Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 14: : their own practice

In addition to Dairubi and Frog Seeds who are working hard to carry out daily exercise, Orb Spider, Electric Firefly, Bad Frog and Scorpio, these elves are also exercising their abilities in their own way. ΩΔ Kanshuge WWW. ΩkanΩshuge. la

The electric fireflies lying in the cracks of the rock wall above their heads are sleeping soundly, and they seem to be sleeping very sweetly, but the fluorescent lamps at the tail are still emitting a faint glow, which brightens the temporary residence. Perhaps it was because he was accustomed to practice, but he was unconsciously training the fluorescent skills in his sleep.

Ryuzaki Shinji's current training program for Electric Firefly is very simple. He is trying to maintain the duration of his firefly moves and shorten the activation time of firefly moves as much as possible. As an assistant in the team, his main responsibility is to The boosted energy boosted by himself is passed on to his teammates, and at the same time, he also uses the characteristics of the heart of mischief to interfere with the enemy with strange light, electromagnetic waves, bluffing and other moves.

Of course, at a certain time, the electric firefly can also temporarily act as a backup special attacker. After all, after using the firefly skill twice, the electric firefly whose special attack has reached the maximum increase can also serve as a backup special attacker. Characters, the special attack moves that can be used more at present are the electric shock waves, 100,000 volts and insects that were learned a long time ago.

In order to cope with the current desert environment where there are mostly ground-type and rock-type elves, Ryuzaki Shinji is now asking him to learn this grass-type powerful move from the frog seeds that can already use Sunshine Flame, but there is no grass-type electricity. Firefly, the progress of learning this trick is somewhat unsatisfactory.

The petite orb spider is tirelessly dismantling the spider web and then re-weaving the spider web. Judging from the speed of her weaving, a spider web covering two meters only takes about one minute, except for the electric firefly. Outside the small area where she rested, her complex but layered cobwebs were densely covered on the top of the rock wall of the temporary residence. From a distance, it seemed that there was only one cobweb, but if you looked closely, you could see that. The huge cobweb hanging on the top of the rock wall is made of small cobwebs.

Due to the low racial value, the ability of various attributes of the silk spider is very ordinary and low. In the frontal battle with the enemy, it is often at an absolute disadvantage, but Ryuzaki Shinji did not underestimate this. It is only a small spider, but it is one of the elves that he is most concerned about and cultivated at present. In terms of setting traps, chasing down prey, and defending and alerting, the silk spider can be described as a top master, all thanks to her. On the seemingly slender but extremely tough spider silk.

There are four types of silk spiders can now spit out.

The first type is the most common spider silk. The characteristic of this spider silk is its toughness. A single thread can bear a weight of 0.5 tons. If you are accidentally bound by her spider silk, unless it is burned with flames, otherwise Even an elf with infinite power like a strange force or Bangira needs a lot of effort to break free. Once an ordinary elf is caught in the cobweb, death is almost inevitable. The patient orb will wait for the prey to break free. Cobweb and exhausted moment and then launch a fatal blow.

The second type is extremely sticky spider silk. This type of spider silk is not as tough as the first type. Even a small elf with little power can break free with a little time. However, once this type of spider silk is stuck, It is very difficult to get it off the body because of the constant entanglement, and the speed of the creatures in the move will decrease. Generally speaking, this kind of spider silk is used to hunt those fast elves, such as The flying elf, when the wings of the flying elf are stuck by it, the consequences can be imagined.

The third type is extremely toxic spider silk. This type of spider silk is a new type of spider silk formed by the round silk spider through the combination of poison sac toxin in the body and ordinary spider silk. Derived corrosiveness, this kind of spider silk is the best material for making traps. As long as the enemy is poisoned with spider webs, it will face two fatal states: moderate and bundled, but its shortcomings are also very obvious. It is extremely difficult to make spider silk. For a silk spider with only the strength of low-level elites, she can only spit out more than 20 meters of poisonous silk every day. Not available.

The fourth is the spider silk that has just been mastered recently. Ryuzaki Shinji, an orb silk spider, should have been born from the cross between Alidos and the electric spider, two arachnid elves, and inherited the electric spider's power grid skills. , so she can spit out a kind of spider silk with a weak electric current. The spider web made of this spider silk has the toughness of the first spider silk and has a certain paralysis effect. One of the best weapons of elves, but its shortcomings are also very obvious. The number of electric spider silks that can be spit out every day is less than that of poisonous silks. It can only spit out about ten meters. Use the full version of the grid move once per day.

Of course, if the silk spider only has these abilities, Ryuzaki Shinji will also have limited attention to her. The most powerful thing about the silk spider is that she can freely switch between these four kinds of spider silks when weaving spider webs. That is to say, as long as she is willing, a spider web can use four kinds of spider silk at the same time, and then make the spider web have the effects of toughness, stickiness, poisoning, and paralysis at the same time. , can act as a powerful disruptor in the team.

However, according to Ryuzaki Shinji's final hypothesis, the silk spider has the ability to combine the four types of spider silks to form the possibility of fifth, sixth, or more types of spider silks, but the meal still needs one To eat a little bit, at present, Ryuzaki Shinji only requires the silk spider to complete the combination of the first type of spider silk and the second type of spider silk, and then give birth to the fifth type of spider silk.

Next is the bad frog. This little elf, who had just returned to his heart a few days ago, has been extremely diligent and diligent during this period of time. Since returning to the temporary residence, he has kept his eyes closed and sat cross-legged in the corner with his hands folded. In the middle, except for the two bulging bulges around his mouth that kept shrinking, he was as motionless as a monk sitting in meditation.

As the only fighting elf in the poison system, the bad frog has a good melee ability, and can flexibly use acupuncture skills, so as to improve his ability increase, he has a strong explosive power in a short time. In the team of , Ryuzaki Shinji intends to let him temporarily replace Abo Monster as the team's physical attacker.

The characteristic of bad frogs is danger prediction. This characteristic can make bad frogs aware of the enemy's restraint moves. In actual combat, this feature is very practical, and can make bad frogs prepare to avoid enemy moves in advance. In order to better grasp the initiative of the battle, but after all, this is reality, not a game, and danger prediction also requires certain conditions to trigger, and the condition for triggering it is to maintain a state of mind that the mountains are falling and the color remains unchanged. , Keeping a calm heart at all times can predict the enemy's next move.

However, it is difficult for the bad frog, who is fiery by nature, to use this characteristic in actual combat. For this reason, Ryuzaki Shinji only recently let the bad frog hone his somewhat irritable heart by meditating.

After all, the exercise time is very short, and the bad frog can only last for 1 hour at most, but the effect is still there. The bad frog feels more and more calm to Ryuzaki Shinji.

The last is Scorpio, he is sleeping soundly at this time, but he is in a place more than ten meters underground, a layer of khaki light wraps his whole body, making him sleep very comfortably in the surrounding mud.

Like the bad frog, Scorpio is an elf who has only recently been trained by Ryuzaki Shinji. As an elf who was originally Sakagi, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com has an extremely conceited personality and did not accept Ryuzaki Shinji at all. Command, but he does have conceited capital. Unlike ordinary Scorpios, he has the characteristics of immunity and developed an alternative combat ability due to his long-term addiction to drugs. Ryuzaki Shinji named it "Drug Addiction Fanaticism". ".

Scorpions who enter the state of "drug addiction" will get a huge increase in combat power in a short period of time, but the disadvantage is that this state is almost a one-time state. It is also impossible to enter a state of "drug mania" because of the same toxin.

According to Ryuzaki Shinji's recent experiments, this state of Scorpio will be maintained for different periods of time due to the strength of the poison. Sex is also limited. The most obvious thing is that he is currently not immune to the mixed poison produced by double-bomb gas and stinky mud. Although Scorpio has always coveted these two poisons, he dare not try it.

After learning about the characteristics of this state of Scorpio, Ryuzaki Shinji did not continue to let Scorpio enter this state, but honestly began to hone himself, exercising the ability to fly during the day, and in-depth at night. Underground exercise their ability to control the energy of the ground system.

To be continued.....

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