Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 15: : morning exercise

Taking advantage of Christina's bathing period, Ryuzaki Shinji was not idle either. After choosing a piece of sand that was wide enough to see, he released the stinging jellyfish in the advanced ball, and then put some fresher ones. The body of the elf was placed on the sand, and after a while, a small mountain of meat with a strong **** smell appeared in front of the stinger jellyfish~www.readwn.com~ge www.readwn.com. ΩkanΩshuge. la

As soon as the huge stinger jellyfish appeared on the dry ground, I felt very uncomfortable. I was very puzzled about why Ryuzaki Shinji let him out at this time, but I saw Ryuzaki Shinji put down this book in front of him. After the plentiful food, he was hungry for a long time and immediately used the tentacles on his body to stuff the corpses of the elves into his mouth, and then used the acidic solution in his body to quickly digest the food.

A few minutes later, the giant stinger jellyfish ate more than half of the food reserves that Ryuzaki had collected over the past few days, and at this time, the giant stinger jellyfish barely ate 80% full.

"That's the situation, take this pill quickly, you will feel much better when you fall into hibernation." After the giant stinger jellyfish finished eating, Ryuzaki Shinji ignored his continued desire to eat, and used electrocardiography. After the induction told him about the hibernating pills, he handed him the hibernating pills in his hand.

The giant stinger jellyfish nodded after hearing Ryuzaki Shinji's explanation. Knowing that he couldn't stay in the desert for long, he immediately used his tentacles to shove the cold white pill into his mouth.

The pill melted as soon as it was imported, and an ice-cold, biting ice energy spewed out of the pill, quickly absorbing the moisture in the surrounding air, and then freezing the entire body of the stinger jellyfish. Seconds later, an iceberg exuding a terrifying chill appeared in front of Ryuzaki Shinji.

"The effect of the medicine is so powerful that the ice-type energy stored in this pill is comparable to that of a low-level Heavenly King-level ice-type elf. No, it should be surpassed. It's really amazing. "Looking at the iceberg in front of him, Ryuzaki Shinji was a little stunned, and at the same time, he felt cold because he was holding a nuclear bomb in his hand just now.

Ryuzaki Shinji used all-pervasive mental power to talk about the stinger jellyfish in the iceberg, and found that the stinger jellyfish in the iceberg was wrapped in a soft life energy and there was no danger, and he was relieved immediately, after all, The efficacy of the pills is too amazing, and he is also afraid that he will freeze the stinger jellyfish by self-defeating.

Without wasting time, Ryuzaki Shinji used the Poke Ball to retrieve the stinger jellyfish. At the moment when he released the huge stinger jellyfish, because of the **** smell of Roshan, another group of greedy peeps were won from outside the Gobi. Fortunately, the deterrent effect brought by the fork bat incident has not dissipated, and these wild elves who smelled the blood finally did not have the courage to step into the Gobi.

A few minutes later, Ryuzaki Shinji teleported back to the temporary residence, and Christina changed her clothes at this time.

"Go to rest early. You will also join the team looking for food tomorrow. People who don't contribute can't share the food." Looking at Christina, who has become dazzling again, Ryuzaki Shinji nodded, and then dropped such a sentence After that, he continued to take out Dark Lugia's super orb to start meditation training. He has already managed to use meditation instead of sleep, and temporarily lost the help of the four main elves. At present, Ryuzaki Shinji can only do as much as possible. Take the time to improve your strength.

"He's really a reliable man. Then I have to work hard. Come out, big milk tank, eat as much as you can, and quickly recover." Seeing Ryuzaki Shinji's puzzled appearance, Christina Not annoyed, after a slight smile, he put out the big milk tank whose body fat rate had dropped greatly, then took out a bunch of tree fruits from the space bag, and also put a small device similar to a juicer and a large number of bottles and cans. Can out.

The big milk jar was happily eating the fruit, while Christina used the small equipment she took out to smash the fruit one by one, and then mixed some colorful medicinal powder with the juice of various tree fruits in a certain proportion to make one. Bottles of unknown potions.

In this small temporary residence, everyone is racing against time, and each is quietly accumulating strength in his own way.

Time passed quietly, and the night was silent, and soon, the next morning came quietly.

While Christina was still sleeping in her cot, Ryuzaki Shinji and the other elves woke up naturally. After Ryuzaki Shinji left a message on the ground, he took the elves to use it according to the daily routine. Teleport to a sandy ground outside the Gobi.

At this time, the desert sky was still gray, and on the horizon of the desert, a scorching sun was slowly rising.

"Everyone has finished eating, and then go to the morning exercise. The content of the exercise is the same as yesterday. Listen, don't be lazy, otherwise, half of the lunch will be deducted." After Ryuzaki Shinji said this, he put six points ready. Food and water are taken from the space bag.

The breakfast of the six elves today is dragon meat, to be precise, Yalong meat. There is no mistake. The source of this hearty breakfast comes from the desert dragonfly that was killed by Dairubi and the seeds of the frog yesterday. This desert dragonfly The volume is still large, and it can barely provide another lunch for six elves.

"Food and water have already bottomed out, and we need to get supplements urgently today. Sure enough, a large elf is difficult to support. Fortunately, Christina's hibernating medicine is available, otherwise, I don't know how to get from this **** desert. Where did you get so much food?" While the six elves were chatting and laughing while eating breakfast, Ryuzaki Shinji secretly calculated the remaining food and water while eating a simple breakfast.

The six elves quickly finished their breakfast, and then began a new round of morning exercises at Ryuzaki Shinji's order.

Dairubi sprayed blue-black flames at a huge rock. Each injection required a certain amount of energy. Every time the flames were sprayed, the huge rock made a burst of screams, and the rolling magma flowed out from the rock. Dairubi The morning training is to melt the rock in front of Ryuzaki Shinji.

On the other side, Frog Seed is training the vine whip. His target is the electric firefly that is using high-speed movement and shadow avatar. Frog Seed seems to be facing the enemy, and the two vine whips are on him. Under the control, it turned into a trail of afterimages and frantically whipped the electric firefly, but the petite and agile electric firefly moved three times at a high speed, and a large number of shadow clones were separated from him. The vine whip can only reach one afterimage every time.

Frog Seeds and Electric Firefly are both the objects of morning exercise for both parties. Ryuzaki Shinji stipulated that within the 30-minute morning exercise time, one side must decide the winner. If he wins, on the other hand, if the electric firefly is not whipped by the frog seed vine within 30 minutes, he will win, and the winner will be entitled to one-third of the other party's lunch.

There are two rock pillars about 10 meters apart on the sandy ground, and this place is the training prop for the silk spider these days. I saw the silk spider walking quickly in the air between the two rock pillars. On ~www.readwn.com~, with two rock pillars as support points, each transparent and slender spider silk is under the delicate control of the orb silk spider, and quickly forms a huge transparent spider web in the interval between the rock pillars. , During the morning exercise, the silk spider must complete at least two web weaving.

On the other side, the morning exercises between Scorpio and Bad Frog are also in full swing. The Bad Frog is constantly smashing the scattered rocks on the sand with various fighting-type moves, and then using both hands and feet together, turning into fists and shadows. The shadow of the legs, like lightning, smashed pieces of broken rock into the air at an alarming speed.

In the air, in the face of a large number of broken rocks that the bad frogs flew up from the ground, the scorpion controlled its wings to glide flexibly, and then used acrobatics and swallowing skills to avoid the broken rocks with various difficult flying movements, and The seed of the wonderful frog is the same as the electric firefly. The scorpion and the bad frog are also a pair of training objects. One attacks and the other avoids the training. Similarly, there is a competition between the two, and the winner also has the right to take one-third of the loser. 's lunch.

"It's amazing, this man will definitely become a top trainer in the future." Looking at the morning exercise of the elves in front of him, Christie, who had just come from the temporary residence, took advantage of the information left by Shinji Ryuzaki. Na thought with a look of admiration.

To be continued...

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