Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 17: : Reverse

A white light was released from the khaki-yellow elf ball, and the next second, the figure of Scorpio soared in mid-air. Following Ryuzaki Shinji's order, Scorpio's whole body was bathed in a layer of khaki-yellow light, and a beautiful return appeared in the air. Rotating behind him, he immediately cast a rapid drop from the sky, like a khaki meteor, and the Scorpio fell heavily into the sand below.

"Boom~~" In an instant, a circular dent with a depth of about 10 meters and a depth of 5 meters appeared on the sand. Then, a khaki energy wave spread around the place where the scorpion fell. Come, where the energy fluctuations passed, there were bursts of strong shaking of the earth, and a small-scale earthquake appeared in an instant.

After a few seconds.

"Bang bang bang bang" four figures jumped out from the surrounding sand that was shaking violently. They were the rogue crocodile and the three-headed crocodile who were desperately escaping from the ground. When they returned to the ground, they were seriously injured and fell powerless. On the sandy ground, at this time, their skins were all torn apart, and a lot of blood flowed from their bodies, together with a lot of mud and sand on their bodies, they looked extremely embarrassed.

Due to the use of burrows to hide in the ground, the four sand crocodiles have to bear double the damage of the earthquake. In addition, the earthquake causes the sand and rocks below to be squeezed, and the damage they suffer is far more than that.

The earthquake that Scorpio used with all his strength to use the power of the sky directly severely injured the four sand crocodiles, and made them not far from death.

"Good job, go and get rid of them all." Seeing that Scorpio's earthquake can have such a powerful power, Ryuzaki Shinji nodded in satisfaction and praised, and then ordered him to repair the four sand crocodiles. .

"Scorpion scorpion~~" was praised by Ryuzaki Shinji, Scorpio was very happy, and let out an excited cry, the spring-like scorpion tail pushed **** the ground, and the scorpion took advantage of the strength to spread its wings again, and then went to the nearest one. A sand crocodile quickly approached.

As a special Scorpio who is addicted to poison, he is also highly poisonous, and the various poison-type moves that he can learn can be mastered as easily as drinking water and eating. The Scorpion quickly approaches the target from the air, sharp The double pliers released a rather condensed poison-type energy, and then, crossed his hands on his chest, and a cross poisonous blade fell from the sky like the sky cross fist of Nanwu (the character in Dragon Ball).

Feeling the strong murderous intent from the sky, the crocodile lying on the ground wanted to stand up in order to gain a chance of survival. Unfortunately, when he tried his best to stand up, the Scorpion's crossed poisonous blade and a heavy blow hit him. A purple cross mark appeared on the back of the crocodile, and this cross mark took the life of the crocodile like a death mark.

With the help of the reaction force of the collision between the two, Scorpio once again flew high in the air in a beautiful maneuver, and then continued to hunt down the next target.

Soon, Scorpio continued to hunt and kill the remaining two crocodiles with the cross poisonous blade that fell from the sky. Now, the rogue crocodile is the last target to hunt.

After all, the rogue crocodile is still a rogue crocodile. As the leader of these three crocodiles, his strength is also outstanding. With the strength close to the quasi-day king, he did not completely lose his ability to fight because of the double earthquake damage. After the death of one of his subordinates, the fear of death and the rage accumulated in his heart made this leader-level elf lose his mind for a while, and the weak dragon bloodline in his body was also stimulated.

"Roar~~" The rogue crocodile let out a roar similar to that of a giant dragon, the vertical pupils in his eyes became extremely scarlet, and his whole body exuded a kind of coercion similar to that of a giant dragon, and a powerful dragon force was continuously flowing from his body. It spewed out, and then, the rogue crocodile began to frantically destroy everything in front of him, and the rogue crocodile entered a state of inverse scales.

"Bang bang bang bang bang~~" The rogue crocodile who fell into the reverse scale state suddenly increased its combat power, and the surrounding rocks were ruthlessly destroyed. After he raised his head and saw the scorpion hovering in the sky, this state broke out even more. Ultimate, he kept jumping from the ground into the air, wanting to attack Scorpio, but unfortunately, Scorpio kept a distance from the rogue crocodile very rationally at this time, and did not choose to confront him.

"This kind of familiar coercion shouldn't be wrong. It's unexpected to wake up at this time. The power of the giant dragon is still so powerful. Although it is only a period of time, the coercion of this intensity can already be Comparable to the quasi-king elf, Scorpio, don't have to fight hard, this rogue crocodile is in a state of reverse scale, now you are not his opponent, just drag him like this, he will not be able to maintain this state for long." At a distance of hundreds of meters, Ryuzaki Shinji could feel the powerful power that suddenly erupted from the rogue crocodile. After thinking about it, he understood the state of the rogue crocodile at this time, and immediately ordered Scorpio to keep a distance from the rogue crocodile by telepathy. .

"Hohohoho~~" The rogue crocodile couldn't reach the Scorpion in the sky, and kept yelling in anger. When he fell from the sky, he accidentally saw Ryuzaki Shinji and Christie who were 100 meters away. Na, the rogue crocodile who had nowhere to vent his anger immediately shifted the target of his attack to Ryuzaki Shinji and Christina.

The distance of hundreds of meters is only a matter of five or six seconds for the rogue crocodile that enters the reverse scale state at this time. With the rolling sand and dust, the rogue crocodile wrapped in amazing dragon-type power has a terrifying murderous aura towards Ryuzaki. Shinji and the others rushed over, those scarlet eyes emitting a very conspicuous red light even in the daytime, obviously with a posture of tearing Ryuzaki Shinji and the others into pieces.

"Okay, so scary." Feeling the terrifying murderous aura coming from the rogue crocodile, Christina turned pale with fright, released Pico West to protect herself, and then hid behind Ryuzaki Shinji.

"Hmph, what are you afraid of, after all, it's just a beast that loses its mind, don't be afraid of him, since he wants to die early, then let him be done, the seeds of the wonderful frog will use paralysis powder, and the scorpion will use the wind to blow the paralysis powder to the rogue crocodile. Darubi is on standby, ready to use deceptive skills to solve the opponent at any time." Unless he kills the creature in front of him, he will never die. This is what the elf in the reverse scale state has to do, knowing that only two legs can't do it. Ryuzaki Shinji, who escaped the pursuit of the rogue crocodile, chose to confront the rogue crocodile head-on.

Ryuzaki Shinji issued an order, and the three elves quickly executed it. Some yellow powder was released from the plant seeds on the back of the seeds of the frog. Use the strong wind to blow the numbing powder on the rogue crocodile that is running fast.

In the face of the paralysis powder blowing over, the irrational rogue crocodile did not avoid dodging at all, and continued to charge with murderous intent. Therefore, he inevitably inhaled some paralysis powder. When he was about to walk in front of Ryuzaki Shinji and others , the effect of the paralysis powder began to take effect, the rogue crocodile's movements suddenly became a little stiff, and the movement speed suddenly dropped.

Taking this opportunity, a slender black energy chain flew out from Darubi's body, and then wrapped around the rogue crocodile. The deception skill condition was completed. In an instant, a power that was not weaker than the rogue crocodile suddenly emerged from Darubi's small body. burst out.

"Ouch~~" Dairubi let out a huge roar, then accelerated with a stride, and swooped at the rogue crocodile aggressively.

"Roar~~" The rogue crocodile roared, and the dragon energy on his body exploded in full, and he was not afraid to have a head-on collision with Darubi.

The stronger the opponent's strength, the stronger the strength of Darubi.

Finally, an energy giant crocodile wrapped in dragon energy and an energy hellhound wrapped in evil energy appeared in the desert.

The two sides clashed violently.

The two forces were almost equal, and both wanted to suppress the other, but in the end, they were unable to do so. In the end, two black shadows flew out from the energy circle formed by the intersection, and then fell heavily to the ground.

With a sound of "bang~", the out-of-control energy exploded, creating a huge explosion, and a large crater appeared on the sand.

The end result is.

Both lose.

Rogue Crocodile and Derby are incapacitated at the same time.

To be continued......

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