Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 12: : Christina's request

After Ryuzaki Shinji took the Gotha Duck back, he released the double-bomb gas, the Abo monster and the stinky mud one after another for Christina to conduct a detailed inspection. The result was the same as the Gotha Duck. Heavenly King level and is in the process of transformation.

"It's true that people are better than dead people. I tried my best to not be able to get the same thing of origin, but this man has obtained many things of origin one after another, and they are all suitable for his elf to use, and now he has them all. Four heavenly king-level elves, how can there be such a big difference in luck between people." Christina thought in surprise, and she was also glad that she chose to follow Ryuzaki Shinji.

Although the four main elves of Ryuzaki Shinji are still in the stage of transformation, and their current strength can be said to be at their lowest point, it is not difficult for Christina to see that the strength of this man is like a volcano that is accumulating power. When it arrives, Ryuzaki Shinji's strength will definitely be earth-shattering and earth-shaking changes will occur. When that time comes, he will really have the capital to say "the world is so big, why don't you rush to it."

Unfortunately, what Christina didn't know was that every sample of Shinji Ryuzaki was bought with life. The three direct members of the Rockets teamed up to set up trap designs, relying on almost dying and almost sacrificing the price of double-bomb gas. Survive from death; a huge fast dragon of hard steel, bite the bullet and grab food in front of the two super divine beasts, if you only choose the most comforting method to get it like Christina, I am afraid that you will never be able to get it from those big forces in your life. Get the original thing.

"No? Then I'll get it myself." This is the most direct way of thinking of Ryuzaki Shinji. Although this way of thinking is very robbery, it is necessary to break out into a world like this in a world dominated by heroes. The way,

The Rockets' ability to grow from an inconspicuous small organization to a dark organization spanning the two major regions of Kanto and Chengdu, in addition to its excellent management system, is also largely related to the way of thinking they instilled in the organization's members. It has a great relationship. In the past, there were dozens of dark organizations in Kanto, but in the end there was only Team Rocket. There is no doubt that Team Rocket’s aggressiveness towards the major dark organizations is very terrifying. .

As Shinji Ryuzaki, who has grown up from the bottom struggle of the Rockets since childhood, he has long been deeply imprinted with the Rockets' imprint, and fully implements the Rockets' aggressive behavior. Can you get resources? It's just a fool's dream.

"You have a good rest tonight, and you have to go to a place to do one thing tomorrow." After taking the last stinky mud back into the Poké Ball, Ryuzaki Shinji told Christina about his plans for tomorrow, and told him The opponent is recharged.

However, Christina's next words and what she took out suddenly made him change his original plan.

"If you want to let the elf go into a hibernation-like period of time without eating or drinking, I can help. Here, this is the hibernation medicine developed by my family. As long as the elf eats it, it will enter immediately. The state of hibernation, and then its own energy consumption will enter the lowest state, unless a specific antidote and strong external stimulation are used, it will take at least a month for the elf to wake up after eating the hibernation.” I heard that Ryuzaki In order to prevent the giant stinger jellyfish from losing its ability to fight, Shinji took the risk of breaking into a large oasis. The prudent Christina immediately took out a white pill exuding icy cold air from the space bag, and smiled at Ryuzaki Shinji. said.

The white pill that automatically exudes cold air as soon as it appears, let people know that it is not ordinary at first sight. After hearing Christina's explanation, Ryuzaki Shinji immediately took the longan-sized white pill from his hand. , Zimang flashed in his eyes, and he used his mental power to investigate it, and found that there was this extremely strong ice energy and a life energy wrapped by ice energy in the pill.

"If you really have such a miraculous effect, then Christina, you have really helped me a lot this time. After all, with my current strength, I want to break into the place where the champion elves are entrenched, or It's too reluctant, and I have to wait for the double-bomb gas and the others to wake up before I have the confidence to go for it." Slightly squeezed the white pill in his hand, Ryuzaki Shinji said with a smile.

"Don't worry, my lord, this pill was prepared by my grandma herself. My grandma used to be a king-level medical trainer. The things she made are absolutely amazing." Christina said proudly, when it came to her grandma Her eyes seemed to glow, frighteningly bright, obviously admiring her grandmother's abilities.

Looking at Christina's eyes, Ryuzaki Shinji's eyes flashed with purple awns, and the face under the mask showed a hint of surprise. From the spiritual prying just now, I learned that Christina's grandmother was once called the flower of the holy hand. Possessing the heaven-defying medical method of life and death, she can be said to be the top medical trainer in the elf world. Even divine beasts have gotten rid of her for treatment, but I don't know if her abilities are too unreasonable. For the sake of Heaven's harm to Heaven, he had already died before he was fifty years old.

The reason for the decline of Christina's family is naturally the suppression of the Joey family, but it is largely due to the scarcity of its family members. It's like a curse. Every member of the Christina family can live past the age of 60. Yes, they usually end their lifespan naturally at the age of forty or fifty, and their fertility is also very poor. By now, Christina's clan is left with her, her father, and a few estranged relatives.

"I didn't expect this woman's family background to be so huge. Judging from the fragment of her memory just now, her grandmother really has such an ability to defy the sky, so the effect of this game should not be fake, the ability of life and death, Hahaha, I'm really looking forward to it." Ryuzaki Shinji thought secretly, presumably this pill with miraculous effects in his hand, he was actually more interested in Christina in front of him.

"Do you have any requirements? If I can do it, I will try my best to satisfy you." Ryuzaki Shinji said to Christina, since he has accepted such a precious treasure from the other party, he is the leader. Naturally, he can't be stingy. Judging from Christina's diligent appearance, she naturally has something to ask of him.

Seeing that the leader of her family was so understanding, Christina suddenly smiled.

"I need a lot of tree fruits and some water. My big milk tank consumes too much body fat. I must restore her health as soon as possible. Otherwise, the various augmented milks I have developed will have no raw materials~www.readwn.com ~ So, please give me some of the fruit and water in your hand, chief." Christina smiled.

Ryuzaki Shinji nodded and didn't say much, and handed all the remaining tree fruits in his hand to Christina. Most of these tree fruits were picked in the habitat of electric fireflies. He took away more than half of it rudely, and there are several kinds of very cherished tree fruits in it, but these things are not of much use to Ryuzaki Shinji, who does not know how to use tree fruits to make various items. He usually eats them in the desert. When I'm thirsty, I take out a few blue oranges to eat.

"Are there any other needs? You're welcome, the faster your ability recovers, the better it will be for me." After giving some clear water to the other party, Ryuzaki Shinji asked again.

At this time, Christina was a little embarrassed, and her face was a little red.

"Well, boss, can you go outside first, and it's best not to use superpowers for the time being, I want to take a bath here," Christina said, looking at Ryuzaki Shinji with a blushing face.

"" Ryuzaki Shinji was stunned when he heard the words.

To be continued (https://)

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