Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 7: : Join forces to rescue

In the temporary residence, Dairubi, who was lying dormant in front of the door, suddenly shook his ears a few times. Then, he opened his eyes instantly, stood up from the ground, and ran in the direction of Ryuzaki Shinji.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuufully," Darubi let out a low voice to Ryuzaki Shinji who was thinking, and gently pulled his pants with his mouth.

In the originally pitch-black space, a fluorescent lamp suddenly lit up, dispelling the darkness in the temporary residence.

Seeing Dai Ruby's appearance, Ryuzaki Shinji immediately opened his closed eyes, a flash of purple light flashed in his eyes, and began to scan the outside environment using mental detection. The bat swarm appeared in Ryuzaki Shinji's field of vision.

"It's her! Well, this woman is somewhat useful, and her healing ability should be able to help me a lot, so let's save her first." Ryuzaki Shinji smiled slightly, and then said softly.

The moment he saw the emaciated woman, Ryuzaki Shinji realized the identity of the other party. The woman who was being chased and killed by the bat swarm was the former teammate of Ryuzaki Shinji, who was good at treatment and logistics. The elf breeder Christina.

When Dairubi reported to Ryuzaki Shinji that there was an intruder, the scorpion, electric firefly, and silk spider who were sleeping on the roof woke up, and the energetic frog seeds also released the practice of deep-rooted skills and lived temporarily. A group of elves in the ground quickly gathered in front of Ryuzaki Shinji.

"Let's go, we will meet the food that dares to break into our territory." Ryuzaki Shinji nodded with satisfaction, and delivered a piece of meat from the space bag to Dairubi's mouth, with the elves so highly alert. After showing the reward, he said to a group of elves who were already gearing up.

"Scorpion Scorpion"

"Frog Frog"

"seed seed seed"




Hearing the words, all the elves immediately let out a burst of warlike screams.

In the shadow, a pair of scarlet eyes opened slightly, and there was a hint of envy in their eyes, but they soon disappeared, and a shadow twisted and stretched, and merged with the shadow under Ryuzaki Shinji.

On the sand in the Gobi, Christina and the big milk tank were still running hard, but the big milk tank was obviously exhausted. The speed of movement plummeted, and the speed-up milk prepared in Christina's hand should also be consumed. The speed buff could no longer be applied to the big milk tank, and soon, they were followed by a swarm of bats led by furious bats, and then surrounded them.

"Why? Why didn't the powerful elf in the Gobi appear? It's over, it seems I can only stop here, sorry, grandma, Nana still can't fulfill your last wish, I'm still too weak." Christina thought desperately.


"moo moo"

Christina and the big milk jug cried out in pain, their eyes starting to bloodshot and turn **** red.

More than 50 bat elves sent out sound waves together, and its power was enough to make the powerful elves feel the pain of death.

The harsh sound waves coming from all directions made Christina and the **** extremely painful. A violent thought burst out from their hearts, and the blood in their bodies boiled. However, facing such a painful situation, they could only He covered his ears all the time, then lay on the ground and kept rolling.

Using ultrasound to torture the prey a little bit to make it go mad and die is the most popular behavior of other bat members in the bat bat. They firmly believe that only by doing this can the blood in the prey reach the most delicious level.

"After drinking up the blood of this woman, go to drink up the blood of the timid human being hiding in the cave. No, it will also be tortured to the point of going mad and killing." This is what the bat just made. script.

Unfortunately, the script has not yet completed the first step, and the supporting role in the script has become the protagonist of the play.

A lightning bolt suddenly appeared, and before the bat swarm could react, it fell instantly. In an instant, the entire bat swarm was chained up by this lightning bolt.

Some relatively weak Boeing bats were immediately stunned, and fell from the bat colony one by one like dumplings. The bat colony that originally had more than fifty bats was suddenly reduced by half, and only 23 remained.

As the leader, the bat was the first to break free from the lightning's attack, and then quickly turned his head to look at the enemy attacking them.

A dozen meters away from the west of the bat colony, an electric firefly emitting dazzling fluorescent light is looking at the bat elves such as the cross-shaped bat with a proud face. To the left and the right of the electric fireflies, a Dailu Bi and a bad frog stand in front of him like guards.

As soon as the "Zizzizizi" bat found the target, it immediately sent out a sonic signal of attack, and then spread its wings and turned into afterimages in mid-air. Then, a burst of cyan energy was emitted from the whole body, and when the cyan energy wrapped it After forming the shape of a giant bird, a special attack of the bird strikes the electric firefly as a pioneer.

The other supersonic bats and big-mouthed bats who have been relieved are also some good elves. After finding that there is only one enemy and the leader is the vanguard, they all flew red in the direction of the electric firefly.

Air blades, shadow balls, sludge bombs, high-numbered stars, these supersonic bats and big-mouthed bats all use the most convenient skills to focus fire in the direction of electric fireflies.

When the electric fireflies attracted the attention of most of the enemies, a scorpion suddenly fell from the sky from the night, making a beautiful z turn in the air, using acrobatic skills to make a few supersounds who were greedy and wanted to stay to **** the blood of their prey. Bats and Big-billed Bats to defeat.

Taking this opportunity, Christina, who had just been rescued from the sound wave, was shocked, and immediately used the Poke Ball to retrieve the big milk tank, and then ran in the opposite direction with Scorpio.

In the face of the raging attack from the top of the Pioneer Hand Crossed Bat, Electric Firefly continued to use firefly skills to increase his special attack to the greatest extent.

A second later, the special attack of the cross-shaped bat has come. However, at this time, a sweet breath came, and the cross-shaped bat suddenly fell in the direction of the sweet breath as if drunk, and then, An orb spider hidden in the sand quickly appeared, and then a white spider web with weak electric light spewed out of his mouth.

The sweet aroma of the wonderful frog seeds suddenly used can be said to be a magic trick. During the whole process, it seems that the bat is automatically leaning into the power grid. In the end, the fierce attack of the bat is met by a sweet smell and a The sturdy and sticky cobweb was dissolved, and at the same time, he was temporarily **** by the cobweb.

The spider web of the silk spider is very tough and sticky. Unless it is dealt with with flames, even a fork-shaped bat with the strength of a quasi-celestial king is accidentally caught by it, and it is difficult to break free for a while.

When the cross-shaped bat suffered the Waterloo accident, the attack of the supersonic bats and the big-mouthed bat was about to come. At this time, Dairubi and the bad frog, who were guarding the electric firefly, exerted their strength. Among them, the bad frog took the lead. attack.

I saw the bad frog clasped its palms together, and then slammed the ground like lightning. Then, a dozen rocks with a khaki light protruded from the ground in front of them. With one move, the rocks were sealed, and many hard rocks formed by the power of the ground system. The rock immediately blocked the many attacking moves that were coming.

However, these bad frogs that do not belong to the rock system temporarily create rocks. Obviously, it is impossible to completely stop the attacks of many supersonic bats and big-mouthed bats. In less than 15 seconds, the rocks made by the bad frogs are sealed by Defeat, and the subsequent air blades, shadow balls, high-number stars and sludge bombs continue to charge

Dairubi, who has been condensing flames since the beginning, finally shot, a dark fire snake emanated from Dairubi's mouth. Under the control of Dairubi, the fire snake coiled up in circles to form a diameter There is a 3-meter flame vortex.

Seeing Dairubi's flame vortex taking shape, the electric firefly behind Dairubi suddenly showed a gloomy smile. He slapped against Dairubi's body with his little hand, and used his baton skills. Then, his help skills followed suit. out.

In an instant, Dairubi obtained the maximum agent gain buff from the electric firefly and the increase in the help skill. The fire snake in his mouth suddenly transformed into a fire dragon, and the size of the flame vortex suddenly increased, from the original diameter of 3 meters to 6 meters, except In addition to the increase in size, the temperature of the flame also rose rapidly, reaching thousands of degrees Celsius in an instant.

The scorching high temperature emanated from the vortex of flames, and the sand on the ground immediately turned red, and then quickly melted, and those incoming moves also turned into ashes in this terrifying high temperature.

"Ow!" Darubi, who was emitting black fire all over his body, let out a roar of victory, releasing all the power that was about to be suppressed in his body at this time, and a black fire dragon was released from his mouth by spraying flames.

At this time, seeing that their own moves were completely swallowed up by the flames in front of them~www.readwn.com~ a group of supersonic bats and big-mouthed bats were stunned. Facing the threatening black fire dragon, see again When the leader of the bat was captured, it was like a group of rabble, and they began to disperse when the crisis came.

Dairubi is still relatively immature after all. For such a sudden surge of power, his control is not enough. The entire black fire dragon can only spray in a straight line, and can't make a transfer angle. In front of the mouth bat, the threat level is not too big, only some supersonic bats with relatively slow response were swallowed up by the fire dragon, and the rest began to quickly flee around.

"Zizzizi" on the sand, seeing his subordinates fleeing four times, the cross-shaped bat that had just broken free from the wire spider's electric grid immediately made a sharp sound wave, trying to gather his subordinates again.

With a sound of "keng", a quaint cross sword appeared from the sky, and then deeply inserted into the sand in front of the cross bat.

In the next second, the bat was like a rooster strangled by its throat, and the sound wave stopped abruptly.

A sudden big foot trod him into the deep sand.

To be continued (https://)

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