Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 16: : Desert Rogue


When the morning exercise was completed, the sun was already high in the desert sky, and it was still a cloudless scene.

It is now 6:43, and the temperature of the surrounding environment is still cool, but this is only temporary. After 7:00, the real daytime desert will come again.

"Let's go, while the temperature hasn't risen yet, go to the nearby oasis as soon as possible to get drinking water for the next few days." Ryuzaki Shinji took back the Poké Ball except for Dairubi and Frog Seeds , then turned his head and said to Christina who was still tinkering with some strange potions.

The creatures of women are completely different before and after dressing up. Today's Christina has returned to the beautiful and moving appearance of the past. Like Ryuzaki Shinji, today's Christina has changed into a suit and desert. The large gauze of similar color is also covered with a khaki cloak. Even if the gauze is a little wider, it still can't hide her proud figure, so Ryuzaki Shinji, who is standing on the side, can't help but look more. a few glances.

"Well, okay, I'll clean up first." Christina nodded when she heard the words, and then quickly finished the potion she was preparing. Then, with the help of Pikexi by her side, she put the various props on the ground into different categories. into your own space bag.

"Here, Ryuzaki-sama, these are the stamina recovery potions I prepared with blue orange fruit juice and some medicinal herbs, which can effectively restore stamina, and have a certain heatstroke prevention effect. Although my combat power is limited, I can complete the logistical work. It's still alright, you and your elf have just finished training, and it's perfect to drink this potion now." Christina handed seven bottles of blue potion to Ryuzaki Shinji, and then a The face expectantly.

Ryuzaki Shinji didn't trust the stamina recovery potion that Christina sent for the first time, but after taking the double-bomb gas toxin antibody, he was not afraid of any toxins in it, so he picked up one of the bottles and squeezed it. Open the cap and pour the liquid medicine from the bottle into the mouth.

It is a medicine, it is better to say that this is a delicious juice. The rich blue tangerine fruit (also called orange orange fruit) reverberates in the mouth, and the sweet and sour taste stimulates Ryuzaki Shinji's taste buds. A bit of bitterness and coldness made Ryuzaki Shinji suddenly refreshed, and the nerves that had been tensed because of the constant meditation were relieved a little, and the body felt a lot more relaxed.

"It's a very good thing. Let's do more in the future. My elf will consume a lot of physical strength every day because of training and fighting. With these physical strength recovery potions, they can last longer." Really feeling that his physical strength has recovered, Ryuzaki Shinji nodded to Christina to express his approval of the efficacy of the potion, and then released the elves again, and distributed the remaining physical recovery potions to the elves one by one.

Except for the frog seeds, which may have been delayed in drinking the potion because they hated the sweet and sour taste, the other elves drank the potion in the bottle very simply. Among them, Darubi and Scorpio licked their mouths with their tongues. Enjoy the look of your face.

The medicine that Christina had prepared was obviously developed for the elves, and the effect on the elves was obviously better than that of Ryuzaki Shinji. The mental state of the six elves was much better than when they just finished training.

"That's great, both Ryusaki-sama and the elf like to drink it very much (ignoring the protest in the eyes of Frog Seeds), it seems that the formula I improved last night is correct, I am indeed a genius, I will follow this formula in the future. The stamina recovery potion is ready." Seeing that Ryuzaki Shinji and most of his elves didn't resist her potion, Christina burst into laughter.

"......" Ryuzaki Shinji and the other elves heard this, and the eyes of Christina suddenly turned a little bad.


A few minutes later, Ryuzaki Shinji and others set off from the Gobi to start a new day's foraging trip. The first stop was the nearby oasis.

Ryuzaki Shinji started walking along the route of the oasis near him in front of him. Although he has left a hidden spiritual coordinate in the oasis, as long as he reaches the oasis within two kilometers, he can take it with him through teleportation anytime, anywhere. Christina and the others arrived at the oasis, but he was unwilling to do so, because doing so would lose the meaning of exercise. Walking and enduring the scorching sun were also part of daily physical training.

The desert in the morning is more lively than at noon. Just after Ryuzaki Shinji and others walked out of the Gobi for a short distance, wild elves hidden in the sand attacked.

The word food is relative. For the strong, any creature can be used as food. Ryuzaki Shinji and others usually use wild elves as food, but they are also regarded as a delicious meal by wild elves. What about food.

A rogue crocodile and a three-headed crocodile who had just woken up from the sand found Ryuzaki Shinji and his party with the help of special eyes. When they found that they were just some creatures with a breath lower than their own, these sandy crocodiles had not eaten breakfast. The crocodile suddenly turned hideous, and after looking at each other, they immediately hid their breath and ambush.

Rogue crocodiles and crocodiles belong to desert crocodile elves. As elves with evil attributes, sand crocodiles are very ferocious and cunning creatures. They belong to rogues and rogues who walk in the desert. They usually like the most. The way to hunt is to hide in the sand, and then use eyes that can sense the heat of objects to find creatures to attack.

When Ryuzaki Shinji and others gradually approached the sand where they were on defense, the rogue crocodile and the three-headed crocodile suddenly flew out of the sand and attacked Ryuzaki Shinji and others from four directions, front, back, left, and right.

It is the cunning sand crocodile's favorite thing to give priority to attacking the weakest prey. The rogue crocodile who appeared from behind Ryuzaki Shinji and others immediately set his hunting target on Christina, and saw the human for the first time. Although the rogue crocodile was stunned by the special creature in front of him, he believed in his years of hunting intuition and experience. A big mouth exuding strong evil energy bit Christina's head, and the smashing skill was activated.

The three-headed crocodiles also cooperated with their boss very well. One of the hands condensed the energy of the ground system and slapped the ground, and used the quicksand **** move to create quicksand, and beat Ryuzaki Shinji and others together, and the remaining two were used separately. He split tiles and fire teeth, and then attacked Derubi and Frogseed who were guarding the two of them from left to right.

With an exquisite sneak attack and cooperation, it showed the rich hunting experience of the rogue crocodile and the gangster crocodile, and directly blocked all the escape routes of Ryuzaki Shinji and others.

"Yeah!" Although Shinji Ryuzaki was reminded by telepathy, Christina screamed in fright in the face of the ferocious rogue crocodile who suddenly rushed towards her.

A black chain wrapped around the rogue crocodile's body from an obscure angle. Immediately afterwards, Darubi appeared in front of Christina like a prophet, and then slammed the rogue crocodile into the sky with a swoosh like a god. The deception move was successfully launched. .

"咻咻" two air-breaking sounds appeared in an instant, and the two crocodiles that rushed over from the left and the right only saw the afterimage of a green whip, and then the vine whip that was drawn out like lightning by the seeds of the wonderful frog was violently swept away in the next second. go out.

"Ka Ka Ka" after a short fight, I felt the pain coming from my body, and the rogue crocodile just stood up from the sand and immediately knew that it had hit hard scum~www.readwn.com~ and immediately sent out a message to the three subordinates There was a cry indicating a temporary retreat, and then he burrowed into the sand under his feet without looking back.

Seeing that the boss retreated so spinelessly, the remaining three crocodiles were in a hurry. After looking at each other, they immediately fled in three directions, and similarly quickly burrowed into the sand in front of them.

The sand crocodile is indeed a sand crocodile. Before Ryuzaki Shinji and the others could react, he had already run away without a trace, and he really came and went in a hurry.

Seeing that the four sand crocodiles were so spineless, they went straight into the sand and ran away. Ryuzaki Shinji, who was waiting for the four sand crocodiles to counterattack and continue to train Dairubi and Frog Seed, suddenly sank, and directly A khaki-yellow Pokeball came out of him.

"Come out, Scorpio, it's time to show the results of the training ground in the past few days, and use the most powerful earthquake to force these four bullies out." Ryuzaki Shinji came out of the Poké Ball just now. Scorpio said loudly.

To be continued......() "Pokemon Dark Giant" only represents the author's opinion, if you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it Handling, the stand is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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