Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 13: : Diligent glutton

"What a waste." Hearing Christina's request, Ryuzaki Shinji first thought of this idea, but he didn't say anything, just moved away from the temporary residence in a moment, and the things given out were not his. , As for how to use it is someone else's business, he can't control so much.

Besides, the current Christina's appearance really made him feel a little disgusted. Although it was very vulgar, as a normal man, he still likes to see a woman who is more attractive.

Seeing Ryuzaki Shinji agree to leave, Christina breathed a sigh of relief, and she knew how the leader of her own had been for the past two weeks with a faint smell of sourness coming from Ryuzaki Shinji. Now, she was really afraid of being rejected by Ryuzaki Shinji. Although she also knew the importance of water in the desert, it was even more uncomfortable for her to be unable to take a bath once a week than to kill her.

She doesn't know how she survived these days. She hasn't taken a bath for many days, and the smell from her body makes her feel uncomfortable all the time.

"It's good to be self-willed once. When there is enough water in the future, I will wash it again." Christina comforted herself. Now she is not much better than a beggar. She cannot accept it, at least in the face of dragons When Saki Shinji, she was unacceptable.

Immediately afterwards, Christina took out a large iron bathtub and various toiletries from the space bag, and then bribed Darubi with a small bottle of milk to let him boil the water. in a hot tub.

"Ah~~, it's so comfortable, I really miss the days of quiet life at home." Christina thought with a look of enjoyment, and then took advantage of the fact that Darubi hadn't completely gone on strike, using various toiletries and skin care products to Thoroughly wash your body.

Dairubi only insisted on keeping the water temperature for Christina for 5 minutes, and then went back to Shimen to doze off. Although the milk was delicious, the master's fist was also very hard, and he didn't dare to be lazy for too long.

Christina quickly finished washing, and the water in the whole basin became a little cloudy. Before the water temperature completely cooled down, she continued to enjoy the rare full-body bath in the desert this time.

"This is, my God, these two gluttonous and mischievous little guys are so diligent, Ryuzaki-sama is really an excellent trainer." Pay a little attention to Dairubi and Frog Seeds. After the elf who was only familiar with her, Christina suddenly thought in surprise.

As the elf that Ryuzaki Shinji has specially cultivated during this period of time, the strength of Dairubi and Frog Seeds has long been different from what it used to be. Among them, Dairubi is at the strength of the intermediate elite, while the Seed of the Frog is in the strength of the low-level elite. , At the level of two elves, they have long been able to achieve evolution, but they obeyed Ryuzaki Shinji's orders and have maintained their current initial form.

The first is Dai Ruby, the glutton who just chose to be lazy for a bottle of milk. At this time, he was curled up in front of the stone gate. He seemed to be sleeping, but he was actually carrying out vigilance work seriously. The two small ears and nose trembled from time to time, always keeping an eye on the wind and grass outside.

In addition to earnestly guarding, he is still silently cultivating his evil and fire energy. From time to time, blue-black flames the size of sparks emerge from the bone armor of his body. Although the flames are small, But the temperature is not low, at least close to 1,000 degrees Celsius, but it only lasts for a second or two. This process occurs 9 times in 1 minute. The place of residence is still maintained at a relatively comfortable temperature.

Ryuzaki Shinji's training requirements for Dairubi are very simple, that is, to constantly blend his own evil and fire energy, and then produce an extremely vicious flame, and Ryuzaki Shinji has long ago It was found that Dairubi's flame actually contained its vicious energy, which not only caused damage to the enemy's fire poison, but also caused the enemy to have a stinging feeling of burning their souls. This is Ryuzaki Shinji himself. After the experiment, he decided to let Darubi continue to improve the fusion degree of evil and fire energy by taking advantage of his natural talent, and those blue-black flames are the small results of some current training.

These black and blue flames are the performance of the fusion of evil energy and fire energy as high as 20%. The highest temperature can reach about 1200 degrees Celsius, which can barely threaten the quasi-king level elves. The only pity is that wearing Ruby's own strength is not enough, and he can only carry out such a highly integrated flame in a non-combat state, and he is still trying to control it.

Then there is the seed of the frog. Although his talent is not outstanding and he is a little timid, after the encouragement of Ryuzaki Shinji and his elder brother Dairubi, he has become very self-motivated. Even at this point, he is still silent. He is exercising his skills according to Ryuzaki Shinji's instructions.

A strip of green roots quickly extended from the seed plant on the back of the frog seed, and then digged deeply into the sand below. After a while, the seed plant on his back began to crack from the center. One or two droplets of water flowed out from the place, and gradually, as time passed, the sand under the feet of the seeds of the wonderful frog was soaked by the water droplets that flowed out of his body.

As the future team tank in Ryuzaki Shinji's mind, stamina and continuous recovery are naturally very important. However, due to the delayed evolution, the stamina of the frog seeds can only be maintained so much for the time being. Therefore, Ryuzaki Shinji decided to take the lead in exercising his continuous recovery ability.

Frog seeds have the attributes of grass mats, so they can learn most of the grass-type skills. Among them, the grass-type continuous recovery moves are deeply rooted by Ryuzaki Shinji. He was once fortunate to see a Frog flower fighting style. , I am very impressed with this move~www.readwn.com~ Although the one-time recovery ability of this skill is not comparable to that of photosynthesis, it also has the disadvantage of being unable to move temporarily, but the advantage is continuous stability, even on cloudy days. Stable performance, this is one of the best moves in actual combat for an auxiliary tank that is not very fast, and exercising this move in the desert can also improve the recovery ability of this move in disguise. It kills two birds with one stone.

The skill of deep root is simply to let the roots of plants take root in the earth, and then absorb the nutrients of the earth to heal their own injuries. The roots of plants are naturally used to absorb water and various inorganic salts. Ryuzaki Shinji began to let the frogs Seed training this skill is not only to strengthen his survivability, but also to completely solve the current water shortage problem through this skill.

As long as the seed of the frog can successfully extend its plant roots to the ground hundreds of meters underground, he can fully absorb the water of the underground river, and then use himself as a carrier to complete the function of a water absorber.

But at present, the seeds of the wonderful frog have not been able to extend their roots to hundreds of meters, and can only extend to more than ten meters underground, and in this underground section, the seeds of the wonderful frog can only barely absorb some Just water, barely enough for the drinking water that he usually consumes by himself.

Of course, if the deep-rooted seeds of the frog can achieve the ability to extract water in the desert, his recovery ability will be unparalleled. When he evolves into the flower of the frog, and his stamina will naturally improve, he will become a An excellent team MT.

To be continued.....

Thank you Wang Neng for the reward of 100 starting point coins, thanks to the tiger-like feelings for the reward of 100 starting point coins, and thanks to the artistic bacteria Huang Callshou for the reward of 500 starting point coins. Thank you very much for your support.

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