Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 11: : Mystery of Sleep

Facing the invitation from Ryuzaki Shinji, Christina agreed after a little hesitation. Since then, Ryuzaki Shinji's real first subordinate has finally been determined.

After Christina agreed to become Ryuzaki Shinji's subordinate, the atmosphere in the temporary residence gradually changed. The original sense of incongruity disappeared without a trace. Ryuzaki Shinji looked at Christina with soft eyes. Not a lot.

"Remember how you came to this place? Apart from me, have you seen anyone else on the boat?" After the barrier disappeared, Ryuzaki Shinji began to tell Christina Some questions in my mind.

"I don't know how I got here. As for the memory fragment, it just stayed in the dark super-split seat and took us to the cloud layer of the central island. Then, just like you, when I woke up, I was already there. In this desert." Christina frowned and pondered for a while, and finally shook her head in disappointment.

Christina actually broke down when she was inexplicably separated from other teammates. If she had not separated from her teammates at first, but had acted together, her situation would have been much better than now, and she would never have nearly lost her life in the desert several times. .

For Christina's answer, Ryuzaki Shinji had already expected it in his heart, and he was not disappointed. After all, even a superpower like him could be tricked without knowing it. Christina It is naturally impossible for an ordinary human to find it, but this further confirms his inner guess. There seems to be a secret power in this central island that is controlling all this.

"Maybe when I meet that woman here, I can solve all the mysteries." Thinking of his inexplicable appearance in the desert, Ryuzaki Shinji couldn't help but think of Shirona's figure.

The self-proclaimed messenger of Arceus, the creator god, must know some inside information. She kept the whole ship in the dark. What was her purpose? Ryuzaki Shinji wanted to know this question very urgently. Since he came to this island, the vague sense of crisis has been lingering, and as time goes by, this feeling has become stronger and stronger. , It's a pity that he doesn't know where to find this woman now. This island is too big, and it's not easy to find someone from it.

"If I have met other people, I have met Shi Lan and Cattleya, but it should have been just a mirage, and soon disappeared. At that time, it was because they were in In a rocky area, I was being driven by a group of rock-type elves." Seeing Ryuzaki Shinji's contemplative appearance, Christina told him some of the information she had learned.

"It turns out that it should be that we were randomly sent to various areas of this island by some mysterious force. Hmph, it's really like playing a game, and we are the pawns in this game." Hear Christy The mirage in Na's mouth, the purple light flashed in Ryuzaki Shinji's eyes, and then sneered.

Hearing Ryuzaki Shinji's alarmist speculation, Christina suddenly became worried. These days she has been living in hiding and hiding, and she has no time to think about these deeper issues. What Saki Shinji said, after thinking about it now, she suddenly recalled something wrong.

When she was taking care of Yan Kai electromagnetic and the others in the medical room of the Temple, she vaguely heard the quarrel between Shirona and Cattleya from outside the door, but because she did not listen carefully, the content was not very clear, but there were a few She still remembered the words, which were the terms "temple", "dark crystal" and "ancient people".

"Anyway, there is still a way to continue to become stronger. As long as you have enough strength, you are not afraid of what the black hand behind you can do. Come and help me see the situation of my four little elves. It has been two years since then. For a week, they are still in a state of sleep, and if we can wake them up, we will be in a much better position now." Ryuzaki Shinji's voice interrupted Christina's memory, and her thoughts returned. to a temporary residence.

Ryuzaki Shinji did not release all the four main elves, but released the smallest Gotha Duck in front of Christina.

A burst of white light appeared and disappeared, and the figure of Gotha Duck appeared in front of Ryuzaki Shinji and Christina.

At this time, Goda Duck closed his eyes tightly, and the breath on his body was also vague, completely like a deep sleep, but a pink light would emanate from him from time to time, and it seemed that he was so The state is very mysterious.

As soon as she saw the state of Gotha Duck, Christina's face changed greatly, with a look of amazement on her face, and quickly took out various small medical instruments from her space bag, and then it seemed that a scientist met a very good Just like the test object, he began to concentrate on conducting an all-round and meticulous examination of the Gotha Duck's body.

"What's the matter, is Gotha Duck sick? Can it be solved?" Seeing Christina's frenzied expression, she was drawing blood, examining her eyes, and doing slicing, as if she was carrying out a guinea pig. After experimenting like this, Shinji Ryuzaki couldn't help but interrupt Christina's movements and asked.

"My lord, congratulations, if my guess is right, your Gotha Duck has successfully advanced to the Heavenly King level, and his body is undergoing a transformation of the Heavenly King level. In general, Gotha Duck is now a little bit. It is changing to the level of Heavenly King-level elf. My family used to be a medical family in its heyday. There are such records in some treasured medical records. , My family has found through research that this is the process of the elf compressing and smelting its own energy and the body being tempered by the power of the source," Christina heard the words and immediately said to Ryuzaki Shinji with a smile.

She is now with Ryuuki Shinji, that is to say, the stronger Ryuzaki Shinji becomes, the safer she can be, and the more she can gain from it. At this moment, she is sincerely Ryuzaki Shinji was happy.

"Is what you said true? So do you know how long it will take for him to wake up?" Ryuzaki Shinji asked in a slightly nervous tone, staring at Christina's eyes.

"It's true, sir, you should have given the power of origin to Goda Duck's super power system before, and it seems that the number is quite large. The pink light that has been emitting from his body is the best proof. As for waking up. According to the records in the family, the short term is more than a month, and the long term is only a year at most." Christina said in a serious tone, with deep envy in her eyes.

As Christina speculated, since obtaining Dark Lugia's super energy orb, Ryuzaki Shinji is naturally not stingy to share it with Gotha Duck, and Gotha Duck indeed reabsorbs part of it from the super power. After being able to tie the energy in the orb, after double-bombing the gas, they also fell into a deep sleep~www.readwn.com~ for a year? I hope it won't really be that long, if that's the case, the day lily will be cold. "The purple light in Ryuzaki Shinji's eyes dimmed, and he thought to himself.

Through spiritual prying, Ryuzaki Shinji knew that what Christina just said was true, but he never expected that the elf advanced king would appear in such a situation. If it is really as Christina said, absorb The Gotha duck with too much source power is likely to fall into a sleep period of nearly a year.

In other words, Ryuzaki Shinji will have a long period of weakening in strength.

In today's dangerous situation, this is really a happy but painful process.



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