Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 9: : Violent submission

Ryuzaki Shinji removed the sword from the top of the bat's head, and then let go of the feet that stepped on the bat's body. In an instant, the bat, who felt that he had regained his freedom, spread his wings, and a high-speed moving from the sand Flying to the ground, an afterimage crossed and disappeared, and the cross-shaped bat had already flown a distance of 20 meters away from Ryuzaki Zhen.

But just when the cross-shaped bat thought he had escaped from the clutches of Ryuzaki Shinji, a scarlet one-eyed opened from his back, and then, an invisible energy dragged him, no matter how frantically he flapped his wings Just can't fly a short distance.

"It's useless, little guy, you've got my black eyes, unless you can kill me, you can't escape, if I'm you, come back immediately and have a one-on-one match In the battle, according to the character of my master, if you slow down a little bit, you may really lose your life. How should I put it? The words appeared, and immediately made the bat's heart chill.

Knowing that he couldn't escape, the forked bat also gave up the last struggle and returned to Ryuzaki Shinji again. However, at this time, the human being he faced made him feel a chill.

A powerful wave of superpower was released from Ryuzaki Shinji, and then a purple superpower suppressed the bat.

With the passage of time and under the oppression of the current environment, I have to fight against all kinds of elves by taking risks. Coupled with the auxiliary training of Dark Lugia's super power orb, now Ryuzaki Shinji's super power The application is becoming more and more mature, and he can barely count himself as a quasi-king-level super-type elf, and this trick super-power elf likes to use the mental force, and Ryuzaki Shinji has also initially mastered it.

The restraint between the attributes of "Zizzizizi" made it difficult for the cross-shaped bat to break free from Ryuzaki Shinji's strong mental thoughts. As Ryuzaki Shinji's right hand gradually closed, he was pressed into a ball by the tyrannical superpower. The cross-shaped bat emits bursts Painful whine.

"It seems that I have become a little naive recently, how can a guy like you be so obedient and annoying, but I gave you a chance, but you don't cherish it, if you dare to play tricks in front of me, then you will die. Well, if you can't do it, I'll just go and catch another of your kind, anyway, there are many of your kind in this desert." Ryuzaki Shinji said coldly in response to the cross-hatched bat with telepathy. Killing intent is undisguised.

"Forgive me, I don't dare anymore, I don't dare anymore, ah" After hearing Ryuzaki Shinji's murderous intent and seeing the terror of the human being in front of him, the bat finally recognized the reality. Begging for mercy with awe.

Ryuzaki Shinji ignored the fork-shaped bat's plea for mercy. Although the process was a bit cruel, this quasi-king-level elf was untamed after all. The elf who dared to deceive him last had an impressive lesson, so profound that he never thought of disobeying him again.

Just when Ryuzaki Shinji punished the cross-shaped bat, Christina, who was watching from a distance, finally accepted the job of treating the elf, and came to Ryuzaki Zhen with a big milk tank, Picoxi and Rose Reed. beside the two.

As expected of a trainer who is good at medical treatment, in just a few minutes, the injuries on the three elves, Big Milk Jar, Picoxi and Rose Reidor, were healed. Although Big Milk Jar still looked a little thin and weak, but Mental state has recovered.

"Sure enough, it's him, such a powerful superpower. Such superpower cultivation is almost the same as the heirs in the ancient superpower world. No, it should be stronger. This person is really different from ordinary people like me. , even without the elf, he can survive in this harsh environment very well." Christina pursed her lips and looked at the tall figure in front of him who was violently attacking the bat.

The pale mask on the tall figure's face, and the two strangely familiar elves beside him, Christina, who had been peeking not far away, had already guessed the person who had rescued her. It was the one who had been deliberately trying to win over her. Shinji Ryuzaki, a super-powerful man.

I don't know what to say now, and Ryuzaki Shinji didn't choose to ignore her at this time. Christina had to stand quietly and wait for Ryuzaki Shinji to finish the punishment for the bat.


"seed seed seed"

However, Darubi and Frog Seeds, who were quite familiar with Christina, came to her at this time, and began to ask her for a big jug of milk as if they were on a boat.

"I'm sorry, I don't have any stock in my hand now. Just wait a few days. In a few days, I'll send you a lot of ** as a reward for saving this life." Seeing the skilled movements of the two elves, Christina sighed helplessly, touched the small heads of Dai Ruby and Frog Seed and said softly.

Dairubi and Frog Seed also seemed to be aware of Christina's situation at this time. After receiving Christine's promise, they nodded, and then returned to Ryuzaki Shinji's side to be vigilant.

"I'm sorry, I'll teach these two gluttons when I go back. Before that, please let your elf deal with the dark wounds in their bodies for my elf." Before Christina finished dealing with it Dairubi and Frog Seed breathed a sigh of relief, and Ryuzaki Shinji's words with a hint of order appeared in her heart.

"Okay, Mr. Ryuzaki, I will do my best to serve you, please don't be polite." Facing Ryuzaki Shinji's somewhat tough words, Christina was not angry and agreed directly.

Immediately afterwards, Christina took Pikexi and Roseredo to treat Ryuzaki Shinji's elf one by one.

Two minutes later, Ryuzaki Shinji stopped thinking about the bat. At this time, the bat had been tortured to such an extent that not only was his body twisted into an abnormal shape, but his spirit was also twisted into an abnormal shape. Also badly injured, it can be said that Shinji Ryuzaki fought a one-on-one battle with the bat and won by a big margin.

"According to your request, the one-on-one battle has ended. However, it seems that you lost. Then accept your fate and enter the ball yourself." Ryuzaki Shinji's cold words appeared in the cross again. Bat's heart made him tremble again and again, nearly two minutes of **** and mental torture, the shadow of Ryuzaki Shinji has been deeply engraved in his heart~www.readwn.com~A high-level ball Throwing it out of Ryuzaki Shinji's hand, he rolled "bone" in front of the bat.

"Zizzi" cross-shaped bat looked at the Poke Ball in front of him at a loss, because he didn't know how to get into this strange ball in front of him.

"Hold down the button in the center, welcome to join this team, newcomer." At this time, Ghost Stone's voice appeared in the ear of the cross-shaped bat.

Resisting the severe pain on his body, the bat slammed his head into the center button of the Poke Ball, and then a red light assimilated the bat.

There was no unnecessary resistance, and with a direct "boom", the forked bat was subdued by Ryuzaki Shinji.

"Hmph, if you're a little more conspicuous, you won't have to suffer so much, remember, from today onwards, I'm your master, and my order can never be disobeyed, he also asks you. "Placing the Poké Ball in front of him, Ryuzaki Shinji said coldly to the cross-shaped bat inside, and when he finished speaking, he handed the Poké Ball to Christina who was already standing beside him.

To be continued (https://)

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