Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 10: : Christina's Choice

After Ryuzaki Shinji subdued the cross-shaped bat, he returned to the temporary residence with a group of elves and Christina.

Waves of dragon might still spread around in the temporary residence, maintaining the illusion that the Gobi belongs to a powerful dragon-type elf.

The wild elves who were wandering nearby saw the bat led the bat swarm in, and then the bat swarm fled from the inside in a hurry, but the bat, the leader of the bat swarm, did not come out.

Under these circumstances, these wild elves immediately gave up their thoughts of wanting to enter and spy, and they believed that there was a terrifying fact that a powerful dragon elves lived in them. When they thought of the cruelty and temper of dragon elves , so they quickly evacuated this area, so as not to implicate the dragon elves inside because of the offense of the cross bat and the bat swarm.

In the temporary residence illuminated by fluorescent light, Shinji Ryuzaki took out Dark Lugia's super-power orb, placed it in front of his chest, and suspended it in mid-air to begin his usual evening meditation training.

Sitting on a wooden chair, Christina slowly ate the hard, tasteless coarse grains in her hands while secretly observing Ryuzaki Shinji in meditation, her beautiful big eyes revealing a hint of deep hesitation.

It's not wrong for her to be an elf trainer, but she's not very good at fighting. The only ones who can barely use it as a combat power are Pikexi and Big Milk Tank, and the others are only half-assistants. Elf.

As a support-type trainer, especially good at healing, Christina is very popular with those combat-type trainers, and is often very willing to travel with her in a team, and she can also learn from these battles. Type of trainers get corresponding rewards.

Since her debut, Christina has been relying on treating elves for other trainers and selling various large milk jars that promote the ability of elves to obtain a lot of resources for practice, and relying on excellent medical technology to quickly She has accumulated a wealth of contacts, and she can be said to have a smooth life on the road of medical trainer. If she continues to do it, not to mention that she will be able to hold a high position, but it is absolutely achievable to have a life without food and clothing.

If she is just a girl from a commoner family, perhaps it would be a blessing and a blessing to become a respected medical trainer, but unfortunately, she is not, as a medical doctor who was able to compete with the Joey family. The last member of the direct line in the trainer's family, she was instilled with the idea of ​​reviving the family business since she was a child.

Therefore, Christine understands that it is impossible to accomplish this goal by being a Healing Trainer alone. At least becoming a Heavenly King-level trainer has a glimmer of hope of revival, but it is very difficult to become a Heavenly King Trainer, even if you It is a very precious medical trainer, and it is difficult to obtain the resources to be promoted to the heavenly king. It is the ban of various trainer families, and almost a touch is a dead word.

As a medical trainer, Christina has also reached the limit of what she can currently achieve. If she wants to further improve her healing ability, she must let herself and the elf in her hand reach the level of the king.

As the last direct line member of the declining medical family, Christina naturally knows some methods to make herself and the elf step into the level of the king, but these methods, without exception, require the acquisition of the source.

And the resource points that can give birth to the original things have long been divided up by various powerful overlord-level elves and major forces. Even if there are some missing original things in the wild, unless you have great luck, Otherwise, it is almost impossible to get it.

In order to obtain the original object, Christina also tried her best to approach the alliance and various trainer families many times, but no matter how hard she tried, her request for the original object was rejected by the major forces without exception. , In the end, after many inquiries, she chose to come to the fierce land of Stormwind Sea to fight.

But it turns out that at a critical time, only one's own strength can save oneself from the fire and water. Starting from Haibaogang, the experience along the way can be described as a legendary journey. Similarly, the dangerous experience is more than The years she has lived before add up to a lot more. She has experienced many tests of life and death. With her own lack of hard power, she is powerless in the face of death. She has been on the verge of death several times. sea.

And after tonight's crisis, she once again realized that she could not survive in this harsh desert by her own strength. For this reason, she is facing a major decision, and she wants to survive and continue. The hope of becoming stronger, correspondingly, has to pay the corresponding price.

She is too tired. Ever since she can remember, the hope of reviving the family has been pressing on her young shoulders. She embarks on the road of a trainer alone. As her understanding of the world deepens, that hope also changes. It was getting heavier and heavier, and she was almost out of breath. Sometimes she wondered, should she find someone to share the weight of this hope for her?

But the choice of this person has always been a question mark. Those who please her are either obsessed with her beauty or peeping at the various medical secrets in her hands. But all the people with eyes are noble people, how can they look at her in a different way, a woman with no power and power.

Although I haven't known each other for a long time, the ruthless man named Shinji Ryuzaki in front of her is undoubtedly the most terrifying and reliable person she has ever met. His methods are ruthless but rational, his will is extremely firm, and his goals are very high. It is clear that he only seeks to be strong, and there are blood and blood rains along the way, but step by step he embarks on the road of the strong.

Such a tenacious man, Christina believes that as long as he is given enough time, this man who pursues strength will surely stand at the top of the world.

Therefore, when she was in Haibaogang, she deliberately had a good relationship with him, and the reward was very rich. She saved her from fire and water several times. With an investment victory, might this man be able to become the one who shares the burden of her revival of the family? Christina once thought this way more than once~www.readwn.com~ Now, after being rescued by the other party in distress again, this thought appeared in Christina's mind again, but soon, the thought faded away , how could this ruthless man be willing to fight because of a woman?

With a lot of thoughts, but hesitating all the time, Christina is now in a state of confusion.

"Rejuvenating the family? This is your own goal, and I am not interested. However, I intend to establish a side force in the future, and it is correct that there is one less strong person in charge of logistics. I think you are very suitable for this position. How about it? Do you want to consider it? Now, how about being my right-hand man? Maybe you can take this opportunity to fulfill your wish to revive the family yourself." Just when Christina was considering whether to confess her intentions to Ryuzaki Shinji, Ryuzaki Shinji took the lead. She issued a solicitation.

When Christina heard the words, her heart trembled. She raised her head and looked at the man who had taken off her mask in front of her in surprise.

A bright purple eye was meeting her beautiful eyes.

To be continued (https://)

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