the death. Rather than being sucked up by these bats and turned into a disgusting mummy, the emaciated woman is more willing to die at the hands of other elves.

Before they were completely close to the Gobi, a dragon's might that belonged to the dragon-type elf pressed down on them like an electric shock, causing their forward movement to stagnate, but in the end they gritted their teeth and continued to rush into the Gobi.

"Zizzizi" saw that the prey that had been chasing for a long time had entered the recently created forbidden area, and the leading forked bat stopped immediately. This used to be a foothold of their tribe, but not long ago, it turned into a head The site of the powerful dragon-type elves~www.readwn.com~ They had no choice but to retreat and give up here. Feeling the waves of dragon power coming from the Gobi, the bats couldn't help but hesitate.

And the group of bats that followed him also shrunk because of the dragon's might from the Gobi, and stopped in mid-air just like the fork bats to watch.

Suddenly, a big-mouthed bat with a nervous face seemed to have discovered something incredible and reported to the cross-shaped bat in front of him. The cross-shaped bat heard the words and his face suddenly became a little suspicious. However, in the end, he still agreed with him. Like the big-mouthed bat who was reporting, it boldly and cautiously used ultrasonic waves to probe the entire Gobi. At the same time, its four wings fanned wildly, and was always ready to run away if the dragon-type elf inside was annoyed by the use of sonic detection. .

As a result, after some exploration, the cross-shaped bat found that there was no powerful dragon-type elf in it at all. Except for the prey that had just escaped into it, there was only a human being hiding in a rock.

"Zizzi" knew that the bat that he had been playing for a long time was so angry that his two small eyes became scarlet because of his rage, and he immediately sent out the sound wave signal of the attack system, and then, as a pioneer, he was the first to rush into the Gobi.

To be continued (https://)

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